Symantec Network Access Control 12.1 是一款網絡安全解決方案,能夠控制企業網絡的訪問、實施端點安全策略,以及與現有的網絡基礎架構輕松集成。不管端點以何種方式與網絡相連,賽門鐵克的獲獎網絡安全解決方案都能夠發現並評估端點遵從狀態、設置適當的網絡訪問權限並提供自動補救功能。
● 阻止或隔離不遵從的設備,防止其訪問公司網絡和資源。
● 按照預定義的模板對主機完整性進行測試(如補丁級別、服務包、防病毒軟件和個人防火牆狀態),並且根據企業環境量身定制自定義檢查。
● 對公司網絡內外的受管理和未加管理的筆記本電腦、台式機和服務器提供全方位的終端防護。
● 可與 Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.x 和 12.1 無縫集成。
● 適用於 Symantec Enforcer Appliance 選件,旨在對受管和非受管端點實施安全策略。
● 有助於確保端點遵從安全策略。
● 管理和保護訪客對網絡的訪問。
● 降低僵屍網絡、高級持續性威脅和其他惡意軟件風險。
● 為最終用戶提供更高的網絡可用性,並減少服務中斷的情況。
Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 的以下新增功可幫助公司更輕松地管理客戶端計算機:
在 Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 登錄屏幕中,可以重獲忘記的密碼。
“監視”頁面中包含一組預配置的電子郵件通知,用於告知客戶最常用的事件。這些事件包括新客戶端軟件的發布時間、策略更改時間和許可證續訂消息,以及管理服務器找到未受保護計算機的時間。通知默認為啟用狀態,支持黑莓、iPhone 和 Android 設備。
在客戶端計算機處於空閒狀態、內容過時或已斷開連接時運行 LiveUpdate,在這些情況下,使用的內存較少。
借助以下新增安裝功能,Network Access Control 的安裝比以往更便捷:
目前,Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 還支持其他操作系統,如下所述:
VMware Workstation 7.0 或更高版本
VMware ESXi 4.0.x 或更高版本
VMware ESX 4.0.x 或更高版本
VMware Server 2.0.1
Citrix XenServer 5.1 或更高版本
支持 Web 浏覽器
目前,Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 支持以下 Web 浏覽器:
Internet Explorer 7.0、8.0、9.0
Firefox 3.6、4.0
更輕松地管理 Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 中的 Enforcer
通過配置 Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 中的以下 Enforcer 設置,可以更輕松地管理 Enforcer:
Enforcer 組中的客戶端使用 Network Time Protocol 服務器定期同步其系統時間的功能。
您可以通過 DHCP Integrated Enforcer 和 LAN Enforcer 更輕松地更新 MAC 地址列表
在 Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 中增加了網絡訪問控制功能
Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 包含 Symantec Network Access Control 的如下附加功能:
Enforcer 管理服務器列表中可以包含復制合作伙伴的管理服務器。Enforcer 可以連接到任何站點合作伙伴或復制合作伙伴的任何管理服務器。
Symantec Network Access Control 客戶端的遵從日志提供了其他有關日志事件和主機完整性檢查結果的信息。客戶可以立即查看哪項要求致使客戶端計算機主機完整性檢查失敗。
LiveUpdate 可將主機完整性模板下載到管理服務器上。因此,客戶端計算機可以獲得主機完整性策略(包括已更新的主機完整性模板)
Enforcer 組支持受限管理員帳戶、管理員帳戶以及系統管理員帳戶。對於擁有多個站點和域的大型公司,客戶可能需要多位管理員,並且有些管理員的權限比另外一些管理員的要高。
新增 Enforcer 功能
Symantec Network Access Control 包含以下新增功能:
為 Integrated Enforcer 提供 64 位支持。
通過 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (Longhorn) 對 RADIUS 服務器和代理的實施,為 Network Policy Server (NPS) 提供支持目前,Enforcer 可以驗證運行 Windows Vista 或更高版本的客戶端,也可以驗證使用 802.1x 驗證的客戶端。
對於 DHCP Integrated Enforcer,客戶可以有選擇地對自己定義的作用域啟用基於作用域的實施。
Gateway Enforcer 可同時支持 802.1q 中繼和 On-Demand 客戶端。客戶可以將多中繼 VLAN 上的單個 VLAN 指定給主機 On-Demand 客戶端。
支持訪客實施模式,在這種模式下,Gateway Enforcer 可以用作 On-Demand 客戶端的下載服務器。Gateway Enforcer 可將
On-Demand 客戶端下載到訪客計算機上,使這些客戶端可通過訪客計算機的 Web 浏覽器與 Enforcer 進行通信。在訪客實施模式下,Gateway Enforcer 不會轉發內部通信。
支持 On-Demand 客戶端“繼續存在”:可在指定時段內“存在”。
本地數據庫的大小已增至 32 MB,可容納更多的 MAC 地址。
Symantec Network Access Control 12.1 is a network security solution that controls access to corporate networks, enforces endpoint security policy and easily integrates with existing network infrastructures. Regardless of how endpoints connect to the network, Symantec's award-winning network security solution discovers and evaluates endpoint compliance status, provisions the appropriate network access and provides automated remediation capabilities.
