"《Borland Kylix 3 企業版及keygen光盤鏡像》(Borland Kylix 3 Enterprise)[ISO],編程開發、資源下載"介紹
中文名: Borland Kylix 3 企業版及keygen光盤鏡像英文名: Borland Kylix 3 Enterprise資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2002年制作發行: Borland Corp.地區: 美國簡介:
使用象 Borland reg; Delphi 7 Studio 這樣的工具和 IBM reg; DB2 reg; Universal Database 這樣的數據庫的優越性之一就在於,平台之間的遷移只需要進行少量更改和一次重新編譯。在 本系列文章的第一篇中,我用 Delphi 7 Studio 創建了一個連接到 IBM DB2 UDB 的應用程序,在 我的第二篇文章中,我給這個應用程序添加了更多功能,如主從復合結構(master-detail)形式的報告,以使它更有趣和有用。既然我已經創建了一個可執行的應用程序,就讓我們繼續前進並且來個大跨越,使用 Borland Kylix 3 將它從運行於 Microsoft reg; Windows reg; 上的 Delphi 7 應用程序轉變為 Linux reg; 應用程序。
利用 Kylix 3 遷移到 Linux 相當容易
Borland Kylix 3是一個用於 Linux 開發的快速應用程序環境。Kylix 使用 Delphi 7 Object Pascal(和 C++)作為開發語言,並且使用了用於 Linux 的為大家所熟悉的 RAD 環境。Borland 工具提供的最大優點之一在於,遷移一個應用程序與其說是“移植”項目,還不如說是重新編譯 Windows/Delphi(或 Linux/Kylix)項目。
當利用 Kylix 重新編譯應用程序,以將它從 Windows 和 Delphi 7 遷移到 Linux 時,有幾點必須牢記。首先,Kylix 的所有版本都包含 TSQLClientDataSet 組件,Delphi 6 也有該組件,但是在 Delphi 7 中不鼓勵使用它,並用 TSimpleDataSet 取代了它。盡管這看起來似乎不是大問題,但是一旦您意識到它是一個問題時,這就意味著只能使用 Delphi 7 編譯 TSimpleClientDataSet,而只能用除 Delphi 7 以外的其它工具編譯 TSQLClientDataSet。
將應用程序從 Windows 遷移到 Linux 涉及到獲取源文件以及將它們從 Windows 傳送到 Linux 文件系統。在 Linux 上,文件名(和單元名)是區分大小寫的,因此,如果您添加了一些自己的單元,則必須要小心(Delphi 7 將確保所有單元和文件名都是在注意區分大小寫的情況下命名的)。但是,您不必將所有項目文件都從 Delphi 轉移到 Kylix。特別是包含特定於 Windows 選項的 .cfg 和 .dof 文件。Kylix 將把這些文件作為 .conf 和 .kof 文件重新生成。簡而言之,您只需將主項目文件(.dpr 和 .res)和單元文件( .pas 和 .xfm )從 Windows 傳送到 Linux(本文使用的代碼文件可在 文章的結尾獲得)。
Linux 上的 DB2
除了在 Linux 上使用 Kylix 之外,我們還必須連接到 Linux 上的一個 DB2 版本(當然,您也可以始終與其它平台上的 DB2 數據庫連接)。一點提示:我已嘗試了使用 DB2 通用數據庫 Personal Edition v7.x,但是遇到一個錯誤消息:SQL Error: Error mapping failed。其他一些使用過 dbExpress 和 Kylix 的人已經報告了這個消息,在這種情況下,只要確保在 Linux 上使用最新的 DB2 版本(即 v8.1 beta 測試版,可從 IBM 網站下載)就可解決這個問題。
將源文件從 Windows 遷移到 Linux 後,在 Kylix 中打開項目。當打開項目並在 Object Inspector 中查看 SQLConnection 特性時,您會看到兩個特定於 Win32 而無法在 Linux 上使用的特性值:LibraryName(設置為 DBEXPDB2.DLL )和 VendorLib(設置為 db2cli.dll )。Linux 沒有 DLL;它使用 .so 文件來代替。要更改這些值,您必須先為 ConnectionName 特性選擇另一個值,然後再重新選擇 DB2Connection 作為 ConnectionName。這將把 LibraryName 設置為 libsqldb2.so.1 ,並把 VendorLib 設置為 db2cli.dll 。
好消息是當您將項目從 Windows 上的 Delphi 遷移到 Linux 上的 Kylix 時,只需更改這兩個特性。壞消息是必須手工完成。每當某個平台上進行了新的更改時就必須手工執行上述更改,這不是您希望做的。又一個好消息是,通過在窗體的 OnCreate 事件處理程序中編寫一些代碼,並將正確的值賦給 LibraryName 和 VendorLib(以及主窗體的 Caption),我們可以解決這個問題,如下所示:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Caption := Delphi 7 talking to DB2 using dbExpress ;
