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《PHP 开发智能 IDE》(JetBrains PhpStorm)v5.0.4[压缩包]
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《PHP 开发智能 IDE》(JetBrains PhpStorm)v5.0.4[压缩包] 簡介:
"《PHP 开发智能 IDE》(JetBrains PhpStorm)v5.0.4[压缩包]"介紹


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JetBrains PhpStorm是一款智能的IDE开发工具,增加了 PHP 开发中经常使用的 PHP 命名空间和封包的支持,大大提高了代码分析能力。PhpStorm提供了必不可少的工具,如自动化重构、深层代码分析、联机错误检查和快速修复。

Intelligent PHP Editor
* PHP code completion
* PHP refactoring
* Smarty and PHPDoc support
* Quick navigation
* Language mixing (JS/SQL/XML etc.)

Advanced javascript Editor
* DOM-based/browser-specific completion
* Code navigation and usages search
* javascript refactoring
* javascript debugger

* DOM-based code completion
* Validation and quick-fixes
* Zen coding
* Show applied styles
* Extract embedded styles

Lightweight IDE
* Easy installation
* Lightning-fast startup
* Runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
* Easy project configuration — open code from anywhere and start working

Smart Environment
* Visual PHPUnit test-runner
* Support for SVN, CVS, Git, Perforce. Visual merging
* FTP and remote files synchronization
* Local changes history

Visual Debugging
* Code stepping and evaluation with built-in graphical debugger
* Breakpoints in PHP, JS, HTML
* Inspect variables, watches
* Batch code analysis

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Lightweight and Smart PHP IDE

PhpStorm is a lightweight and smart PHP IDE focused on developer productivity that deeply understands your code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation and on-the-fly error checking. It is always ready to help you shape your code, run unit-tests or provide visual debugging.

PhpStorm 5.0, a new major version of the best PHP IDE, adds more generic PHP features to the editor and also extends support for framework based projects.
PHP Editor

The old heuristic-based type inference engine is replaced with a more advanced one based on data flow analysis. This change dramatically improves PhpStorm's ability to detect variable types at any given code point, and significantly reduces the number of false positives during code inspection.

This, for instance, provides better coding assistance (e.g. completion and navigation) inside conditional constructs and other non-trivial use cases.
PHP Editor: improved code completion

PHP code editor in PhpStorm 5 understands callback references within string literals, and provides advanced assistance such as usages search and rename refactoring.
PHP Editor: callback references

PhpStorm 5.0 now transparently recognises PHAR-packaged code.
PHP Editor: recognizing PHAR-packaged code

PHP Code Quality

PhpStorm 5 shows you even more potential flaws in the editor so you can fix them before running the code. Here are the latest additions:

New set of annotations to prevent runtime errors: violation of inheritance rules, conversion to string for objects without __toString() method, __clone usage, etc.
A number of new "unused code" inspections for private methods, aliases, etc. and improved "unreachable code" detection.

PhpStorm 5 adds a built-in PSR1/PSR2, Symfony2 and Drupal compliant code formatting and lets you easily specify your own project-specific coding standards for PHP CodeSniffer.
Read more in our blog »


Keeping its main focus on PHP code quality in general, PhpStorm 5 further extends support for modern frameworks. The existing support of template engines and command-line tools is now boosted with a more high-level feature: a new MVC view for Symfony2 & Yii frameworks.
MVC view for Symfony2 project

With PhpStorm 5, developers using Symfony2 in their projects can easily check how well their code meets the Symfony2 coding standards.
Symfony2 Code styles


SQL and Databases support in PhpStorm 5 gets many large and small new features, including:

Live database schema refactoring (rename table/column, drop table/column, new table/column + DDL export)
Generation of schema migration scripts
Export query result to file or clipboard as CSV, TSV, HTML, SQL INSERTs, or SQL UPDATEs
Editing of stored procedures
Improved SQL completion, and other enhancements

HTML, JavaScript, CSS (WebStorm 5.0 features)

WebStorm is a lightweight IDE for front-end web developers, but all its functionality for HTML/JavaScript/CSS authoring is also available in PhpStorm and below are some details on what is new in PhpStorm 5.0.
Live HTML/PHP/CSS/JS Editing Preview

The new Live Editing Preview in WebStorm 5.0 saves you lots of time and key presses. Open a page in the editor and the browser (works only in Google Chrome at this time) so you can see both, and activate the Live Edit feature. Start editing the code and see the changes immediately in the browser even while you are going through the list options in code completion popups. WebStorm auto-saves your changes, and the browser smartly updates the page on the fly, showing your edits. Read more in our blog »
WebStorm — Live Edit

Other Front-end Related Improvements

Google Closure Compiler JSDoc annotations support.
Improved speed and quality of JavaScript code completion. New middle-matching, improved case sensitivity, and sorting of results.
Lots of improvements for Sass/SCSS: better code completion, navigation, code formatting and support for advanced constructs.
Initial Jade templates support.
JSTestDriver tests debugging.
Project-level JS libraries and a lot more…

Read more about what's new in WebStorm 5.0 »

IDE General

In addition to changes for specific technologies, there are many generic changes that will affect every IDE user. Here are some of them:

The ability to run another run configuration or external tool as "before run" action.
External merge tools are now supported. Configure it under IDE Settings | External Diff Tools.
'Recent files' popup is now much more powerful, with a new ability to navigate to IDE tool-windows.
'Find usages' action now works without a modal dialog.
FTPS support added to deployment routines.




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