中文名: 3D游戲開發工具和游戲引擎套件
英文名: Unity3D
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 2.6.1破解版
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Unity Technologies
地區: 丹麥
語言: 英文
Unity 2.6
True cross-platform game development, optimized.
Load Better
Major streaming and loading features and optimizations that we implemented for major games like Cartoon Network's FusionFall MMO have now been fully integrated in Unity 2.6. Chief among these features is support for prioritized background loading of new scenes and assets, while using minimal CPU and memory.
Run Faster
You not only want to make great games, you want screaming performance. Our new profiler makes it easy to see where your are spending resources, what scripts are running, and where the graphic bottlenecks lie. The profiler shows a frame-based overview, and a hierarchical CPU profiler, giving you the big picture and the ability to drill down to see the details.
Look Sharper
Your game should look as sharp as it possibly can! Image effects now work perfectly with anti-aliasing, and we added ambient occlusion as a built-in feature. Shadow map rendering was also greatly optimized so you can get all the graphical goodness you expect.
Animate Everything
With Unity 2.6 you can animate any property using our state-of-the-art integrated animation editor. You can animate objects, materials, lights, script values, the whole enchilada. Refined tangent handling gives you full control. Want to tweak your game code to match animations? No problem – simply activate scripts from your animations so that everything syncs perfectly.
Project Search
Ever wondered where that stone texture was, needed to find a quick script? With Unity 2.6, we have a built-in search feature for your project - simply type the name of the file in the project window and see the live-updated results.
A Better Citizen
Unity has always been about integration. In version 2.6, we added support for external version control to Unity Pro — so you can use Subversion, Perforce, Bazaar or any other VCS out there. We also added full integration with Visual Studio — Unity will now automatically sync a VS project to your source code so you have all files in your solution and IntelliSense configured for you.
Placing lots of objects? We didn't just add loads of big features, but also added lots of spit-polish to the editor. One of many things we improved was placement snapping. Set pivot mode to 'center' to place objects so that their bounding volumes rest on top of whatever is below them. Selected objects can also be snapped to grid by using the Snap Settings dialog.
Additional Features, Improvements, and Changes As always, we've added a slew of other features and optimizations... keep reading for too much detail.
功能提高及改變的詳細列表: New Graphics Features:
Anti-aliasing now just works with Image Effects (requires updating Pro Standard Assets).
Added floating point render texture support (4 channel 16 bit floating point).
Built-in method to generate Depth or Depth&Normals textures: camera.depthTextureMode.
Camera.layerCullDistances lets you specify culling distances per layer.
Anti-aliasing setting can be changed at runtime using QualitySettings.currentLevel. Editor also picks up anti-aliasing changes immediately.
Added an Is Readable setting to texture importer, so textures don't have to use up main memory if the pixels are not accessed from code.
Ability to limit supported aspect ratios in Player Settings. E.g. your game can say "I only support 4:3 and 16:10", and only matching resolutions will be shown in the resolution dialog.
Animation culling, so animations outside of the visible screen area don't have to be updated.
Image Effects work better with multiple layered cameras.
Graphics Optimizations:
Terrain & Vegetation rendering is much faster and does less memory allocations.
Compression capability for meshes and animations to improve build sizes.
Shadow rendering is faster (much less CPU overhead).
Pixel-lit lights are faster (less CPU overhead).
Applying matrix parameters to shaders is faster.
Movie playback is faster.
Improved shader loading times.
Editor Improvements:
Brush preview is shown in Terrain editing tools
Icon for standalone players can be automatically set by Unity (set it in Player Settings).
Generic List objects can be serialized and shown in Inspector.
Scene view Gizmos are not displayed for hidden layers.
There are now Development and Release web players available. The Development one includes Profiler support and is installed with the Editor as well as being available for download seperately. Auto-update and user installations use the Release webplayer.
You can now build Development and Release Standalone players. In the Build Options you can now select a Development build which will generate a player with Profiler support and debug symbols.
Terrain Editing got a bunch of hotkeys added:
Shift-Q through Shift-Y selects the tool.
Comma and Dot cycles through brushes.
Shift-comma & Shift-dot cycles through the selected detail.
All of these can be remapped in the Preferences.
Animation Editor:
New window to edit animation clips. Besides transforms, animation curves can also be created for component properties and material properties.
Animated objects instantly reflect curve edits and auto-recording automatically adds curves and keys as objects are moved or their properties changed.
Curve tangents can be auto smooth, free smooth, or each tangent can be free, linear, or constant.
Support for adding and editing animation events with automatic listing of available methods in attached script components.
Animation States in the Animation component can now be viewed in Inspector Debug mode to inspect current values.
Animation component shows animation state array in Debug inspector mode
Improved performance & responsiveness of the editor
Editor Console now automatically scrolls to end of log when scrollbar is at the end
Slightly better color preferences dialog
Generic Property inspector can now be invoked from OnInspectorGUI or is invoked by default if no OnInspectorGUI is defined.
Inspector title says "Debug" when debug mode is enabled.
Shader Inspector indicates when the shader has errors or is not supported by the GPU.
Ray Snapping improved: If pivot mode is set to center, the object gets placed so the bounding volume is resting on the snapped position. Great for companion cube placement!
Selected objects can be snapped to grid from Snap Settings dialog
Debug.Log is now thread safe when used outside of the main thread in the Editor.
Asset Pipeline Improvements:
External Version Control Systems support. This is alternative way of saving metadata in Unity Pro and can be enabled per project. When enabled, the Assets folder can now be checked into version a control systems, such as Subversion, Perforce or Bazaar, without losing import settings or references between assets.
16 bit/channel Photoshop (.psd) files can be imported now.
Support for direct importing of Cinema 4D files on Windows.
FBX importing supports Step animation curves.
AIFC audio file import support.
Updated FBX libraries to 2010.2.1, fixes some importing issues.
Support for building Asset Bundles using deterministic ID generation. This lets you create shared asset bundles that can be swapped out with different versions without requiring a full rebuild of all assets. Also lets you create two asset bundles containing assets imported differently; for example one bundle with low resolution textures and one with high resolution textures. See BuildAssetBundleOptions.DeterministicAssetBundle.
New Scripting Features:
Added a threadPriority property to the WWW class, to control decompression performance when downloading in the background.
Texture2D.GetPixels now supported on compressed textures.
Mesh.CombineMeshes() method for more efficient mesh combining.
ParticleEmitter.Simulate() method to forward-skip a particle system to some point in time.
ParticleEmitter.enabled property to pause a particle system.
Renderer.isVisible property to check if a renderer is currently on screen or not.
EditorUtility.CompressTexture() method to compress editor-generated textures.
Input.GetJoystickNames() method to get name strings of connected joystick devices.
QualitySettings.anisotropicFiltering and QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit global texture quality settings.
Generic versions of GetComponent, AddComponent etc. added for C#.
Unity version #define exposed for conditional compilation of C# scripts.
Vector3.Lerp, Color.Lerp and Vector4.Lerp are faster
Added HSVRGB color conversion functions to EditorGUIUtility
Gathered more common Editor GUI styles into EditorStyles
Added EditorGUI.PropertyField and SerializedProperty
Added SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel
Exposed a bunch SystemInfo variables (OS, CPU, RAM etc.) to scripting.
Improved Scripting Reference.
New Audio Backend:
Better overall performance and mixing quality. Lower CPU and memory usage.
100% cross-platform and software mixing (no surprises with platform specific implementations and sound hardware/drivers).
Fixed sound crackling and pops