《SQL數據庫管理工具》(Richardson Software RazorSQL)更新v5.5.0/含注冊機[壓縮包] | |
下載分級 | 软件资源 |
資源類別 | 編程開發 |
發布時間 | 2017/7/11 |
大 小 | - |
Windows (Native Installer)
For best results, use of one of the following operating systems is recommended: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008 or 2003, or Windows 2000. RazorSQL runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.
軟件簡介:RazorSQL 是數據庫查詢工具、SQL的編輯、數據庫管理工具,可以通過ODBC,JDBC連接數據庫,已經證實可以使用的數據庫種類,達到了29種.
* Added option to choose file encoding to the Export Tool
* Added option to choose file encoding to the Backup Tools
* Added option to choose file encoding to the Import Tool
* Added charSet configuration property for PostgreSQL JDBC driver
* Added charset configuration property for SQL Server jtds driver
* Added named pipe configuration property for SQL Server jtds driver
* Upgraded Oracle JDBC drivers to
* Upgraded jTDS JDBC drivers to 1.2.5
* Added backup options to editor right-click DB Tools menu
* Add exec as an SQL keyword
* Right-click on a line number in the editor now adds or removes a bookmark
* Added smart comment (control or comment /)
* Add Undo Chunk to right-click menu on editor
* Add bookmarks menu to the right-click menu on editor
* Print using browser enhancements for better translation of font size, bolds, and italics
* Added Run on Local Web Server options to the PHP, Perl, Python, and Ruby tools menus
* Added Java util for wrap selection in If
* Added Java util for wrap selection in Else
* File, Edit, and Inserts menu now have better support for lower resolutions
* View Open Editors option now makes sure it is visible on screen if resolutions were changed
* Validate the execute program processes to make sure the program actually exists
* Change scroll buffer value so that auto window scrolling does not start until cursor is closer to end of the window
* Uncomment option now takes into account all selected lines when uncommenting line comments
* All Text menu tools now perform their functions on selected text only if there is text selected
* Better handling of line break conversions when transferring files from Mac to Windows and vice-versa
* Better adherence to default operating system line break formatting rules
* Made the CSS and HTML validator results windows resizable
Bug Fixes
* Certain Results menu options getting disabled on certain types of queries when they should not be
* Sybase Database Browser not showing tables, views, or system tables when using certain roles
* Right-click on File System Browser text field not showing popup menu on Mac
* Shift down not highlighting line when the line is the last line in the editor
* Word Count character count option not factoring in multi-character line breaks for windows
* Editor status bar selected text length not factoring in multi-character line breaks for windows
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°²²²±±±² Richardson Software RazorSQL v5.1.1 ²±±±²²²°±
±° ±²²² Incl KeyMaker ²²²± °±²
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±° °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² Released on 03/18/10 for exclusive usage by ²² ²²²
²² ° members of the release scene. This isnt something ° ²²
° ² ° to share with your school mates and not for sale. ° ² °
² °²±² ° Go and ask mommy to buy this app if you like it! ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° ° ±²²²
° °± Company ..: Richardson Software ±° ° ±
±° Url ......: http://www.razorsql.com/ °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²²±°° ° ° ²²
° ² ° ±± ²²±°°° °° °² ±± ° ² °
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° °± ±² °°² ° ° ²°° ²± ±° ° ±
±° ² ² ±± Release Information ²± ² ² °± °
²² ²² ²² °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° RazorSQL is an SQL query tool, database browser, ° ² °
² °²±² ° SQL editor, and database administration tool for ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris. ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° RazorSQL has been tested on over 29 databases, can °± °
²² ²² connect to databases via either JDBC or ODBC, and ²² ²²
²²² ²² includes support for the following databases: ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° Standard Feature Set: ° ² °
² °²±² ° --------------------- ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Cache, MimerSQL, ° ±²²²
° °± Daffodil, Netezza, ±° ° ±
±° DBASE, Paradox, °± °
²² ²² FileMaker, PointBase, ²² ²²
²²² ²² Mckoi, Solid, ²² ²²²
²² ° Microsoft Access ° ²²
° ² ° ° ² °
² °²±² ° Enhanced Feature Set: ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° --------------------- ° ±²²²
° °± DB2, Ingres, Pervasive, ±° ° ±
±° Derby, InterBase, PostgreSQL, °± °
²² ²² Firebird, JavaDB, SQLite, ²² ²²
²²² ²² FrontBase, MS SQL Server, SQL Anywhere, ²² ²²²
