"《ESET NOD32計算機安全防護套裝》(ESET Smart Security)v4.2.67.10+Business.Edition+v4.2.71.2"介紹
中文名: ESET NOD32計算機安全防護套裝
英文名: ESET Smart Security
版本: v4.2.67.10+Business.Edition+v4.2.71.2
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: ESET, LLC.
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
ESET Smart Security是一個集成的安全套裝解決方案,適合普通個人消費者和中小型商業客戶。它包含病毒防御與清除、反間諜軟件、反垃圾郵件、防火牆等功能,而且不但殺毒迅速、精准,體積也非常輕巧,僅占用40MB硬盤空間。
ESET Smart Security 是集成了NOD32殺毒軟件、網絡防火牆和SPAM(垃圾郵件防護)於一身的版本!程序自帶的防火牆非常出色,有交互模式,自動模式和基礎策略模式三種模式,交互模式是當發現有新的程序訪問網絡時會提示你請需要你做出是否允許訪問網絡的決策,自動模式將自動評估所有的網絡鏈接,允許所有的標准出站鏈接,屏蔽所有的非內部發起的入站連接。基礎策略模式則是只允許你設置的策略中的程序訪問網絡,不在策略中的程序全部禁止訪問網絡,屬於高安全性的設置!另外此款防火牆還可以實時的顯示當前那些程序正在訪問網絡,訪問的是那些IP,端口,使用的網絡協議、上傳下載的速度和一共上傳下載了多少字節的數據都可以顯示出來,還可以解析主機名,並具備入侵檢測功能,可檢測包括10種常見的惡意入侵攻擊。同時自帶的NOD32殺毒軟件的能力毋庸置疑,2007年世界排名第五的成績說明了一切。
- 內置防火牆和反垃圾郵件模塊;
- 增強用戶界面視覺效果;
- 針對普通用戶和高級用戶的2種操作模式;
- 增強的自動清除能力;
- 真正的增量更新;
- 導入導出各項設置。
+ 集成 ESET SysInspector
+ 支持筆記本 (可在電池巡航時推遲掃描任務,進行大流量更新前提示,等.)
+ 新增非圖形界面 (以便視覺障礙的用戶使用屏幕閱讀程序)
+ 增強對移動介質的掃描(將使用最嚴格的設置掃描從可移動介質運行的文件,支持管理USB端口)
* 改進清除能力
* 改進自我保護
* 加入當前以掃描對象的統計信息
+ 新增選項為文件執行前掃描啟用高級啟發
+ 新增選項控制壓縮檔的掃描深度或對目標最長掃描時間
+ 新增選項程序全屏狀態下禁用提示
* 支持掃描加密協議 HTTPs/POP3s
+ 新增限時學習模式,學習期間允許所有通訊並自動創建規則
+ 新增支持例外的自動模式
+ 新增選項徹底禁用(內置)防火牆功能
+新增文檔保護單元掃描 MS Office 文件
* 支持UAC
+ EES卸載支持密碼保護
+ Thunderbird 插件
* 反垃圾郵件可以使用用戶地址簿/全局地址簿
* 潛在的不受歡迎/不安全程序將使用黃色警告窗口請求用戶交互
ESET Smart Security 4 Business Edition
Management Console | Antivirus | Antispyware | Firewall | AntispamCombining powerful management tools, ease of use for end users, and state-of-the-art proactive threat detection, ESET Smart Security is the most effective way to protect your business' valuable data assets while improving your compliance posture.
ESET Smart Security was already highly regarded for its ease of use. Now it's even easier to use, which will brighten your help desk manager's day. The Business Edition of ESET Smart Security includes all the features and benefits described above, but has additional functionality and flexibility that every growing business requires:
Additional Benefits
Supports Complex Compliance Requirements — ESET Smart Security adds critical features, such as external drive access control and scanning, Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC) compatibility, as well as enhanced logging and reporting functions to support your compliance initiatives.
Host-based Intrusion Prevention System — Unauthorized attempts to modify your OS or applications are actively blocked through a combination of advanced behavioral analysis and network filtering that monitor your system processes, files, and registry keys. HIPS protects against modern blended threats that may have bypassed your network perimeter security.
Easy to Manage — ESET Remote Administrator provides a single management console to control an entire network from a single screen—supporting tens to thousands of computers. Installation, updates, alerts and other tasks are all easily managed from these intuitive screens. To effectively manage your networked systems, the updated console smooths Active Directory integration and simplifies policy creation. With support for Oracle, MySQL and MS-SQL databases, it also handles increasingly large deployments and runs significantly faster. ESET Smart Security can be configured with antispam and/or personal firewall disabled to ensure compatibility with existing network security solutions. Integrated SysInspector makes it easier for IT administrators to diagnose and resolve problems.
Usability Improvements — For administrators, version 4 offers:
License Manager with simplified tools to manage multiple licenses with different terms
Read-only access for Management Console which enables multiple administrators to share tasks without risk of overwriting configurations
Notification Manager to keep administrators informed of all key events with customizable alerts
Full support of Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC) in support of compliance initiatives
More efficient use of network bandwidth and improved log storage scalability
Advanced Protection status screen that informs you of threat detections
Password protection that prevents ESET Smart Security from being uninstalled by unauthorized employees or visitors
included in this package
eset keys txt document
· Fix: Outlook 2010 crashes when emptying the "Deleted Items" folder
· Fix: System stalls during logon
· Fix: Rare ESET service and SysInspector crashes
· Fix: Slow saving files to shared folders
if you are using TNod this updates it and fixes the error
install instructions:
copy and paste into TNod's installation folder
Installation instructions:
Option 1 (You have not yet installed your ESET product):
1. Run ESET PureFix and click enable.
2. Install your ESET product.
3. Optionally - Reboot.
Option 2 (You have already installed your ESET product):
1. Restart your computer in 'Safe Mode'
2. Run ESET PureFix and click enable.
3. Reboot.
Removal instructions:
Option 1 (You are removing your ESET product completely):
1. Run ESET PureFix and click disable.
2. Uninstall your ESET product.
Option 2 (You only want to remove PureFix):
1. Restart your computer in 'Safe Mode'
2. Run ESET PureFix and click disable.
3. Reboot.
-: Changelog :-
Changes in v1.52
*Bug fixed which was causing PureFix to falsely report 'failed' on non-english OS's.
*Removal of 'Upgrade to full version' watermark from the Update tab.
*Greying out of 'Upgrade to full version' under Advanced settings > Update.