中文名: 數據三維可視化工具英文名: Ceetron.GLview.Inova資源格式: 壓縮包版本: v8.3.11發行時間: 2010年制作發行: Ceetron AS地區: 挪威語言: 英文簡介:
Ceetron GLview Inova: 強大的數據三維可視化工具
GLview Pro是一種先進的三維演示程序,可以通過強大的三維可視化和交互動畫的方式來更有效地演示和共享分析數據。通過使用GLview Pro來提高分析數據顯示和分析數據傳遞的方式,可以在CAE項目中提高生產效率並節省相當可觀的時間。
▲ 強大的顯示功能,與PowerPoint, Word, IE和AVI或MPEG電影播放程序完全兼容
▲ 廣泛的後處理功能
▲ 與內部自編程序代碼容易集成
▲ 跨平台的軟件
▲ 包含兩個模塊:GLview Plug-in和GLview Express
官方網站 http://www.ceetron.com/en/glview_inova1.aspx
GLview Inova
3D Visualization software
Increase the understanding of analysis data with GLview Inova.
GLview Inova is a modern, fully featured post-processor and 3D visualization tool with direct file interfaces to all the major CAE software systems on the market (E.g. Abaqus, Ansys, I-deas, Fluent, Femap, etc.). This combined with an extensive set of features for both structural mechanics and fluid dynamics post-processing and ease of use makes it at great all-purpose software tool for engineers in the CAE community.
GLview Inova has fantastic graphics performance for both single state inspection and animations, making it a great tool for post-processing and 3D visualization of very large analysis files.
3D Viewing tools
The GLview Inova software suite includes support for the best tools for presentation, sharing and communication of analysis results; GLview Express and GLview 3D Plugin. These free 3D viewing tools enable interactive viewing in MS PowerPoint, MS Internet Explorer or in a stand-alone application.
GLview Inova can be used as is, or as a basis for further customization to meet special needs. GLview Inova runs on Windows and Linux platforms (32bit and 64bit) with a unified look and feel.
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____|_______________________ |________| _______________________|____
___| | | |___
/|_|__|_ GLview Inova 8.3.11 x64 _|__|_|\
| | Ceetron | |
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| .. |
| 0-0419xx.zip .. filename : : type ...... util |
| January 15, 2010 ...... date : : language .. english |
| Windows ........ os : : disks ..... 16 |
| |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
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| description |
.:. .:.
:.:. GLview Inova is a modern, full-blown post-processor - .:.:
`..: ready to use with all major CAE software systems on the :..'
market. GLview Inova is designed for engineers in the CAE
community. It can be used as is, or as a basis for further
customization to meet special needs. GLview Inova is built
entirely on the GLview Visualization API and the GLview
Express Writer API, and it runs on Windows and Linux
platforms with a unified look and feel. Direct file
interfaces to all the major CAE systems are integrated.
__ __
; | Unpack and install. | ;
___| Use the keygen to make a serial. |___
/|_| Enjoy. |_|\
|_| |_|
. | | .
:... .. .. ...:
.:.:..: :.: Quality over Quantity! :.: :..:.:.
: __ __ :
--- ----- `. ------------ | | ------------ .' ---- ----
\__________________________ | _________________________________/
| :::: | teamnull at inbox dot lv
| :::: |