中文名: Google 自動翻譯工具專業版
英文名: Google Translate Client Pro
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v5.1.551 英文
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Alexey Iljin
地區: 大陸,美國
語言: 英文
應用平台:windows all
Client for Google Translate Pro 是一個功能與靈格斯和StarDict等免費翻譯軟體功能類似但卻簡單得多的翻譯軟體。 它整合了Google Translate與維基百科兩個網站所提供的資源(它不是Google出的軟體,而是取用Google的資源而已),以自動化的鍵盤快速鍵讓我們快速取得單字、段落文章的翻譯內容,更可支援IE、Firefox、Google Chrome...等浏覽器,以「翻譯按鈕」的方式讓我們邊看文章、邊看翻譯,省去反覆復制、貼上等動作。
Client for Google Translate提供三種執行翻譯的方法,分別是按「Ctrl」+「Ctrl」快速鍵執行翻譯、浏覽器裡的翻譯按鈕,與一般軟體視窗中的即時翻譯模式,可依自己的需求選擇執行方式。
(文 by 重灌狂人)
Google Translate Client Pro 5.1.551 Software | 2.47 Mb
Google Translate is one of the most popular computer-aided translation services, however, using an online-translator for text translation is inconvenient: you have to launch the browser, open the website, copy and paste the text, select the language... Too time-consuming! Now you can translate web-pages, electronic mail and other documents without opening online-translation sites and buying expensive bulky programs. This free translator is always at hand – you simply need to select the text with your mouse!
The translator features:-
- Immediate translation of the selected text
- More than 50 languages, automatic language detection
- Search of Articles from Wikipedia (Pro)
- Free XDXF dictionary support (Pro)
- Shortcut keys to open the translator
- "Suggest a better translation" function
- Automatic checking for updates and news
- Learning foreign words (Pro)
Upgrade to Pro
Learning foreign words
Learner - is a desktop gadget for effective learning foreign words and phrases. With Learner you can improve your memory skills and improve foreign vocabulary at the same time.
Supports Wikipedia
Client for Google Translate Pro enables you to obtain various terms and other useful information from Wikipedia as quickly and easily as the text translation. You simply need to select the term and click on the W icon. A Wikipedia extract will open in a pop-up window under the cursor!
Supports free XDXF dictionaries
XDXF (XML Dictionary eXchange Format) – a project comprising all of the existing open dictionaries.
With the dictionaries installed you can not only obtain the full-text translation, but also dictionary definitions of the selected text (even if there is no internet connection). The translator supports transcription if there is one in the dictionary base. The maximum number of installed dictionaries is not specified. You can download dictionaries from the XDXF project website. Download the dictionary, decompress the .xdxf file. Then select ‘Install Dictionaryâ™ from the program menu. Select your .xdxf file at the opening dialogue and click on the ‘Install Dictionaryâ™ key to launch the installation. The installation can take several minutes depending on the dictionary size and the computer capacity.
Installation :-
1. Unpack
2. Install
3. Use Patch
4. Enjoy it !!!!!!!!
100% Clean
安全檢測軟件:Avast! 免費殺毒軟件 6.0.1125
測試系統:Windows 7