《Jbuilder 2008 R2》(Jbuilder 2008 R2)[壓縮包],編程開發、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: Jbuilder 2008 R2英文名: Jbuilder 2008 R2資源格式: 壓縮包發行時間: 2009年04月25日地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介: 公司簡介:JBuilder是Borland公司開發的針對java的開發工具,使用JBuilder將可以快速,有效的開發各類java應用,它使用的JDK與sun公司標准的JDK不同,它經過了較多的修改,以便開發人員能夠像開發D
"《Jbuilder 2008 R2》(Jbuilder 2008 R2)[壓縮包],編程開發、資源下載"介紹
中文名: Jbuilder 2008 R2英文名: Jbuilder 2008 R2資源格式: 壓縮包發行時間: 2009年04月25日地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
1Jbuilder支持最新的Java技術,包括Applets、JSP/Servlets、JavaBean以及EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)的應用。
2用戶可以自動地生成基於後端數據庫表的EJB Java類,Jbuilder同時還簡化了EJ B的自動部署功能.此外它還支持CORBA,相應的向導程序有助於用戶全面地管理IDL(分布應用程序所必需的接口定義語言Interface Definition Language)和控制遠程對象。
3Jbuilder支持各種應用服務器。Jbuilder與Inprise Application Server緊密集成,同時支持WebLogic Server,支持EJB 1.1和EJB 2.0,可以快速開發J2EE的電子商務應用。
4Jbuilder能用Servlet和JSP開發和調試動態Web 應用。
4利用Jbuilder可創建(沒有專有代碼和標記)純Java2應用。由於Jbuilder是用純J ava語言編寫的,其代碼不含任何專屬代碼和標記,它支持最新的Java標准。
4Jbuilder擁有專業化的圖形調試界面,支持遠程調試和多線程調試,調試器支持各種JDK版本,包括J2ME/J2SE/J2EE。JBuilder環境開發程序方便,它是純的Java 開發環境,適合企業的J2EE開發;缺點是往往一開始人們難於把握整個程序各部分之間的關系,對機器的硬件要求較高,比較吃內存,這時運行速度顯得較慢。
Embarcadero Technologies 發布了 JBuilder 2008 R2,這個版本引入了多個特性,旨在增強產品的可用性和開發人員的效果。最新版本擴展了 Eclipse 3.4.1 和 Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) 3.0 提供核心java 功能。
Builder 2008 R2提供新特性包括:
• 使用smart filters 對大型項目優化建模特性
• 通過細顆粒度的自定義優化和調優 IDE 性能
• 能夠從任何java 項目的 Package Explorer窗口中直接建模
• 能夠為 EJB 2.x 和 EJB 3.0 Session Bean 生成 EJB Test Client
• 能夠為 EJB 2.x 和 EJB 3.0 Entity 生成 Beans DTO/Session Facade 和 Client
• 能夠在一個workspace 中為所有的 java 項目加標簽
JBuilder 2008 R2 同樣包含了 Java EE 程序的性能調優能力(JDBC, RMI, JSP, JNDI, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs), JMS and Web service 協議容器)。java 程序員在Jbuilder IDE 能夠快速,簡單的分析他們代碼,定位內存和CPU的瓶頸。
JBuilder® is one of the most complete and powerful Java IDE’s available with support for the leading commercial and open source Java EE 5 application servers.
Improve code quality and performance
Increase individual and team productivity
Improve comprehension of new or existing code
JBuilder’s code profiling and performance tuning tools, which include the ability to profile Web applications, enable Java developers to deliver high performing, scalable applications. With the built-in audits and metrics, you can measure the overall quality of the object design, the complexity and cohesion between objects, the extent of test coverage, and many other factors to help pinpoint potential maintenance, quality and performance issues.
To maximize developer productivity JBuilder includes several visual designers including EJB and JPA Designers enabling developers to create a visual model as they develop EJB applications and enable the creation of a Java modeling project with JPA support, a Web Services Designer which provides a visual, two-way designer for creating Axis based Web Service-enabled applications, and a Swing UI Designer for fast, easy creation of Swing-based UIs.
The UML modeling capability in JBuilder fosters better communication between developers, developer teams, and management and supports both the 1.4 and 2.0 UML specifications. And, with LiveSource® you have the added benefit of simultaneous synchronization between the code and diagrams when making changes to either one.
Key Features:
Support for leading commercial and open source Java application servers.
Visual EJB, JPA and Web services development.
Performance tuning with memory and CPU profiling capabilities.
Profile performance across JDBC, RMI, JSP, JNDI, EJBs, JMS, and Web service protocol containers.
Code coverage and analysis.
Code audit and metrics.
Swing UI designer.
UML 2.0 modeling and code archeology.
Collaborative team development with integrated tracking, source code management, project planning and continuous builds.