《IntelliJ IDEA 5.1.1》(IntelliJ IDEA 5.1.1)5.1,1,編程開發、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: IntelliJ IDEA 5.1.1英文名: IntelliJ IDEA 5.1.1版本: 5.1,1發行時間: 2006年制作發行: jetbrains簡介: 1、 2、軟件名稱 :IntelliJ IDEA 3、版本號: 5.1.1 4、軟件類別:編程開發 5、語言種類:(英文) 6、系統需求:(98/2000/xp/2003) 7 已通過安全檢測(瑞星18.26.40)
"《IntelliJ IDEA 5.1.1》(IntelliJ IDEA 5.1.1)5.1,1,編程開發、資源下載"介紹
中文名: IntelliJ IDEA 5.1.1英文名: IntelliJ IDEA 5.1.1版本: 5.1,1發行時間: 2006年制作發行: jetbrains簡介:
2、軟件名稱 :IntelliJ IDEA
3、版本號: 5.1.1
7 已通過安全檢測(瑞星18.26.40)
8 已通過安裝測試 windows 5.2 3790 sp1
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IntelliJ IDEA 5.1 發布了。
被稱為是最好的JAVA IDE開發平台 包括:J2EE支持、Ant、JUnit、集成CVS。
JAVA World曾把它評為最好的java編譯環境之一,甚至要強過日食。
新版本,主要做了以下提升:更好的支持i18n,更好地支持插件開發,提升對JS和AJAX的支持, 開發了新的jsp debug模塊等等。
Enhanced i18n support
New intention actions and quick fixes for internationalizing strings, excluding string literals from internationalization, formatting properties and messages, together with auto-detection of resource bundles, smart editing of .properties files and other features appeared in 5.0 release, help developers to quickly localize applications keeping resources in a consistent state.
Improved JavaScript and Web Development support
Version 5.1 introduces a number of important improvements to JavaScript support, equipping both experienced developers and newbies with a full arsenal of features. All these improvements will help you with AJAX development as well (especially when developing AJAX libraries). Other new enhancements include new navigation, completions and refactorings, plus new Find Usages capabilities for JavaScript and (X)HTML.
New JSP debugging support
Now IntelliJ IDEA allows for configuration of source-level JSP debugging when remotely connected to IBM WebSphere 5.1 or later.
More support for plug-in developers
New actions for auto-creating new application, module, and project components, together with new inspections for validating the consistency of plug-in descriptors, make it easier than ever to begin creating custom plug-ins.
因為更好的支持了i18n,JetBrains 開發了IntelliJ IDEA 5.1的Japanese localization。5.0的用戶也可以免費升級。