中文名: 分布式構建管理和持續集成工具英文名: JetBrains TeamCity資源格式: 壓縮包版本: V 4.5 發行時間: 2009年制作發行: JetBrains.地區: 捷克語言: 英文簡介:
JetBrains 宣布TeamCity 4.5 正式發布,它是一個分布式的構建管理和持續集成工具。
使用 TeamCity,你能夠在幾分鐘之內為你的項目配置一個構建服務器,它內建了持續單元測試,代碼質量分析和早期的構建問題分析報告,你甚至可以在IDE進行。
TeamCity 提供平滑的學習曲線,你可以逐步的學習經它的高級特性和功能,你很快就能加強你發布管理實踐。
本次發布,在可用性作了大量的改進,更新的IDE 插件支持 CVS,另外還包括一些之前版本不具備的企業級的特性。
TeamCity 4.5 Professional 完全免費,用於小中型團隊,你可以從這裡下載 http://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/download/.
TeamCity 4.5 Enterprise 60天試用版本可以從這裡下載 http://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/download/
TeamCity 4.5 提供商業協議和個人協議,新客戶可以在線購買 TeamCity 4.5 http://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/buy/, 老客戶免費升級。
TeamCity 在構建網絡的支持下具有卓越的升級性能,通過 Java API 則具有了延展性,並且可以與多種智能磁盤設備、版本控制系統以及構建工具實現整合,因此它已經被全球各地的數百家企業所采用。作為一種解決方案,它不僅可以讓各個開發商和團隊輕松管理和優化大型構建構架下的軟件設計,還可以為他們提供應用程序,因此得到了廣泛的認可。
TeamCity 實現了程序的自動化操作、簡化了軟件的開發流程、改善了團隊的溝通、幫助了開發團隊執行靈活的方法以及其他業界最佳實踐。
JetBrains 首席執行官 Sergey Dmitriev 表示: 自從 TeamCity 誕生以來,它已經成為我們自身開發流程中的關鍵要素。JetBrains 的 TeamCity 服務器目前在一個有著50多家構建代理參與的構建網絡中提供50多種構建配置。TeamCity 具有眾多功能,例如可以迅速反饋構建進展、進行預測試的調撥、利用600多次編碼檢查分析服務器一端的編碼等等,因而大大減少了推出新功能和新產品所需要的時間。
JetBrains 簡介
JetBrains 是一家技術領先的軟件開發公司,致力於創建可提高工作效率的智能軟件。該公司因其獲獎的創新型 Java™ 集成開發環境、IntelliJ™IDEA 、面向 .NET 開發者的 ReSharper 和 dotTrace Profiler、以及持續集成和創建管理環境TeamCity而著名。JetBrains 總部位於捷克布拉格,並在俄羅斯聖彼得堡和美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓開設了研發實驗室。
What's New in TeamCity 4.5
User Groups
With new user group support, TeamCity keeps all registered users organized into groups, and allows you to assign project roles and configure notification rules not only on a per-user level, but also on a per-group level. You can also manage groups and organize their hierarchy from a web-based administration UI with flexible filtering.
Advanced LDAP Integration
Another long-awaited feature — LDAP synchronization — enables TeamCity to retrieve user profiles and group memberships from your company's directory, and to keep them synchronized with the LDAP server. There's also an option to automatically create or remove user accounts once they are found in the associated LDAP group.
Better Insight
TeamCity 4.5 comes with many usability improvements. One of the most important is the ability to group build test results by suites, packages/namespaces and classes. Once you reach the limit of tens of thousands tests in a project, this feature becomes a godsend. Other considerable improvements over version 4.0: Test Details, Problematic Tests and Change Log have now become available at the project level. This gives much better access to all project-related information, and also allows you to catch problems by comparing different build configurations.
Improved IDE and VCS integrations
All TeamCity IDE plugins have been updated to increase their stability and compatibility. The Eclipse plugin adds support for remote run and pre-tested commits with CVS, and compatibility with Perforce 2008.2. The Visual Studio plugin also introduces support for Perforce.
One more thing, we're planning to add support for Git in the TeamCity server. It's in EAP, and can now be downloaded separately as a plugin.
XML Reports Handling
From the day one TeamCity has been using sophisticated mechanisms to intercept testing tool outputs in order to provide real-time test results rendering, a unique TeamCity feature not found in any other CI system. This did, however, require a decent knowledge about the internals of all supported building tools, and sometimes led to compatibility problems with different versions or different flavors of the same tool. TeamCity 4.5 solves those problems. In addition to real-time handling, TeamCity is now able to parse raw XML reports from ANT's JUnit tasks, NUnit, Surefire, PMD, and FindBugs. This provides a fallback for getting reports in case of compatibility issues.
Mono Framework
TeamCity .NET runners are now compatible with the Mono Framework, allowing you to use Mono as your .NET platform on build agents for continuous builds. Also, build agents now automatically detect the presence of Mono in a system, so you can specify it in the build settings and build agent requirements.
More TeamCity 4.5 improvements
Assign responsibility. In addition to taking over responsibility for a broken build, you can now assign it to another person and get an automatic notification
Movable build configurations. You can now move build configurations from one project to another, keeping all build history and statistics
Download build artifacts as Zip. There's now an option to download all build artifacts as a .zip archive. This can save you a bunch of extra clicks
JVM crashes detection. If a JVM crash or Java OutOfMemory error occurs during your build, they are automatically detected, and the build summary is changed accordingly
Improved agent management. Now you can remotely reboot a build agent machine, as well as disable an agent for a specified period of time (provided you have permission to do so)
System requirements
Microsoft Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000
Intel Pentium III/800 MHz or higher (or compatible)
256 MB RAM minimum
1 GB RAM recommended
300 MB hard disk space + at least 200 MB for caches
1024x768 minimum screen resolution
安全檢測軟件:F-Secure Client Security
版本:8.40 build 128