SQLCOnnection1.LibraryName := DBEXPDB2.DLL ;
SQLCOnnection1.VendorLib := db2cli.dll ;
Caption := Kylix 3 talking to DB2 using dbExpress ;
SQLCOnnection1.LibraryName := libsqldb2.so.1 ;
SQLCOnnection1.VendorLib := libdb2.so ;
注:我們不能簡單地在第一個 { IFDEF} 之後添加 { ELSE} ,因為 Linux 不再是 MSWINDOWS 的唯一替代平台,現在,Delphi 7 Studio(在用於 .NET 的預覽版命令行編譯器中)還支持 CLR 作為平台。
另一個您必須檢查的特性是 TSQLMonitor 組件的 FileName 特性,例如,它不應當使用 / 或 字符,而應指向一個文件名。最後還應說明,MidasLib、dbExpDB2 和 CrtL 單元在 Linux 上不可用,因此您必須利用 Midas.so 和 dbexpdb2.so 庫來部署可執行文件。
當您 Windows 和 Linux 上擁有了單一源項目後,您可以在 Delphi 或 Kylix 中進行工作(這會導致項目源代碼進行復雜合並),或者在一個環境中工作而只在另一個環境中重新編譯。就個人而言,我一直都在 Windows 上使用 Delphi IDE 設計我的應用程序,然後把它傳送到 Linux 上並用 Kylix 重新編譯。這樣,我可以讓 SQLConnection 組件指向 DB2 的 Windows DLL(而不是 Linux .so 庫)。
有了 Delphi 7 或 Kylix 3 和 DB2,在構建 Linux 應用程序時,您就不必因為工具或數據庫的可用性而受困於某一個平台,或者犧牲 RAD 環境。在我的下一篇文章中,我將結合 dbExpress 數據訪問層來使用 Delphi WebSnap 組件,以構建帶有 DB2 後端的 Web 服務器應用程序
Borland reg; Kylix 3
Features and Benefits
Powerful native Linux reg; applications
New High-performance 32-bit optimizing C/C++ native-code compiler in addition to the
lightning-fast Delphi language compiler
Choose between two powerful and productive, modern object-oriented languages that enable developers to
build fast, effective applications C++ and Borland reg; Delphi language options in Kylix extend your existing
investment as well as provide fast access to the future
New Inline assembler support for Intel reg; Pentium reg; 4
Utilize the latest CPU features, programming directly to the metal with inline assembly in Kylix for the ultimate in
performance and flexibility.
New Precompiled header support for fast C++ compiles
C++ compilation achieves new levels of speed, as compiled headers are linked directly without recompilation.
This removed step reduces waiting and enhances productivity.
Powerful 32-bit, optimizing native-code compiler
Kylix uses an optimizing native-code compiler to generate machine code instead of slower interpreted scripts or
byte code, as used by some other tools. As a result, Kylix applications can run significantly faster than those
using an interpreter. Code execution speed is especially critical in applications involving computational analysis
or large datasets where processing occurs against each record.
