版本: Personal Pro 5.0.227
病毒庫:2006-9-1 4:37:45
共享條件:網通ADSL 1M
共享服務器:一般在DonkeyServer No1-2
[通過安裝測試]WindowsXP SP2
MapInfo 8.5 (GIS系統專業版):
MapInfo Professional 8.5 最新發行,MapInfo Professional是目前世界上比較完備、功能強大、全面直觀的桌面地理信息系統。是一套強大的基於Windows平台的地圖化信息解決方案。使用MapInfo Professional,提供地圖繪制、編輯、地理分析、網格影像等功能。利用MapInfo提供的最佳決策支持系統,商業分析專家和GIS專家可以方便的將數據和地理信息的關系直觀的展現。它復雜而深層次的可視化地理分析功能可以幫助用戶在數據庫中不同的數據之間建立關聯,在同一個環境下顯示,並迅速揭示數據之間的關系以及易被忽視的數據模式,從而作出快速有效的決策,提高運作效率,加強競爭能力。
MapInfo Professional 世界領先的桌面地圖軟件及GIS分析系統
MapInfo Professional 8.5 新功能,新版的有些功能是廣大用戶盼望已久的:
MapInfo Professional v8.5 provides enhancements in the following areas:
• Extends support of the workgroup environment by supporting unattended installs, and option to deploy the product via
terminal services and CITRIX.
• Supports the latest business and map data formats and databases.
• Provides advanced server side data versioning.
• Offers new and enhanced data creation and editing capabilities.
• Provides greater data presentation options.
• Includes enhanced thematic analysis options.
• Provides new spatial analysis capabilities.
• Continues productivity gains with numerous usability features.
• Includes more free and updated data.