中文名: ESET NOD32計算機安全防護套裝
英文名: ESET Smart Security
資源格式: 安裝包
版本: v5.0.95 - v5.2.9.1 [32/64bit]
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: ESET, LLC.
語言: 英文
Scrollable Text:
1. A month after the release of 1.4.2 Final TNod, the homepage where downloading updated lists of servers, reviewed updates etc.. has been blocked by Google (tnoduse.blogspot.com), which causes no TNod version is updated. Reasons? It seems that was because of complaints / external reporting to this page ...
2. Exit Tnod first before applying
3. Download and apply the changes to the registry (by double clicking on the file):
In the case of the Portable versions, the file should be replaced TNODUP.ini line
Server = tnoduse.blogspot.com
Server = bit.ly / tnodserver
Only works for version 1.4.2 Final (as earlier versions do not handle redirects).
New version will be released later.
ESET Smart Security是一個集成的安全套裝解決方案,適合普通個人消費者和中小型商業客戶。它包含病毒防御與清除、反間諜軟件、反垃圾郵件、防火牆等功能,而且不但殺毒迅速、精准,體積也非常輕巧,僅占用40MB硬盤空間。
ESET Smart Security包括了Antivirus 、Anti-Spyware 、Personal Firewall和Antispam.
更新特點: 內置防火牆和反垃圾郵件模塊;
ESET NOD32只占極少系統資源,不會影響電腦速度,帶給您升級硬件般的感受。ESET NOD32掃描速 度全球領先,高達40MB/s以上,掃描系統時不必再漫長等待。 ESET NOD32連續九年In the Wild病毒無 一遺漏,唯一50次通過VB100%權威認證。
ESET NOD32在全球共獲得超過100多個獎項,包括Virus Bulletin, AV Comparative 2006年度總冠軍,PC Magazine、 ICSA認證、Checkmark認證等
ESET Smart Security是國際上知名殺毒軟件ESETNOD32的網絡安全套裝,該殺毒軟件在國際權威的防病毒軟件評測中屢獲好評,至今仍保持著通過VB100次數最多的殺毒軟件頭銜。
ESETSmart Security全面的前攝性保護,建立在屢獲殊榮的ESET NOD32防毒軟件的基礎上,在查殺病毒、間諜程序、廣告軟件和所有類型惡意軟件的同時,還加入了個人防火牆和垃圾郵件過濾系統,因此能夠更好地保護用戶計算機。
ESET SmartSecurity擁有其屢獲殊榮的ThreatSense引擎,ThreatSense是一套病毒預警系統,使您的計算機幫助ESET及時發現新的流行性惡意程序。這項技術有助於增強防護效果,更好地保障系統安全,用戶可以放心地使用。ESET SmartSecurity運行速度快,占用系統資源少,保證計算機高效流暢運行的同時提供給用戶全方位保護,也因此備受用戶的喜愛。
ESET推出了ESET Smart Security 5 新一代安全軟件,集成了HIPS與雲安全技術並提供了游戲玩家模式與家長控制(家長控制為ESS功能),簡化了許可證管理。
系統需求:Windows 2000/xp/vista/7/Home Server (32位與64位)
ESET Smart Security 5 主要特點:家長控制
SET Smart Security 5 新特性:全新的界面:ESET Smart Security 5經過一定可用性設計而修改的界面,大大提高了用戶的體驗,
家長控制:阻止訪問可能包含令人反感的內容的網站。 此外,家長可以禁止訪問多達20個預先定義的網站類別。
改進反垃圾郵件系統:優化集成在ESET Smart Security中的反垃圾模塊,提供更准確的檢測功能。
加強媒體控制:阻止試圖從可移動設備侵入系統的威脅,ESET Smart Security 5會自動提示您掃描所有USB閃存驅動器,CD和DVD的內容;它還可以阻止計算機對擁有特定設備ID、設備類型、序列號的設備的訪問。
智能防火牆:ESET Smart Security 5會幫助你阻止未授權用戶遠程訪問你的計算機及控制網絡通訊。
ESET Smart Security 5 專屬特性:游戲模式:當在全屏幕模式下,ESET Smart Security 5會自動切換到靜音模式,以節省系統資源,讓用戶可以享受玩電腦游戲或專注於重要的工作任務時免受煩消息彈窗打擾。
ESET Smart Security 5提供智能掃描和普通掃描二種掃描方式
ESET Smart Security 5的智能掃描速度非常的快,掃描內存及系統關系區域,整個過程僅僅花費了42秒的時間,當發現威脅時會自動轉換成深度掃描,掃描會花費較長的時間。
ESET Smart Security 5提示QQ修改啟動設置並允許其操作
ESET Smart Security 5靜默狀態下的內存占用較4要多一些,不過也只有70MB左右
Eset Smart Security 5 is the trademark product of Eset. Users who had taken help of the Beta version of this application seemed to appreciate it. The new version has been designed keeping in mind that, threats on the social networking sites are increasing day after day. That’s why, the new version is capable of detecting social media scams.