Create standard Linux reg; reusable shared object libraries (.so)
Write your shared object code once and reuse it in any application or language that can use standard Linux reg;
shared objects (.so).
Create standalone ELF-format Linux executables
Create completely self-contained, standalone, high-performance ELF-format Linux executables.
Seamless and direct access to Linux C APIs
Kylix knocks down barriers to system-level services. Use Linux or C API in Kylix applications seamlessly and
efficiently; use libraries such as glibc or XFree easily. Wrap complex C APIs in Borland CLX components for
fast and easy reuse by Kylix developers.
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Inline assembler
Kylix supports inline assembly with a compiler directive, so you can easily switch between C++ or Delphi
language and assembly code to take advantage of the latest processor technologies, including full support for
Intel reg; x86 code as well as MMX, SIMD, and AMD reg; 3DNow instruction sets.
Dynamically loaded packages
Kylix provides a next-generation solution for the development of efficient application executables that need to
be quickly and easily distributed and maintained. The packages are a unique leading-edge compiler technology
that gives you the ability to break applications down into separate, reusable, binary modules without sacrificing
application performance. Packaging makes an application transparently modular—as it evolves, only those
binary sections which change need to be replaced. As a compile-time option, packaging requires no changes to
an application’s source code structure and no additional training.
Borland reg; Rapid Application Development (RAD) IDE
New Includes IDEs for both C++ and Delphi languages
Enhance your flexibility with the options of using industry-standard C/C++ or rapid development Delphi
languages—Kylix includes IDEs supporting both language syntaxes and is source compatible to the Windows reg;
State-of-the-art integrated development environment (IDE)
Everything you need is centralized within the state-of-the-art IDE, including the fully integrated Code Editor
with color syntax highlighting, a powerful debugger, two-way visual development tools, and advanced
project management.
Fully customizable IDE with multiple custom layout profiles
Work more efficiently by customizing your work environment to fit your development needs. Layout the IDE and
save profiles using window docking and floating toolbars. Quickly switch to the most efficient profile for the task.
Data module non-visual object containers
Use a data module container to easily organize a complex collection of non-visual components. Data modules
can be quickly reused in other projects.
To-do lists
Keep your project tasks organized and prioritized with integrated to-do lists. Embed to-do items directly into
your source code for perfectly placed reminders.
* Compiling CLX applications on Windows requires C++Builder 6, Delphi 6, or Delphi 7 Studio
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Console application template
Build non-visual console applications quickly with the console application template.
Object Repository
Easily store and reuse forms, data modules, and experts in the Object Repository. With its shared repository
feature, an entire team or corporation can operate from one consistent and central repository.
Advanced multi-target Project Manager
Manage complex projects easier with the integrated multi-target Project Manager. Build a wide variety of
projects having different targets within the same build process.
Open Tools API for third-party tool integration
Expand your toolset and enjoy the tight integration of third-party wizards, tools, and packages in the IDE.
New Tools Server enhances your control of your C++ projects
New Invoke external tools by file type within the build process in the C++ IDE
Add flexibility by introducing new file types and external tools into the C++ build process (for instance, calling
Bison or Yacc for .y files), further accelerating build time cycles and enhancing the Rapid Application
Development process.
New Add additional right-click options to file types for greater build flexibility within your
projects in the C++ IDE
Enhance the behavior of the Kylix Project Manager by establishing new fast-access items in customizable
popup menus, establishing greater control over your project’s many file types.
New Redirect file types to new default commands in the C++ IDE
Customize the behavior of the IDE to perform new external commands dependent on file type, enhancing your
control of the build process and enabling you to reassign default file types.
