² ° 1. Unpack & Install ... ° ² °
² °²±² ° 2. Replace ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° com.aptana.ide.professional.licensing_1.2.1.019949_200811212258.jar ° °± in the plugins folder with patched one ±° ° ±
±° 3. Use KeyMaker (java -jar aptakeymaker.jar) °± °
²² ²² 4. Have Fun !!!
Aptana Studio Pro
Aptana Studio Pro is the same as Aptana Studio except you get all the features below plus priority support as well as early access to new features and builds. Aptana Studio comes with a free 30 day trial of the Pro features set. If you find the Pro features useful purchase Aptana Studio Pro. Otherwise, just keep using Aptana Studio for free.
² °°°±±°±² ,,T..E..A..M°...D..V..T.,, ²±°±±°°° ²
²²²² ²²²² ±
°°±°° ² ....P R E S E N T S.... ² °°±°° °
²°° °±±° ±²± ±²± °±±° °°²
²²±°°° ² ° ° ² °°°±²²°
°²²²±±±² Aptana Studio Professional v1.2.1.020234 Incl KeyMake ²±±±
²²² ²² Released on 03/04/09 for exclusive usage by ²² ²²²
²² ° members of the release scene. This isnt something ° ²²
° ² ° to share with your school mates and not for sale. ° ² °
² °²±² ° Go and ask mommy to buy this app if you like it! ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° ° ±²²²
° °± Company ..: Aptana ±° ° ±
±° Url ......: www.aptana.com °± °
²± ±° ° ±
±° ² ² ±± Release Information ²± ² ² °± °
²² ²² ²² °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° Aptana Studio is the premier IDE for Today's Web ° ² °
² °²±² ° offering integrated language support for HTML, DOM, ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° JavaScript and CSS, embedded development platforms ° ±²²²
° °± and databases for PHP, Jaxer, Ruby on Rails, and ±° ° ±
±° Python. Plus support for emerging platforms that °± °
²² ²² use Ajax like Adobe AIR and Apple iPhone. Aptana ²² ²²
²²² ²² Studio is free, open source software based on the ²² ²²²
²² ° Eclipse tools platform. ° ²²
° ² ° ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Ajax, HTML, DOM, CSS ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° Studio's support for Ajax is state-of-the-art °± °
²² ²² providing savvy JavaScript code completion and ²² ²²
²²² ²² debugging, HTML/CSS/JavaScript code assist, and ²² ²²²
²² ° support for all the leading Ajax libraries. Aptana ° ²²
° ² ° Studio even provides code assist for any JavaScript ° ² °
² °²±² ° in your page -- including your own! ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° PHP, Jaxer, Ruby on Rails, Python ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° Pick your platform. Studio provides built-in °± °
²² ²² servers, code assist, page previews, debugging and ²² ²²
²²² ²² more for PHP, Jaxer, Ruby on Rails, and Python. ²² ²²²
²² ° Cloud Integration ° ²²
° ² ° ° ² °
² °²±² ° Integration with the Cloud connects you to managed ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° development, testing and staging services, plus ° ±²²²
° °± scalable production environments for Jaxer, PHP, ±° ° ±
±° and soon Ruby on Rails and Python. °± °
²² ²² Streamlined Development Process ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° Aptana Studio simplifies the development process. ° ²²
° ² ° The database perspective, variety of source control ° ² °
² °²±² ° plug-ins, an integrated FTP client (SFTP and FTPS ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° available in Studio Pro), and single-click browser ° ±²²²
° °± previews for Firefox, IE and Safari all make life ±° ° ±
±° much easier. °± °
²² ²² Based on Eclipse ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° Aptana Studio is based on Eclipse. That means you ° ²²
° ² ° can plug it into Eclipse itself, or other ° ² °
² °²±² ° Eclipse-based IDEs. You can also run a standalone ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° edition of Aptana Studio which bundles in Eclipse ° ±²²²
° °± 3.2, so that you can then extend Studio with other ±° ° ±
±° Aptana plug-ins or other plug-ins for Eclipse. °± °
±° ° ±
±° ² ² ±± Install Notes ²± ² ² °²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° 1. Unpack & Install ... ° ² °
² °²±² ° 2. Replace ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° com.aptana.ide.professional.licensing_1.2.1.019949_200811212258.jar ° °± in the plugins folder with patched one ±° ° ±
±° 3. Use KeyMaker (java -jar aptakeymaker.jar) °± °
²² ²² 4. Have Fun !!! ²² ²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° You got something to offer like ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° * supplies (either ISO or DDL) ° ±²²²
° °± * cracking skills ±° ° ±
±° * pizza °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² and want to join the only scene family in existance? ²² ²²²
²² ° Then just ask around on IRC (maybe even your girl- ° ²²
° ² ° friend may know one of our council members, be it ° ² °
² °²±² ° the one or the other way...) and lets see if you ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° fit into one of our open positions! ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° °± °
²² ²² Signed, ²² ²²
²²² ²² - TEAM DVT - ²² ²²²
° °°° °
° (( nFO layout by ixlover / buddha ))
°²²²±±±² Aptana Studio Professional v1.2.5.023247 ²±±±²²²°±
±° ±²²² Incl KeyMaker and Patch ²²²± °±²
° ² ° 1. Unpack & Install. ° ² °
² °²±² ° 2. Copy cracked file into the plugins folder, and ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° overwrite. ° ±²²²
° °± 3. Use KeyMaker. ±° ° ±
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