中文名: USB病毒專殺工具
英文名: Townscape USB Anti Virus 2012
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v3.8
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: Copyright (c) 2011 Snappersoft Inc.
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
問題反饋: http://www.snappersoft.com/contact_us.htm
網站鏈接: http://snappersoft.com/
軟件介紹: 病毒木馬除了通過互聯網傳播還有另外一個很主要的途徑就是USB設備。雖然現在很多殺毒軟件套裝已經包括了USB病毒專殺功能,但有時候這些殺毒軟件也對一些USB病毒防不勝防。因此一款USB病毒專殺工具也顯得非常有必要。
TownScape USB Anti-Virus 2012是基於目前很多電腦是通過USB/隨身碟感染病毒的事實開發的。對付病毒的最有效方法就是預防。傳統殺毒軟件的弊端是務必更新至最新的病毒庫才能有效,而TownScape USB Anti-Virus 2012則不需要更新也可以查殺未知病毒,這一點是非常有創新的地方。
TownScape USB Anti-Virus 2012有四大優勢:1)創新;2)無需更新;3)輕便;4)後台工作無需過多操作
TownScape USB Antivirus is a lightweight background antivirus that was created primarily for Memory Sticks / Memory Cards (But not limited to) that is built on the ideal of not needing to be updated and being different in its operation.
Since most viruses infect your computer through Memory Sticks/Cards, it will prove very effective at solving the virus problem that has existed for way too long now without someone finding a better solution rather than the traditional antivirus need-to-update method, which when not followed gives the user a false sense of security and makes his/her computer more vulnerable and thus spreads viruses even more.
TownScape uses a blanket algorithm and probability to find viruses using their general modes of operation. This is not a virus scanner, it is a virus hunter! Protect your PC from all kinds of threats using TownScape USB Antivirus.
USB Anti-Virus 2012 v3.8
Release Date : 2012-01-17
Nfo Date : 2012-01-17
Num. Disks : xx/01 OS : Windows
Nfo Time : 13:37 Rel Type :
Cracker : Team Lz0 Archive : lz0*.zip
Packer : Team Lz0 Rating : Your choice
Supplier : Team Lz0 Language : English
Protection : N/A
Requirements : N/A : Always use a firewall.
Publisher URL : http://snappersoft.com/
Publisher : Townscape
+ I N S T A L L +
NOTE: For obvious reasons you should always make sure that
the title is restricted access to internet by a firewall
to avoid any problems. Further, when running our
keygens/patches you might need to run it with admin
rights while in Vista/Win7 to ensure that it has
enough privileges. 轉貼自sharethefiles/sharevirus/TLF。