New GNUMakeFile export supports standard Make utility on Linux
With a single right-click, export a fully-functional GNUMakeFile-compatible Makefile to take advantage of the
most commonly used automatic build utility, potentially saving hours of file configuration and tailoring
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Borland reg; CLX (Component Library for Cross-platform)
More than 190 standard components for Rapid Application Development
The Kylix object-oriented component framework delivers component architecture with more than 190 visual and
non-visual components (Enterprise edition) that are completely reusable and extendable. For real componentbased
development and high-productivity code reuse, the Kylix component framework is a leading resource.
New File Open and File Save dialog components
Enhanced dialog controls present simpler and more useful interfaces to your end users, accelerating
their productivity.
BaseCLX RTL classes and components
Kylix gives you great flexibility with BaseCLX RTL classes and components. With the Kylix BaseCLX RTL, you
gain valuable insight and a strong foundation on which to build other components and classes.
DataCLX highly scalable data-access components
Harness the productivity and performance of Borland dbExpress architecture with flexible, scalable,
data-aware controls that are single-source between Windows* and Linux.
VisualCLX GUI display components
Tap into productivity and performance with Kylix VisualCLX GUI display components. The GUI display set
includes many components such as a Form, EditBox, Label, Grids, Image, Bevels, Listbox, ComboBox,
ListView, TreeView, Meter, and much more.
VisualCLX GUI DataAware components
Increase your efficiency with the Kylix VisualCLX GUI DataAware components. These components show live
data at design time, letting you see exactly what the end user sees and displaying data without additional code.
GUI DataAware components include Navigator, EditBox, Label, Grids, Image, Listbox, Checkbox, RadioGroup,
LookupLists, and more.
VisualCLX GUI input components
Quickly create rich application interfaces with the Kylix VisualCLX GUI input components. The GUI input
components include Menus, PopupMenus, Buttons, Checkboxes, RadioButtons, SpeedButtons, SystemTimer,
Sliders, and more.
VisualCLX GUI control components
Create functional “hot spots” in your applications interface using Kylix VisualCLX GUI controls. Quickly
incorporate functionality such as Toolbars, Scrollbars, and Controlbars into your applications.
* Compiling CLX applications on Windows requires C++Builder 6, Delphi 6, or Delphi 7 Studio
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Common GUI dialogs
Easily incorporate common application functionality with pre-built common GUI dialogs such as Open, Save,
Font, ColorPicker, Find, and Replace.
Visual form inheritance and form linking
Gain the benefits of object-oriented inheritance principles in visual components to accelerate productivity and
code reuse with visual form inheritance. Changes to an ancestor form automatically affect all inherited forms.
Package manager
Easily manage the components and requirements of a package with an easy-to-use interface. Compile and
install your packages with a single click.
Minimum/maximum resizing geometry constraint properties and anchors
Automatic form and component layout management using constraints and anchors to minimize the need to
write form-resizing code.
Action lists
Save time coding user-interface controls by creating manageable, centralized user-interface logic with action
lists. Code once and use it everywhere in your application. Action lists centralize event-handler routines so
different GUI components can use a single action to adopt that action’s caption graphic and event behavior.
Using a visual frame designer, greatly simplify the task of building a complex collection of visual and business
components that can be easily reused as a single CLX component.
Source code
Flexible licensing options for your programs
Choose the appropriate deployment license: Borland License Terms compatible commercial or GPL
(Professional and Enterprise), or GPL (Open Edition).
CLX source code
With access to the CLX source code, you gain a greater understanding of the design and implementation of the
CLX framework to help you create your applications and custom components.
Property Editor source code
Learn how to create your own property editors with the Property Editor source code.
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Borland Code Editor with CodeInsight —speed coding and reduce
syntax errors
Borland Code Editor with CodeInsight
The integrated Code Editor with CodeInsight saves you valuable development time by providing a sweeping set
of timesaving features such as code templates, code completion and navigation, parameter completion hints,
and ToolTip Symbol Insight.
Code templates for customizable hot-key macro code creation
CodeInsight provides standard code templates for common language statements so that programmatic syntax
is correct and instantly accessible. Kylix also allows you to easily add custom code templates to enforce your
individual and corporate coding standards.
