中文名: 遠程服務器連接工具
英文名: ExpanDrive
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v1.8.4 For windows
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: ExpanDrive
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
應用平台: 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, 7, Server 2008 R2 (x86 & x64)
ExpanDrive 就像一個插入對到Mac的USB插件。在你最喜歡的節目中,打開,編輯,保存文件到遠程電腦上,即使他們是在半個地球遠的服務器上。ExpanDrive 通過透明連接到遠程數據提高了每一個應用程序在你的電腦上的。
ExpanDrive is an easy-to-use SFTP client for Windows that allows access to your SSH server just like a USB hard drive connected directly to your PC. You can browse remote files from within My Computer and save and edit directly from within your all existing applications like Word or Excel. It enhances all existing applications by providing secure drive to access to Linux & Unix directly over SSH - no additional configuration necessary. It just works.
Key Features:
· Access remote files within any application
· Add SFTP to Explorer
· Reconnect with grace
· Ridiculously Simple — it just works
What's New:-
· Renamed SftpDrive to ExpanDrive for Windows
· Support for Windows 7 and Vista x64
· Fixed major issue where Windows Explorer would sometimes crash while SftpDrive was loaded
· Dramatically improved performance of interaction+save with all MS Office Applications
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°² ²² proudly presents... moqui
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² ²± ±² ²
°²² ²² ExpanDrive v1.8.4 ²² ²²°
²²²²° °²²²²
°²±²±²²² ²²²±²±²°
²²²²²²°²±° cracker........: nGen team °±²°²²²²²²
²±²²²° ²± ±² °²²²±²
°²²° °±²± ² ² ±²±° °²²°
²²°° target.os......: WinALL °°²²
°²²² size...........: ²²²°
±° °²² ²²° °±
°²° ExpanDrive °²°
° ² ² protection.....: nothing ² ² °
²° °²²± release.date...: 24/12/2010 ±²²° °²
°²²² ²²° °²² ²²²°
°²±²²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²²²²±²°
° °
²²±²²²²² (program-notes) ²²²²²±²²
°±²²° °²² ²²° °²²±°
±²° ° ±²²° Opening a File in TextMate Thro °²²± ° °²±
°²² ° °²² ugh ExpanDrive ²²° ° ²²°
²²° ²²²²° ExpanDrive acts just like a USB °²²²² °²²
²²²²°° drive plugged into your PC. Op °°²²²²
°°²²²²° en, edit, and save files on rem °²²²²°°
°±² ° ±²² ote computers from within your ²²± ° ²±°
²² ²²²° favorite programs—even when the °²²² ²²
°²² ° ° ²² y are on a server half a world ²² ° ° ²²°
²² ²²²° away. ExpanDrive enhances every °²²² ²²
°²²²²²° single application on your com °²²²²²°
°²²²° puter by transparently connecti °²²²°
°²±²²° ±²² ng it to remote data. ²²± °²²±²°
²²° ° ±²²° °²²± ° °²²
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°²²²²²° °²²²²²°
°²²²° °²²²°
°²±²²° ±²² (release-notes) ²²± °²²±²°
²²° ° ±²²° °²²± ° °²²
²²² °²² 1. Install ExpanDrive ²²° ²²²
²²²° ²²²²° 2. Use our Patch Keygen °²²²² °²²²
²²²²°° 3. Enjoy this release from team °°²²²²
°°²²²² NGEN ²²²²°°
±² °²²² ²²²° ²±
²²° ° ²²²° °²²² ° °²²
²² °²±² ²±²° ²²
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°²²²²° °²²²²°
°²² ²²²°
²² °± (group-info) ±° ²²
° °±²²± ²²° °²² ±²²±° °
²²²² nGen is an another competitor on the ²²²²
±² ° 0day scene. We will try to give the best ° ° ²±
²² ° of ourselves to bring you quality. ²²
°²² ²²
²²²² We are currently looking for: ²²²²
°²²²² * 10mbits+ boxes for our exclusive ²²²²°
²²²² use ²²²²
²²² * 100mbits+ US/EU/ASiA affils ²²²
²²° * unreleased software/game suppliers °²²
²±²° ²²² * talented crackers/unpackers/key- ²²² °²±²
°²²²° °²² genners ²²° °²²²°
°²±²²± °²²²° °²²²° ±²²±²°
²²² ° °²±²²° (greetings) °²²±²° ° ° ²²²
²²²²°²±²² CPH, DFS, HS-ART, AG, Cryotik, ²²±²°²²²²
°²²²²²²²² RECOiL, uCF, RSS ²²²²²²²²°
²²° ° ° °²²
²²² ° ²²²
°±²±² ²² ²² ° ²±²±°
²²²²²² ²²²²²²
²²²±²²² ²²²±²²²
²² header°& layout by moqui^hs 2004 ²²
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