Eset Smart Security 5 is equipped with optimized startup procedure, online security and small system footprint. Parental control, cloud powered screening, improved anti-spam, gamer mode, advanced HIPS functionality, enhanced media control, intelligent firewall and advanced set up tree are also the key benefits of Eset Smart Security 5. We’ll have a closer look at these benefits to determine how effective they are.
The parental control feature lets users block the website, which have offensive content. The feature consists of a list of predefined categories. Whether a website will be white listed or blacklisted, depends on whether it overrides the predefined categories.
Features like cloud powered screening, gamer mode, improved anti-spam are quite handy. Eset Smart Security 5 detects malware efficiently and that’s because of cloud based white listing. The detection is done very quickly and the malware-free files are drawn in real time. The gamer mode feature is a major enhancement because it’ll allow users to stay in a full screen mode while pop-up notifications, scanning, and scheduled tasks will take place. The other user friendly features of Eset Smart Security 5 are fast startup, easy navigation. The moment the system starts, users can begin working, they won’t have to wait for the anti-virus notification to show up. The newly designed graphic user interface is also mentionable because it makes the application interactive and allows shortcuts to frequent user actions.
Eset Smart Security 5 has smarter firewall and enhanced anti-spam system. The firewall filters traffic by monitoring different networks and the IDs there, while the anti-spam facility blocks spam which have even higher level of precision.
Changes for v5.0.95 - v5.2.9.1
Enhancement: Added information about needing to switch SSL filtering ON when filtering HTTPs sites in Parental Control setup screen
Enhancement: Several enhancements within Parental Control Setup and management
Enhancement: Administrator of Parental Control can choose the role of a Windows Account by entering a person‘s age configuring Parental Control
Enhancement: Information about not filtering Parental Control added to the Home Screen
Enhancement: Added Statistics of Scanned Files in the Home Screen
Enhancement: Added more information about running processes reputation from ESET Live Grid
Support: Able to activate product using proxy server
Support: Ability to use the activation keys in product to renew
Added: Ability to prioritize web page exceptions within Parental Control by Windows user account
Added: Settings for Removable Media blocking and Antirootkit (Antistealth) are located in the main GUI under Setup
Fix: Network profile dialog window popping up repeatedly
Fix: Graphical enhancement fixing shadowing of the pull-down quick menu
Fix: Issues detecting emails in Windows Live Mail 2011
Fix: GUI opens in a large window
Fix: Advanced scanning options are not working in Computer Scan
Fix: Irrelevant notification bubble is being shown when no action is required
Fix: Issues with stopping of ESET service during installation
Fix: Runtime error with HP Protect Tools, causing ESET GUI crash
Fix: Removable media blocking does not block devices for some Windows Accounts
Fix: Some pages with certain categories were not categorized properly by Parental Control feature
Fix: Files are still scanned by Real-time file system protection after disabling it
Fix: Issues with importing Antispam global lists from ESET Smart Security version 4 to ESET Smart Security version 5
Fix: ESET GUI crashes under some circumstances while editing ESET Firewall profiles
Fix: Schedule update task cannot be started from main menu in SysRescue User Interface
Fix: Crashing of ESET GUI under some circumstances
Fix: Wrong tooltips within Antispam dialog windows
Fix: Activated product displays that it is not activated
Fix: Parental Control still enabled in User Interface after Firewall is disabled
Fix: IMAPS, POP3S checking of protocols and ports for selected applications does not work correctly
Fix: Notification window about disabling some type of protection is not displayed if some other protection is already disabled
Fix: Inconsistent status for updated virus signature database within main program window
Fix: Scheduled scan and other planned tasks can be started from non-administrator user accounts
Fix: Issues with management of web page filtering exceptions for Parental Control
Fix: SSL filtering in Chrome does not work in some circumstances
Fix: HIPS rule displays "User Rules File Contains Invalid Data"
Fix: USB HDD freezes system on Windows XP