²² ° H2, MySQL, Sybase (ASE), ° ²²
° ² ° HSQLDB, OpenBase, Teradata, ° ² °
² °²±² ° Informix, Oracle ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° ° ±²²²
° °± Features: ±° ° ±
±° --------- °± °
²² ²² -A Database Navigator for browsing database ²² ²²
²²² ²² objects. ²² ²²²
²² ° -An SQL Editor for creating SQL queries. ° ²²
° ² ° -Visual tools for creating, editing, dropping, ° ² °
² °²±² ° describing, altering, and viewing tables, views, ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° indexes, and sequences ° ±²²²
° °± -Visual Tools for creating, editing, dropping, and ±° ° ±
±° executing stored procedures, functions, and °± °
²² ²² triggers ²² ²²
²²² ²² -A robust programming editor that embeds the ²² ²²²
²² ° powerful EditRocket code editor that supports 20 ° ²²
° ² ° programming languages including SQL, PL/SQL, ° ² °
² °²±² ° TransactSQL, SQL PL, HTML, XML, and more. ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° -Export Tool - Export data in various formats ° ±²²²
° °± -Import Tool - Import data from delimited files, ±° ° ±
±° Excel files, or fixed width files into tables °± °
²² ²² -Ships with a built-in relational database engine ²² ²²
²²² ²² (HSQLDB) that is up and running out of the box and ²² ²²²
²² ° requires no end-user administration ° ²²
° ² ° -A Generate DDL Tool for generating table, view, ° ² °
² °²±² ° and index DDL. ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° -Table / SQL Query Compare tool for comparing ° ±²²²
° °± tables or queries across multiple connections ±° ° ±
±° -Database Data Search tool for searching single or °± °
²² ²² multiple database table and view data. ²² ²²
²²² ²² -Database Object Search tool for searching for ²² ²²²
²² ° database objects. ° ²²
° ² ° -Backup tools such as the Database Backup Tool and ° ² °
² °²±² ° Table Backup Tool ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° -Auto column and auto table lookup ° ±²²²
° °± -SQL Formatter ±° ° ±
±° -SQL Query builder tool °± °
²² ²² -SQL Query Scheduler tool ²² ²²
²²² ²² -Command Line Interface ²² ²²²
²² ° -PHP Bridges for connecting to MySQL, PostgreSQL, ° ²²
° ² ° and SQL Server databases remotely via PHP enabled ° ² °
² °²±² ° web servers ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° -An ASP bridge for connecting to MS SQL Server ° ±²²²
° °± databases remotely via ASP enabled web servers ±° ° ±
±° -SQL GUI Tools for generating SQL for various °± °
²² ²² operations ²² ²²
²²² ²² -Edit, delete, and insert database data with the ²² ²²²
²² ° Database Editor ° ²²
° ² ° -Works with all major operating systems including ° ² °
² °²±² ° Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and any other ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Java enabled OS ° ±²²²
° °± -Tested with Apache Derby / JavaDB, Daffodil DB, ±° ° ±
±° DB2, DBASE, Firebird, FrontBase, H2, HSQLDB, °± °
²² ²² Informix, Ingres, Interbase, Mckoi, Microsoft ²² ²²
²²² ²² Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Mimer SQL, MySQL, ²² ²²²
²² ° Netezza, OpenBase, Oracle, Pervasive, Pointbase, ° ²²
° ² ° PostgreSQL, Solid, SQLite, Sybase Adaptive Server ° ² °
² °²±² ° Enterprise, Sybase SQL Anywhere, and Teradata ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
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° °± ±² °°² ° ° ²°° ²± ±° ° ±
±° ² ² ±± Install Notes ²± ² ² °± °
²² ²² ²² °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° 1. Unpack & Install... ° ² °
² °²±² ° 2. Use KeyMaker (java -jar keymaker.jar) ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° 3. Have fun ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²²±°° ° ° ²²
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²²²± ° °±²² °±²°°²²±°°±²²°°²±° ²²±° ° ±²²²
° °± ±² °°² ° ° ²°° ²± ±° ° ±
±° ² ² ±± Group Notes ²± ² ² °± °
²² ²² ²² °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° You got something to offer like ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° * supplies (either ISO or DDL) ° ±²²²
° °± * cracking skills ±° ° ±
±° * pizza °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² and want to join the only scene family in existance? ²² ²²²
²² ° Then just ask around on IRC (maybe even your girl- ° ²²
° ² ° friend may know one of our council members, be it ° ² °
² °²±² ° the one or the other way...) and lets see if you ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° fit into one of our open positions! ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° °± °
²² ²² Signed, ²² ²²
²²² ²² - TEAM DVT - ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° ° ° ° ² °
² °²±² °± ±° ²±²° ²
²²²± °±² ° ° ²±° ±²²²
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° °°° °
° (( nFO layout by ixlover / buddha ))
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