《My Eclipse Enterprise WorkBench》v4.1.1,編程開發、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: My Eclipse Enterprise WorkBench版本: v4.1.1發行時間: 2006年制作發行: myeclipseide地區: 美國簡介: [已通過安全檢測] 殺毒軟件:卡巴斯基反病毒 版本:Personal Pro 5.0.390 病毒庫:2006-3-6 0:22:16 [已通過安裝測試] 作業系統:Windows XP SP2 + Eclipse [共享
"《My Eclipse Enterprise WorkBench》v4.1.1,編程開發、資源下載"介紹
中文名: My Eclipse Enterprise WorkBench版本: v4.1.1發行時間: 2006年制作發行: myeclipseide地區: 美國簡介:
版本:Personal Pro 5.0.390
病毒庫:2006-3-6 0:22:16
作業系統:Windows XP SP2 + Eclipse
共享服務器:BiG BanG 9
共享時間:AM 11:00 ~ PM 23:00
1 解壓縮crack.zip中的Keygen.class
2 打開控制台,執行java Keygen
3 輸入你想注冊的用戶名,回車即可得到注冊碼(注意大小寫)
功能豐富的J2EE集成開發環境,包括了完備的編碼、調試、測試和發布功能,完整支持HTML, Struts, JSF, CSS, Javascript, SQL, Hibernate。
MyEclipse企業級工作平台(MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench ,簡稱MyEclipse)是對Eclipse IDE的擴展,利用它我們可以在數據庫和J2EE的開發、發布,以及應用程序服務器的整合方面極大的提高工作效率。
1. J2EE模型
2. WEB開發工具
3. EJB開發工具
4. 應用程序服務器的連接器
5. J2EE項目部署服務
6. 數據庫服務
7. MyEclipse整合幫助
New in this release:
Enhanced the JavaScript Editor
- Syntax highlighting
- Integrated outline and property views
- Validation and syntax checking
- Code assist for common JavaScript
elements, functions, and variables
- Code assist documentation for functions
- Source formatting
- Toggle comments
MyEclipse JavaScript Debugger
- Integrated client-side Eclipse debugger
- Debug any web page containing JavaScript
source or included JavaScript files, or standalone JavaScript files
- Operations: Pause, Resume, Step Into,
Step Over, Step to Return Terminate
- Views: Web Browser, Call Stack, Variables
Console Views,
- Set JavaScript breakpoints in:
- JavaScript files
- HTML with embedded JavaScript and
linked JavaScript files
- JSP files
- Integrates with Eclipse Launch Manager
- Quick launch from context-menu using
Debug As
- Launch from Eclipse Debug toolbar action
- Use Launch Profile to modify launch
- Launch JavaScript resource from project
location or deployed MyEclipse
New MyUML - Sequence Diagram Support
Enhanced Spring Bean editor with an XML grid mode and a new dual mode outline view
New Spring capabilities wizard for Hibernate tools integration
Advanced visual drag and drop (from palette and snippets) capabilities
Visual Web designer zoom JSP preview localization
Enhanced hibernate support including
- Hibernate Mapping File Editor
- Hibernate Config Wizard - from Database
Explorer or manually
- Hibernate DB reverse-engineering:
- Work with multiple database tables
- Customizable global mapping policy
- Include / exclude columns
- Generate mapping files
- Automatic update of Hibernate and
Spring bean configuration files
- Generate Data Objects (POJOs)
- Generate Data Access Objects (DAOs)
- Supports user templates for all code
Advanced server management now supports quick launch or restart of the most recently launched application server
New full-featured image editor supports many of the popular features in today s photo processing software
You must download Eclipse 3.1.1 to use with the latest release. Make sure that you have JDK 1.5 installed to use the UML Modeler on Linux and 1.4.2_05+ or JDK 1.5 for Windows. Unfortunately, due to an Eclipse bug, our Mac users will not be able to access the UML capabilities.