Key Features
Blocks or quarantines non-compliant devices from accessing the corporate network and resources.
Hosts Integrity tests against pre-defined templates such as patch level, service packs, antivirus, and personal firewall status, as well as custom created checks tailored for the enterprise environment.
Provides pervasive endpoint coverage for managed and unmanaged laptops, desktops, and servers existing both on and off the corporate network.
Provides a seamless integration with Symantec Endpoint Protection - both 11.x and 12.1.
Works with the optional Symantec Enforcer Appliance to enforce security policies for both managed and unmanaged endpoints.
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Key Benefits
Helps ensures endpoint compliance with security policies.
Regulates and protects guest access to the network.
Reduces risk of botnets, Advanced Persistent Threats and other malware.
Greater network availability and reduced disruption of services for end-users.
System Requirements
Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager
Supported operating systems
Windows 7
Windows XP (32-bit, SP3 or later; 64-bit, all SPs)
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit, 64-bit, R2, SP1 or later)
Windows Server 2008 (32-bit, 64-bit)
Windows Small Business Server 2008 (64-bit)
Windows Small Business Server 2011 (64-bit)
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 (64-bit)
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server is optional. The Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager comes with an embedded database suitable for networks up to about 5000 clients. If you choose to use Microsoft SQL Server, the following versions are supported:
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with SP4 or above
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with SP2 or above
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Web Browser requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9
Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or 4.0
Hardware requirements
RAM: 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit operating systems, 2 GB of RAM for 64-bit operating systems, or higher if required by the operating system
Hard Drive: 4 GB or more free space
Video: 800 x 600
Processor requirements
Note: Intel Itanium IA-64 and Power PC processors are not supported
32-bit processor: 1-GHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent minimum (Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent recommended)
64-bit processor: 2-GHz Pentium 4 with x86-64 support or equivalent minimum
Symantec Endpoint Protection Client
Supported operating systems and platforms
Windows XP (32-bit, SP2 or later; 64-bit, all SPs)
Windows XP Embedded
Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit)
Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit, 64-bit, R2, SP1 or later)
Windows Server 2008 (32-bit, 64-bit)
Windows Small Business Server 2008 (64-bit)
Windows Small Business Server 2011 (64-bit)
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 (64-bit)
Processor requirements
32-bit processor for Windows: 1-GHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent minimum (Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent recommended)
64-bit processor for Windows: 2-GHz Pentium 4 with x86-64 support or equivalent minimum. Itanium processors are not supported
Hardware requirements
RAM: 512 MB of RAM, or higher if required by the operating system
Hard Drive: 900 MB or more free space
Video: 800 x 600
Symantec Network Access Control Client
Supported operating systems
Windows XP (32-bit, XP-2 or later; 64-bit, all SPs)
Windows XP Embedded
Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit)
Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit, 64-bit, R2, SP1 or later)
Windows Server 2008 (32-bit, 64-bit)
Windows Small Business Server 2008 (64-bit)
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 (64-bit)
Hardware requirements
RAM: 512 MB or higher if required by the operating system
Hard drive: 300 MB (32-bit), 400 MB (x64)
Video: 800 x 600
Processor requirements
32-bit processor for Windows: 1-GHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent minimum (Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent recommended)
64-bit processor for Windows: 2-GHz Pentium 4 with x86-64 support or equivalent minimum. Itanium processors are not supported
Symantec Network Access Control On-Demand Client
Supported operating systems
Windows XP Home or Professional (32-bit, SP2 and SP3)
Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit)
Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit, 64-bit, R2, SP1 or later)
Windows Server 2008 (32-bit, 64-bit)
Windows Small Business Server 2008 (64-bit)
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 (64-bit)
Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5 or 10.6
Hardware requirements
Download size: 9MB. Amount of free disc space needed to run the client: 100MB
Physical RAM for either Windows or Mac On-Demand client: 512 MB
Video: Video display: Super VGA (1,024 x 768) or higher
Other: At least one Ethernet adapter (with TCP/IP installed)
Processor requirements
Windows: Intel Pentium II 550 MHz (1 GHz for Windows Vista) or faster
Mac: Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 867 MHz or faster
Web Browser requirements
For Windows On-Demand Client: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later; Mozilla Firefox 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 3.6.3 (Note: Clients from version 11.0 RU6 and lower do not support Firefox 3.6.3)
For Mac On-Demand Client: Apple Safari 4.0 and 5.0; Mozilla Firefox 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 3.6.3 (Note: Clients from version 11.0 RU6 and lower do not support Firefox 3.6.3)
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