Code completion
As you type, Kylix automatically provides the list of properties, methods, or events members for the given
component, class, or record. With CodeInsight code completion, you learn the CLX framework API while you
develop code with fewer errors.
Code parameter hints
CodeInsight code parameter hints help you develop faster and keep errors to a minimum by providing the list of
parameters to any invoked function or procedure.
Class navigation shortcuts
Class navigation shortcuts allow you to be more productive and move quickly between the implementation and
declaration of a given block of code.
ToolTip Symbol Insight
ToolTip Symbol Insight displays declaration information for any identifier when you pass the mouse over it in the
code editor. A ToolTip window shows the kind of identifier (procedure, function, type, constant, variable, unit,
etc.), the unit file, and line number of its declaration.
Built-in and programmable editor
Leverage your existing skills and editor knowledge by choosing built-in editor key mappings, including Emacs,
or create your own.
Code Explorer
Get a visual overview of the components, interfaces, procedures and functions, types, and variables/constants
that make up a unit. Quickly navigate to a piece of code by clicking its visual counterpart in Code Explorer.key
mappings, including Emacs
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Borland AppBrowser symbol hyperlinks and navigation history
Borland AppBrowser symbol hyperlinks and navigation history increase productivity by simplifying the process
of reading, writing, and browsing code.
Advanced integrated debugging
Full-featured debugger
Bring complex projects to market faster with the full-featured integrated debugger. Set breakpoints right in Code
Editor to stop program execution and inspect variables or use several other diagnostic tools to help you quickly
track down bugs.
ToolTip Expression Evaluation
Quickly inspect variables or any expression by simply positioning your mouse cursor over them.
.so debugging
Step seamlessly into shared object code while debugging your application or set breakpoints to halt execution
inside your shared object.
Multiprocess debugging
Debug multiple processes within the same IDE session, especially useful for debugging multi-tier applications
without having to leave the debugging environment.
Temporary process options
Customize your debug session for the most effective debugging requirements by customizing Event Log items,
language, and signal exception behavior.
Debug-spawned processes
Follow your program execution into spawned processes—without leaving the debugging environment—to keep
you focused on debugging, not tool management.
Attach to and debug running processes
Load or attach to any process to facilitate specific debugging requirements; for instance, debug a shared object
loaded by a script language interpreter or runtime.
Debug Inspector
Get complete information on any variable in your application, such as a component, at runtime with the Debug
Inspector. Drill down into any aggregate data member for more complete information.
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Event Log
For tracking difficult problems, the Event Log and debug output show real-time process control messages,
thread messages, breakpoint messages, and module messages. Use the menus to exercise full control over the
log-save, clear, annotate, and set its options.
Module View
Find out which modules your application or shared object has loaded. Module View is a three-paned window
that shows detailed information about each of the modules that are loaded by the process being debugged.
CPU and FPU views
For detailed low-level debugging, step through generated assembly code and inspect/modify CPU/FPU flags
and memory. Inspect the FPU stack as FPU or MMX registers and organize your data on various byte
boundaries for SIMD debugging.
Data watch breakpoints
To help find tough bugs quickly, data watch breakpoints help you find complex pointer problems by breaking
only if memory gets written to a certain address.
Local Variables View
The Kylix Local Variables View automatically and dynamically displays all variables local in scope, without the
need to explicitly ask for them.
Streamlined usability and integration
Debugging in Kylix is made easy with numerous debugging features, including drag-and-drop support, clipboard
support, and streamlined integration among debug tools and the editor.
Breakpoint ToolTips
Breakpoint ToolTips automatically display a breakpoint’s properties, including conditions, pass count,
associated actions, and group names, with the mouse cursor.
Breakpoint actions and groups
Organize and manage your debugging environment with customized individual and grouped
breakpoint behavior.
