中文名: 軟件開發工具英文名: BASIS BBj Barista Enterprise 資源格式: 光盤鏡像版本: v9.10發行時間: 2009年制作發行: BASIS International Ltd地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
官方網站 http://www.basis.com/products/lanint/bbj/index.html
BBj 是基於 java 的商務基礎拓展(BBX)方面的最新版本。在 SCO 平台上,BASIS 功能包括了支持與新 BASIS DBMS 功能和新 BASIS IDE 集成的能力,BASIS IDE 是針對強大的應用開發的增強型的 Netbean 集成開發。
BASIS 自創辦 19 年來,已為數以萬計的軟件應用開發者,提供跨平台高級工具,用於創建領先、可靠、可擴展的經濟型商務應用。BASIS 技術是跨行業和服務的關鍵業務系統的基礎,在全球超過 170 萬最終用戶。在他們的用戶中包括了:BMW、家樂福、豐田公司等等。
BBj, the current BBx Generation
BASIS created the newest version of BBx®, the sixth generation, using Java technology. Business BASIC on Java, registered as BBj®, gives application developers the necessary tools to create modern, 21st century e-commerce and enterprise solutions.
Thoroughly Modern
As a superset of earlier versions of BBx including PRO/5® and Visual PRO/5®, BBj is compatible with legacy BBx products. BBj's base in Java allows for the use of object-oriented programming extensions. Other modern highlights include extended Structured Query Language (SQL) support, native form design capability, and support for AES 128-bit security.
Refer to BBj - BBx Enhancements and Changes in the online docs for more details about the enhancements to the PRO/5 family found in BBj.
Delivers Your Platform Choice
Developers can maintain a single version of their application that runs on virtually any hardware in most any environment. BBj GUI applications run equally well in the Microsoft Windows environment, the Linux/UNIX environment, and the Mac OS/X environment.
Supports GUI and/or Character Applications
BBj extends Java by supporting a character interface, running character applications in a thin client and in a Web browser. This means that the wealth of legacy business solutions can run as Web applications without significant development effort. BBj gives companies the flexibility of choosing to deploy their legacy character solutions unaltered as well as to deploy GUI enhanced or new GUI solutions.
Offers Stand Alone or Web Browser
BBj Thin Client runs on a stand-alone system or in a Web browser, providing fast, remote access between application and data.
Supports Three-tier Architecture
The true three-tier architecture of BBj provides flexibility in application deployment and in customization to meet specific application needs of Application Service Provider (ASP) customers. Because BBj is platform independent, developers can create ASP solutions using most existing customer hardware.
Allows Tuning for Production
Configuration options in the BBj Enterprise Manager support several features that enhance application performance in a production setting.
Protect valuable server resources by specifying the amount of startup memory the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) should use.
Increase load and open times by turning on program and resource file pinning.
Reduce traffic between the thin client and server by controlling the ACK/NAK response options.
Allows Database Independence
The BBj interpreter delivers fast direct-result-set navigational access to the native BASIS Database Management System (DBMS) along with a full library of SQL functions, which can access the BASIS DBMS and external database tables. One set of application code can support interchangeable data from any ODBC or JDBC compliant vendor. The BBj Filesystem API also makes it possible to connect to external databases using standard Business BASIC READs and WRITEs. This allows a legacy application the possibility to connect to an external data source with no SQL requirements in the application logic.
Bridge to Java
With the JavaBBjBridge, developers can call BBj directly from a Java program and exchange data between BBj and Java. In addition to integrating Java in a BBj program, it is now possible to integrate a BBj program into a Java software system.
Standard and Enterprise Editions
For a detailed listing of the current ports and revisions for these languages on the popular Windows, Linux/UNIX (*nix), and Mac platforms, see the BASIS Product Availability list. View the readme, relnotes, and product announcement for a specific BBj version.