"《企業級開發組件庫集》(Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise)v7.2.0.20 企業注冊版[壓縮包],編程開發、資源下載"介紹
中文名: 企業級開發組件庫集英文名: Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise資源格式: 壓縮包版本: v7.2.0.20 企業注冊版發行時間: 2009年制作發行: Copyright Syncfusion Inc.地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
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Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise企業級開發組件庫集
包含了Syncfusion公司Windows Forms,ASP.NET和BackOffice所有產品,其中包括Essential Grid, Essential Tools, Essential XlsIO, Essential Chart, Essential Diagram, Essential Grouping, Essential Calculate, Essential Edit, Essential HTMLUI, Essential PDF, Essential DocIO. 同時,在Essential Studio Enterprise中還包含了 Essential TestStudio,這是一個通過Mercury Quick Test Professional 進行軟件/組件測試的工具。每一個組件庫都含一套獨特實用的特性和功能。Essential Studio對Windows控件進行擴展和增強,其中包括:XP風格的控件,停靠窗體, grid控件,edit控件以及chart組件等。
添加完善的表格,分組,圖表,圖形表示,Excel報表,增強的編輯和更多的用戶界面功能到你的.NET Windows forms 和 ASP.NET 程序。Syncfusion Essential Studio 包括Syncfusion Essential Tools, Essential Grid, Essential Grouping, Essential XlsIO, Essential Diagram, Essential Chart 和 Essential Edit。 Syncfusion Essential Studio吸收了一個獨特的調試支持系統,可以從Visual Studio.NET IDE內部單擊庫的‘Debug’和‘Release’版本之間切換。動態的和功能豐富的, Syncfusion Essential Studio是一切開發者需要來創建企業級的程序。
Essential Studio包括以下組件:
Essential Tools - 強大的用戶界面控件,包含XP風格控件,停靠窗口。
Essential Grid - 完全可定制的工業標准grid控件,含類似於Excel的特性集。
Essential Chart - 表現豐富的商業圖表(chart)控件。
Essential Diagram - Essential Diagram 是一個.NET框架集,可以開發類似於 Microsoft Visio的交互式二維圖形和圖表程序;
Essential Edit - 增加了編輯功能,含語法加強功能、多級Undo/Redo等。
Essential Grouping - Essential Grouping是一個高性能分組引擎,可以分組任何數據列表。
Essential XlsIO - Essential XLsIO是一個.NET框架組件,可以讀取和寫入Microsoft Excel文件(BIFF 8 格式)。
Essential Calculate - Essential Calculate是一個完全成熟的卓越的公式引擎。它擁有超過150個常用的公式。
Essential PDF - Essential PDF是一個功能齊全的庫,可以產生Adobe PDF文件。
Essential HTML UI - Essential HTMLUI是一個100% .NET HTML顯示引擎。 它可以用來創建很靈活的用戶界面。
Essential DocIO - .NET庫,可以讀取和寫入Microsoft Word文件,與一個完全成熟的對象模式,類似Microsoft Office COM 庫。
Essential TestStudio - 使用Mercury Quick Test Professional可以自動的測試Syncfusion控件。
![IPB Image](http://www.syncfusion.com/content/en-US/products/Index/img/Product-bottom.png)
Essential Diagram
The organizational chart layout manager now supports a vertical layout (waterfall model) in addition to the existing horizontal layout. Users can specify the rank (level) from which the vertical layout must be applied.
User Guide and Class Reference
Essential Diagram’s User Guide and Class Reference have been completely revamped, providing users with a clear walk-through of features and Diagram usage.
Performance Improvement
Essential Diagram’s performance has been greatly improved. This performance enhancement offers the addition of a large number of nodes, with or without connections, within a few seconds.
![IPB Image](http://www.syncfusion.com/content/en-US/products/detail/aspnet/img/whatsnew/aspnet_Orgchart_Win_Web.png)
Essential Tools
AutoFormat support is available for UploadBox and UploadProgress controls with five predefined AutoFormat options. The Upload Progress layout and its progress style have been greatly improved. Custom skin support has also been added to these controls.
ASP.NET AJAX-Based Client-Side Object Model
All Tools controls for ASP.NET have added support forASP.NET AJAX-based client-side object model. All side API and client-side properties can be accessed with the $find(“this.ClientID”) method instead of ClientObjectID. This model makes using the client-side APIs and its properties much easier.
![IPB Image](http://www.syncfusion.com/content/en-US/products/detail/aspnet/img/whatsnew/aspnet_UplaodMain.png)
Essential Chart
Essential chart supports binding axis labels to Pie, Funnel and Pyramid charts. This feature displays data-bound labels in charts.
![IPB Image](http://www.syncfusion.com/content/en-US/products/feature/aspnet/chart/img/aspnet_ChartAxisLabelBinding.png)
![IPB Image](http://www.syncfusion.com/content/en-US/products/feature/aspnet/chart/img/aspnet-Panning.png)
Axis-Title Draw Mode
![IPB Image](http://www.syncfusion.com/content/en-US/products/feature/aspnet/chart/img/aspnet-TitleDrawmode.png)
Essential Chart now supports displaying ellipses at the end of the axis title when the title text exceeds axis bounds. This feature is supported for both primary and secondary axes.
![IPB Image](http://www.syncfusion.com/content/en-US/products/feature/aspnet/chart/img/aspnet-Toolbar.png)
Essential Chart provides support to add and customize multiple titles. Different docking styles—Floating, Left, Right, Bottom, and Top – can be specified for each title. Each custom title can be aligned to any position required. The following image illustrates two different chart titles in different positions.
Multiple custom chart legends can be added to the Chart Web Legends Collection. Different docking styles – Floating, Left, Right, Bottom, and Top – can be specified for each legend. Each custom legend can be aligned to any position as required. The image below illustrates three different chart legends within a chart.
Essential Grid Grouping
Ungroup Button
![IPB Image](http://www.syncfusion.com/content/en-US/products/detail/aspnet/img/whatsnew/aspnet_UnGroupButton.png)
The grid can be grouped using the Group button in the header. Once the grid is grouped, the Group button is hidden and an Ungroup button is displayed. This Ungroup button is displayed in the form of an image icon.
![IPB Image](http://www.syncfusion.com/content/en-US/products/detail/aspnet/img/whatsnew/aspnet_ShowLabelShowTime.png)
This feature supports defining default background and time-span colors for an appointment using the ShowLabelAs and ShowTimeAs properties. The ShowLabelAs property can be used to set the background color of an appointment and the ShowTimeAs property can be used to set the time-span color of an appointment. These features can be utilized to categorize and prioritize appointments. Customized background and time-span colors can be defined using the BackGroundColor and TimeSpanColor properties, respectively.
Category Row Events
A Category can group many Resources. This feature returns details of all resources under a category when it is selected. Since finding a specific resource among many resources under each category is inconvenient, this feature can be utilized to find a resource efficiently. An event for the Category row returns details of all the resources for the selected category. This feature has both server and client-side events for category row clicks.
![IPB Image](http://ftp.componentsource.co.jp/res/pub/lib/syncfusion/syncfusion-essential-studio-enterprise/000_full.gif)
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071309122964.gif)
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071309122932.jpg)
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071309122909.jpg)
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版本:8.40 build 128