Debug-symbol compiled units and debug symbol search paths for CLX
Find bugs no matter whether the source is in the application or the framework, by stepping through CLX source
as well as the application source—since Kylix ships with source to CLX, debugging can take place at all levels
of the source of your application.
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Database development—high-performance database access
Borland dbExpress high-performance database drivers
Connect to corporate information with Borland dbExpress high-performance database drivers.
High-performance dbExpress native SQL drivers for Oracle, reg; IBM reg; DB2 reg; and Informix, reg;
Borland InterBase, reg; MySQL, and PostgreSQL
Easily connect your applications to the most popular databases: Oracle, IBM DB2 and Informix, PostgreSQL,
MySQL, and Borland InterBase, all supported right out of the box. (Oracle, Informix, and DB2 drivers are
included in the Kylix Enterprise Edition only.)
Integrated database development tools
DataAware GUI components
Build powerful database applications with DataAware GUI components that save you time building live-data
visual applications.
SQL Monitor component
The SQL Monitor component enables instant access to the communications passing back and forth between an
application and the dbExpress architecture, resulting in faster engineering for client/server and multi-tier
projects and making possible the advanced debugging of data access.
ClientDataSet technology
Use local data-caching and multiple-update support for distributed data exchange, increasing client
performance and enhancing data integrity.
DBGrid support for ADTs and arrays
Save coding time for displaying Oracle9i ADTs and arrays in a grid format.
Borland MyBase personal XML database engine
XML-based data-store
MyBase provides the Kylix application with a local, transparent, and driverless database using XML storage.
In-memory table performance
MyBase is completely memory-based for fast runtime performance.
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Zero configuration
Zero configuration of distributed stand-alone applications simplifies user configuration tasks. Only the single
executable application is required for complete database support.
Small footprint
Using MyBase adds less than 300K to your applications. MyBase runs with your application, so there is no need
to deploy additional files.
ANSI 92 SQL Expression Syntax
Increase your productivity and performance by utilizing the ANSI 92 SQL Expression Syntax for live filtering
and aggregation.
Linkable master/detail table relationships
Complete relational database information, including table structures, are used by stand-alone clients without
writing a single line of code. Support for synchronized updates to master and detail data is automatic.
ClientDataSet based with transparent scalability to Borland dbExpress and enterpriselevel
MyBase is easily scalable to dbExpress with no code modifications.
Import SQL query result from any dbExpress RDBMS into local MyBase XML tables
Easily create MyBase tables from any dbExpress query result.
Support for popular data types including Blobs
MyBase supports use of common data types, enabling creation of flexible and comprehensive
database applications.
Highly-scalable DataCLX development
DataCLX data access components
DataCLX components present a single, consistent programming model that encapsulates many different
vendor database APIs. These components work directly with native drivers to deliver fast performance and
easy configuration.
ClientDataSet maintained aggregates and parameter support
Retrieve data from the server presented in its original structure, and then work with it on your client, freeing up
your server from performance issues.
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Application-side transaction caching
Create more scalable applications and eliminate user-wait by handling transactions locally, reducing
server workloads.
Calculated fields
Conserve server resources by automatically preparing formulaic data at the client side.
Provider optional parameters
Gain fine-grained control over the information that is transmitted over the wire.
Improve your application’s performance by providing custom handling of multiple simultaneous dataset updates
and automated resolution of conflicts.
Master/detail provider and resolver support
Delivers thin-client applications that are easier to maintain, modify, and update through automatic support of
master/detail data relationships.
On-demand Blobs
Kylix dramatically speeds retrieval of results to the client, increasing the performance of data applications by
deferring retrieval of Blobs data until after the other data is retrieved.
XML Data Briefcase
XML Data Briefcase is an answer to your company’s increasing mobile and wireless database application
needs with detachable database operations. All updates to data, including insertions, deletions, and
modifications, are automatically tracked in the dataset. The one-step resynchronization process resolves these
changes automatically and can even provide robust conflict resolution to the client application from the server.
