Oxygen XML editor是一款基於Java的XML編輯器,支持XML, XSL, TXT, XSD, DTD文檔,能自行校驗XML, XSL, XSD代碼,提示腳本錯誤。Oxygen能自動完成結束標簽,代碼高亮現實,支持Unicode。
Oxygen XML Editor是一款簡潔並且功能一流的集XML察看和編輯等功能為一體的軟件。由於它提供了對XML編輯特性的完整覆蓋,因此,無論在企業界還是學術界,該軟件的應用都很普及。它能工作在XML Schemas/ DTDs/Relax NG schemas和NRL Schemas.強大的轉換支持讓你不僅能編輯XSLT和XSL-FO文檔,也能把它們轉換成為你想要的如HTML/PS/PDF等文件。
<oXygen/> is the best XML editor available, with a large number of users ranging from beginners to XML experts. It is the only XML tool that supports all the XML schema languages. The XSLT and XQuery support is enhanced with powerful debuggers and performance profilers. You can use <oXygen/> XML Editor to work with all XML-based technologies including XML databases, XProc pipelines, and web services.
Specially tuned for content authors, <oXygen/> XML Author comes with a configurable and extensible visual editing mode based on W3C CSS stylesheets with ready-to-use DITA, DocBook, TEI and XHTML support, making <oXygen/> the ideal XML authoring solution.
<oXygen/> XML Editor is a cross-platform application available on all the major operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris) and can be used either standalone or as an Eclipse plugin.
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