中文名: 動態網頁編輯器
英文名: Dynamic HTML Editor
資源格式: 安裝包
版本: v5.5.37
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Lorenzi Davide
地區: 意大利
語言: 英文,多語言
軟件介紹Dynamic HTML Editor 一款可用於 HTML,ASP, PHP, CFM 和 JSP 網頁編輯器。
你可以在網頁文件中穿插 JPG,JPEG, BMP, WMF,EMF, RLE, PNG, TGA, TIF,TIFF, ICO, PCX, PCD 和 PSD 格式文件。支持文件插入和遞歸,你能夠到標簽多處聯系事件,圖片。DHE 編輯能夠管理和產生支持多的顏色,格式,字體,事件和背景顏色的復雜的標簽。
Create your site in minutes!Dynamic HTML Editor is a powerful HTML (website design) Editor that permits you to create your site in a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment using both CSS and/or tabled layouts. Dynamic HTML Editor's design emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. You'll find that you can create great looking websites almost instantly with virtually no learning curve!
Also great for creating server pages (asp, jsp, php, cfm, ...)!
Major features100% WYSIWYG, no need to know HTML/XHTML code
Dynamic HTML Editor is a WEB page editor 100% WYSIWYG, simply play with your mouse and create pages compatible with all browsers (W3C compliant code)!
No need for other software
You can edit and rotate/resize images, apply 55+ effects, create shapes, apply stencils to images, manage transparency, create stylesheets, slide shows, publish your site to the internet in a click.
Reuse your work
You can import pre-made HTML pages into Dynamic HTML Editor in a very simple way!
Dynamic HTML Editor includes quality templates and there is a section in this site where you can find some others.
Multilanguage support
What about working with your native language? See Ini Translation Utility.
Dynamic Web Page Creation
You can create beautiful menus, rollover-rollclick effects, play/stop music, launch javascript functions and much more!
有關什麼是雲端,雲端版的技術特點是什麼,請看這裡:http://www.VeryCD.com/groups/daruanjian/790044.topic。軟件類型: 網絡軟件-網頁制作
軟件性質: 無插件綠色軟件 / 共享軟件
應用平台: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
資源發布: 大軟件分享基地