Advanced support for Borland reg; InterBase reg;
InterBase 6.5 support
InterBase is a full-scale RDBMS system, with ANSI SQL 92 support for triggers, stored procedures, userdefined
functions, and a scalable architecture.
InterBase 6.5 development license
Develop and test multi-user SQL applications with InterBase development license. Use the development license
to build and test your applications.
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Advanced support for Oracle9i
Oracle9i object type support
Kylix integrates Oracle9i object type support seamlessly into its Rapid Application Development environment to
bring the advantages of the Oracle9i platform to your application.
NEW Borland reg; BizSnap —Web Services with XML technologies
for the Apache Web Server
Rapidly create Apache Web Services and Web Services consumers
Accelerate your business processes with Web Services that automate business-to-business and business-toconsumer
transactions over the Internet.
New in Professional Rapidly build Web Services consumers using XML, XSL, SOAP,
WSDL, and more
Now bring the power and scalability of Web Services into Professional-level applications, tying Web Services
from around the world into applications.
SOAP communication wizards and components for instant Web Services
Get e-business applications to market fast with Web Services from any business process, class, or component.
Let Borland Kylix handle the details of SOAP, XML, and WSDL, and let your developer handle the details of
business logic.
Connect your applications seamlessly to Web Services-based platforms such as
Microsoft reg; .NET, Sun reg; ONE, and others.
Seamlessly integrate your IT systems and applications with business partners anywhere in the world—
regardless of platform, language, or location.
Automatic WSDL handling and publishing
Automatically and instantly integrate applications with WSDL. WSDL components dynamically auto-generate
WSDL interface descriptions for Kylix Web Services when queried at runtime. Interface definitions are always
up-to-date, with no programming required. WSDL SOAP component properties allow developers to integrate
Web Services into applications using a WSDL URL.
New in Professional Kylix native SOAP bindings
Kylix native SOAP bindings enable all the timesaving RAD benefits of Kylix, simplifying development and
reducing the learning curve for Web Services development. Use CodeInsight, compiler type checking, syntax
highlighting, debugging, and more.
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
XML schema transform tools and components (XML - dataset, XML - XML)
Easily expand business relationships by automatically translating XML data without recompiling and redeploying
when you introduce new business partners with different XML document formats.
Multiple XML DOM level 2 support
Gain vendor-independent DOM compatibility: avoid vendor lock-in and incorporate data from virtually any
XML source.
New HTML and XML-schema/XML-DTD support
Add flexibility to applications with support for HTML, XML-schema and XML-DTD data exchange—broaden your
information exchange opportunities
XML document object in CLX
Adapt to new XML types without rebuilding; gain fast programmatic access to XML formats that are new to
your application.
Enhanced Wizards to simplify development of CORBA reg; clients and servers using the
Delphi language
Easily integrate enterprise applications using Kylix wizards to import and export CORBA and Kylix interfaces,
now with support for Borland VisiBroker reg; 4.5 (Kylix C++ support for CORBA is currently planned to be available
to customers for free after shipment.
Borland AppServer 4.5 SIDL support
Extend the abilities of the Borland AppServer with Kylix Build rich, native Linux GUI clients and Apache Web
Server applications leveraging EJB objects. Publish any EJB from Borland AppServer as SOAP Web Services
to extend the reach of your enterprise to customers or clients around the globe.
NEW Borland reg; WebSnap —the complete Web application
design platform
WebSnap RAD Web application framework for Apache
Get scalable, dynamic, database-driven Apache Web applications to market faster with WebSnap. WebSnap
delivers a powerful Apache server-side application framework for building high-performance Web applications
and server-side JavaScript reg; Web application objects.
