中文名: 文件私密軟件
英文名: MacHider
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v1.5.1 MacOSX /含注冊機
發行時間: 2009年07月04日
制作發行: MacPaw Inc.
語言: 英文
軟件類型: 文件加密
軟件性質: 免費破解軟件
操作系統: Mac OSX
應用平台: Mac OS X 10.5 or higher
問題反饋: http://www.macpaw.com/support/MacHider
網站鏈接: http://www.macpaw.com
軟件介紹: MacHider 是烏克蘭的一家獨立軟件公司 MacPaw 出品的文件檔案加密軟件。可以確保個人檔案和資料夾保密,並儲存於安全之處,使用者的隱私完全受到保護。MacHider 讓你點幾下鼠標就可以把你的私密文件隱藏,只有你自己才能看到。想當年如果陳老師有了這個軟件的話。。。不說了,你們懂的!(話說這個軟件2009年1月30日才發布,陳老師沒趕上)
系統需求:* Mac OS X 10.4.11 or higher.
* 15MB of disk space
MacHider 可運行在基於 Intel 和 PowerPC 環境的Mac機上。
注意:注冊機中填寫的名字必須同當前登錄用戶的帳戶名一致。不清楚當前帳戶名是什麼的話,在/Users/* 裡面查一下。
CleanMyMac represents sophisticated all-in-one-suite utility that helps keep your Mac clean and healthy. With just two simple clicks you can delete useless files that basically pile up and waste your valuable disk space. CleanMyMac allows enjoying smooth system performance combining such vital features as Slim Universal Binaries, Clean Unneeded Languages, Logs Rotation, Clean Caches, Quick and Secure Erase, Application Uninstallation, and Killing Trash Left From Buried Applications. CleanMyMac can save gigabytes of disk space and enhance your computer speed. Go ahead and give it a shot! Your Mac will definitely be grateful!
Any application running on your Mac leaves numerous support files, which won't just get to Trash once you remove the app. CleanMyMac will locate and erase all “leftovers” from your system files to enable you to easily install and uninstall new programs whenever you need.
The more junk files are stored on your Mac the slower it will work. Processes of saving and storing unnecessary files take your priceless time. Using CleanMyMac will professionally help your Mac reduce the amount of operations required for your online and offline activities.
* Mac OS X 10.5 or higher.
* 5MB of disk space
MacHider runs natively on
Intel and PowerPC based Macs.
..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :..Use our keymaker to register the application.
note: The name in the keymaker MUST be the same as currently logged in user account of computer you're trying to register MacPaw app (ie. not necessarily display name but the user account found under /Users/*). The default name when running
keymaker is correct for computer it's on. Reason name is editable is so that if someone wanted to generate serials for another user account it's possible without having to run multiple instances of keymaker.