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網站鏈接: http://www.actiprosoftware.com/products/dotnet/wpf/wpfstudio/default.aspx
Actipro WPF Studio是一套專業的WPF用戶界面控件,該控件包含了Actipro公司所有WPF控件,為您節約了將近60%的花銷比起單獨購買每個產品。
* Actipro Bar Code
是市面上第一個為Windows Presentation Foundation框架而編寫的條形碼生成工具。在系統中使用條形碼,能使得數據輸入效率跟高,甚至還能節省郵資(通過使用Postnet)。
* Actipro Navigation
是一個控件套包,包括NavigationBar, ExplorerBar, 和 Breadcrumb 控件,以及動畫風格的Expander控件,其主要用於Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)應用程序中。
* Actipro Wizard
是在Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)中創建向導對話的最佳控件,其符合Aero Wizard 與Wizard97規格。向導對話簡化了應用程序的用戶體驗,其能將復雜的任務分解為一系列簡單的步驟。
* Actipro Docking & MDI
* Actipro PropertyGrid
將功能強大的Windows Forms PropertyGrid引入了WPF應用程序,且其支持許多ComponentModel屬性,比如BrowsableAttribute, CategoryAttribute, EditorAttribute, MergablePropertyAttribute等
* Actipro WPF Shared Library
是一個通用控件庫,附以WPF .NET控件參考。其包含了許多能用於我們的工程項目的非常有用的控件以及組件。
* Actipro Gauge
是一個控件套包,包含了適用於Windows Presentation Foundation框架的環形,線性以及數字儀表控件。每一儀表控件都擁有數量眾多的可用選項,因而提供了無限可能。
* Ribbon
是一個應用了類似Office 2007用戶界面的Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)控件套包。其100%的滿足了應用一個ribbon用戶界面所需的各種可選及必需的Microsoft授權要求,而且它是目前功能最豐富的 WPF ribbon。
Actipro WPF Studio is a bundled suite of professional user interface controls and components for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
To make the bundle extremely cost effective, licenses for WPF Studio are priced to provide more than a 60% savings over the cost of purchasing all Actipro's WPF controls individually!
The company behind WPF Studio, Actipro Software, has been making top-notch Windows Forms controls since .NET was first introduced, and was the very first control vendor to release a commercial WPF control.
What is Included in WPF Studio?
The WPF Studio suite includes all of Actipro's WPF control offerings, and at a significant savings.
* Bar Code for WPF - Vector-based bar codes that scale cleanly on any type of media.
* DataGrid for WPF - Enhancements, editors integration, and themes for the MS WPF DataGrid.
* Docking & MDI for WPF - A complete docking tool window and multiple document interface solution.
* Editors for WPF - Part-based & masked edit controls, with advanced date/time picker.
* Gauge for WPF - A complete set of circular, linear, and digital gauge controls.
* Navigation for WPF - Navigation bar, explorer bar, and breadcrumb controls.
* PropertyGrid for WPF - An advanced property grid control with enormous customizibility options.
* Ribbon for WPF - Easily add an Office 2007-like user interface that meets all Microsoft specifications.
* SyntaxEditor for WPF - A syntax-highlighting code editor control and parsing suite.
* New! Views for WPF - Unique WPF controls, and panels that support fluid animated item layout.
* Wizard for WPF - Everything you need to quickly create wizard dialogs in your WPF applications.
* Shared Library for WPF - A set of common controls and useful components for WPF applications.
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