New Enhanced page producers and dispatchers
Expand the flexibility and functionality of Web applications by adding components designed for servicing
standard and XSL-transformed XML pages, logical pages, and your own custom adapters and services
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
New XSL page producers
Take advantage of XML/XSL Web transformations to generate full HTML output using XML source data and
XSL stylesheets
New Web application debugging hosted in the IDE
Accelerate discovery of error and repair of programs by debugging Web applications directly within the
Kylix IDE
Web page surface designers
Rapidly build and view your WebSnap application surfaces and see an instantly updated browser preview of
your application.
XML tree and XSL tree displays
Quickly and easily view any XML and XSL document with easy-to-read formatting and syntax highlighting.
Web page components with server-side JavaScript reg;
Seamlessly integrate WebSnap application objects into Web sites with HTML and JavaScript using custom
HTML tags and server-side scripting.
Pre-built scriptable Web page components
Get a running start in Web development with components for commonly used functionality—datasets, login
forms, end-user sessions, and other Web application elements.
Page producers and dispatchers
Accelerate your Web development with customized components for serving Web pages and managing browser
response, or design your own for your custom adapters and services.
XSL page producers
Reduce coding time otherwise spent parsing XML data by automatically formatting XML pages using XSL
style sheets.
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
NEW Borland reg; DataSnap —unlimited royalty-free database
middleware scalability for your Internet applications
Web client, GUI client, and new Web Services access to any supported RDBMS
Bring flexibility to your database-enabled applications. Whether presenting to an end user, issuing information
to a Web browser, or serving data over the Internet as Web Services, DataSnap offers a wide variety of
client options.
Easily build XML/SOAP Web Services interfaces to enterprise-class databases
Expand the reach of your enterprise database with Web Services. Allow database clients to connect to your
database from anywhere in the world using SOAP/XML Web Services.
Dataset-based middleware architecture
Use familiar dataset database programming techniques for a fast learning curve when scaling from desktop to
client/server to multi-tier applications.
Borland reg; NetCLX Web development components
Internet socket communication components
Give your applications additional communications flexibility with Internet socket communication components
that encapsulate the TCP/IP standard.
Apache application framework compatible with NetCLX
Create high-speed, high-throughput Web data applications, radically simplifying the effort of bringing data to
the Web.
NetCLX support for both Apache CGI and Apache DSO
To simplify Internet development, the NetCLX components allow you to transparently code to different Web
server APIs. You can concentrate on implementing business solutions regardless of how you deploy to the
Web server.
WebModules for Apache
WebModules centralize information handling for dynamic Internet applications. WebModules dispatch requests,
define actions, and create dynamic HTML pages.
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
WebDispatcher for Apache
Turn existing data modules into WebModules simply with a drag-and-drop action, simplifying the process of
bringing existing data and supporting code to the Web.
Apache Web application wizard
Create high-speed, high-throughput, Web-delivered data applications in a matter of moments with a few
simple clicks.
Simplified international development
Multibyte-enabled development environment and component library
Expand your application’s market by easily localizing it for additional languages and cultures.
Documentation, examples, and online help
Comprehensive online documentation
Get quick access to pertinent information on your desktop with Kylix online documentation.
Printed developer documentation
Kylix documentation is an indispensable and comprehensive guide to the use and contents of the Kylix syntax,
framework, and IDE.
Extensible help
You have the help you need with the Kylix extensible help system, supporting integration of multiple external
tools such as IBM reg; HyperHelp, reg; Man, Info, and others.
Sample applications
Learn from and get started quickly with the supplied Kylix sample applications. Examples include GUI,
database, and NetCLX applications. Get a better understanding of the Kylix development environment with
sample applications.
Borland reg; Kylix 3 Features and Benefits
Third-party component solutions
Enhanced Nevrona Indy 9.1-Internet protocol components suite including HTTP, FTP,
SMTP, POP3 and more
Expand your application’s Internet functionality with more than 60 prepackaged components for a broad range
of Internet development options.
Made in Borland reg; Copyright copy; 2002 Borland Software Corporation. All rights reserved. All Borland brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Borland Software
Corporation in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. 13036.1
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