McAfee® ePolicy Orchestrator® 能夠助您防范惡意威脅和攻擊。 作為集中的安全管理工具,McAfee® ePolicy Orchestrator® 能夠幫助您確保防護始終處於最新狀態,配置並執行防護策略,以及監控您的系統的安全狀態。 借助此中央控制台,一切盡在掌握。
McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 可以前瞻性地全面抵御惡意威脅和攻擊。 您可以通過單一的中央控制台來確保始終獲得最新保護、執行防護策略、降低由於系統未遵從安全規范而導致的遭受病毒感染和存在安全漏洞的風險。
ePolicy Orchestrator 可以使您的 IT 員工更輕松地執行安全策略和進行安全更新。利用病毒防護、反間諜軟件、系統防火牆、主機 IPS 和內容過濾等功能來管理您整個企業的安全。 ePolicy Orchestrator 還會檢查重要的 Microsoft® 補丁程序、確定病毒來源並對安全問題進行快速補救。
* 執行安全遵從政策並進行安全更新
* 全面的安全管理
借助這一集中的管理基礎設施管理整個企業所有的安全產品(包括病毒防護、反間諜軟件、主機 IPS、內容過濾和 Microsoft 補丁程序評估等)
* 查找違反安全規范的系統
* 評估 Microsoft 補丁程序的安全策略遵從情況
審核您目前的補丁程序部署流程,確保您已經應用了最新的補丁程序;ePolicy Orchestrator 在您面臨新的攻擊和漏洞威脅時會及時通知您
* 全天候監控安全狀態
* 檢測違反安全規范的系統
當違反安全規范的系統接入您的網絡時,ePolicy Orchestrator 能夠向您發出警報,降低此類系統帶來的風險
* 管理和報告補丁程序安全策略遵從性
查找文件、服務、注冊表項或特定的 Microsoft 補丁程序;通過查看詳細的圖形式報告監控法規遵從性
* 病毒跟蹤和通知
無需任何人工介入,ePolicy Orchestrator 能夠每小時跟蹤新的病毒防護安全更新,並將這些更新部署到合適的系統中
* 自動而快速的全局更新
* 可用磁盤空間 - 500MB(初次安裝);650MB(升級);推薦使用 2 GB
* 內存 — 512 MB 可用 RAM;推薦使用 1 GB
* 處理器 — Intel® Pentium® II 或更高型號處理器;450 MHz 或更高頻率
* 推薦的專用服務器 — 對於管理 250 台以上的客戶端計算機,McAfee 建議使用專用服務器
* Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server/Advanced Server Service Pack 3 或更高版本,Microsoft Windows 2003 Entrprise/Standard/Web
* Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Service Pack 3、Microsoft SQL Server Standard/Enterprise Edition Service Pack 3
* SQL2005 SP1
* 可用磁盤空間 — 250 MB
* 內存 — 128 MB 可用 RAM
* 處理器 — Intel Pentium II 或更高型號處理器
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 或更高版本
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Server/Advanced/Professinal/Terminal Service Pack 3 或更高版本、Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard/Enterprise/Web、Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1
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-+---------------------------------DVTiSo- . $$$--------------+-
| TEAM DVT presents: ` . ,$$$ |
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. McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 Patch 1 d$$ .
Company ..: McAfee
Url ......: http://www.mcafee.com/
+- Release Information -+
The number of individual applications you need to address threats,
risk, and compliance is surging. ItÆs virtually impossible for
security teams to manually correlate and integrate all the data
needed for an effective and timely response. McAfee ePolicy
Orchestrator (ePO) delivers real-time information and application
integration for network, desktop, and server security.
McAfee is the first to offer such a comprehensive and integrated
security risk management approach, and ePO is at the center of it.
ePO 4.5 brings you knowledge-driven security that is automated and
actionable, so that you make more efficient and effective threat
protection and compliance management decisions.
ePO 4.5 offers new capabilities in reporting and policy assignment
that significantly reduce costs and increase operational
Access the web-based, customizable console from just about anywhere.
ThereÆs no need to install any software on your system. Dashboard-
based custom configurable reports can be scheduled and emailed for
improved information sharing. Workflow enhancements, such as
integrated reporting across your system and network security
environment, helps you make more informed security decisions.
ePolicy Orchestrator is the industry's most popular and respected
security management technology used by more than 30,000 customers
with over 55 million desktops and servers under management. ePO
is an essential component of McAfee Total Protection solutions,
providing central management for comprehensive system protection
as well as for network security and compliance management.
+- Install Notes -+
1. Unpack & Burn/Mount
2. Install using the serial from DVTiSO dir .
+- Group Notes -+ :
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