"《卡巴斯基全功能安全軟件2010 英文/中文》(Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 EN/CN)[安裝包]"介紹
中文名: 卡巴斯基全功能安全軟件2010 英文/中文
英文名: Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 EN/CN
別名: KIS 9
資源格式: 安裝包
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: www.kaspersky.com/
地區: 大陸,俄羅斯
語言: 簡體中文,英文
Internet Security 2010Complete PC & Netbook ProtectionKaspersky Internet Security 2010 automatically protects you and your family at all times – whether you work, bank, shop or play online.
卡巴斯基全功能安全軟件2010 完整的組件將為您上網沖浪保駕護航。
卡巴斯基全功能安全軟件2010中包含卡巴斯基反病毒軟件 2010的所有功能和技術。
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 has everything you need for a safe and secure Internet experience.
All the features and technologies of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 are included in this product.
Fully Automated Real-Time ProtectionKaspersky Internet Security stops your PC or Netbook being slowed down by cybercriminals and delivers unsurpassed on-line safety whilst protecting your files, music and photos from hackers:
* Keeps your money and identity safe
Improved!* Protects against bank account fraud
* Safeguards against online shopping threats
* Allows questionable applications and websites
* to be run in 'Safe Run Mode'
New!* Cybercriminals won’t hijack your PC or Netbook
* Family protection from on-line predators
* Your files won’t be ruined by hackers
Improved!* Keeps your PC or Netbook running smoothly
* Safer Wi-Fi connections
* Two way personal firewall
* 保護您的資金和隱私信息安全
功能強化!* 保護銀行賬號密碼安全
* 防御在線購物威脅
* 防御黑客劫持您的計算機
* 保護兒童上網安全
* 保護您的文件免受黑客損毀
功能強化!* 保護您的計算機運行平穩
* 保護無線上網安全(Wi-Fi)
* 雙向個人防火牆
New And Improved FeaturesKaspersky Internet Security 2010 offers a number of new and improved features together with unique protection technologies to address the latest online threats, keep your PC or Netbook running smoothly and customize protection according to your activities:
* Unique Safe Run Mode for questionable applications and websites
New!* Security Application Monitor to give you full picture on programs installed on your PC
Improved!* Identity Information Controller to give valuable data an extra layer of protection
Improved!* Kaspersky Toolbar for Internet browsers to warn you about infected or unsafe websites
New!* Advanced identity theft protection, including improved secure Virtual Keyboard
Improved!* Urgent Detection System to stop fast emerging threats
Improved!* Next generation proactive protection from zero-day attacks and unknown threats
Improved!* Special Game Mode to suspend alerts, updates and scans while you play
* 獨特的安全免疫區-可以在該環境中運行可疑網站和應用程序以增強系統安全
全新功能!* 應用程序活動控制-將全面監控已安裝應用程序的所有活動
功能強化!* 隱私信息保護-對系統中重要的數據提供額外保護功能強化
功能強化!* 卡巴斯基工具欄-在浏覽器中嵌入卡巴斯基工具欄將過濾危險網站
全新功能!* 更高級的隱私信息保護,如虛擬鍵盤保護功能更強大
功能強化!* 緊急檢測系統-能夠實時阻止快速傳播的各種威脅
功能強化!* 新一代的主動防御技術-可以更好的防御零日攻擊和未知威脅
功能強化!* 貼心設計的游戲模式-玩家玩游戲時程序將暫停更新、掃描等任務以避免打擾玩家
全新功能!Advanced Features For Better ProtectionKaspersky Internet Security 2010 has a range of unique tools for heightened security. Protecting your family and keeping your PC or Netbook healthy:
* Run questionable applications and websites in Safe Run Mode
New!* Enter logins and passwords using secure Virtual Keyboard
Improved!* Enable Parental Control for added child safety online
Improved!* Turn on Game Mode to suspend alerts, updates and scans
New!* Add folders and files with valuable data to the protected area
Improved!* Scan system and installed applications for vulnerabilities
* View applications working on your PC or Netbook and customize their rules
* Tune up your OS and Internet browser settings for better security
* Restore correct system settings after malware removal
* Burn a Rescue CD to restore your system in case of infection
Improved!* Remove activity traces in your Internet browser (history, cookies, etc.)
高級保護卡巴斯基全功能安全軟件 2010提供更多獨特工具來保護用戶計算機安全:
* 在安全免疫區運行運行可疑程序和網站
全新功能!* 使用更加安全的虛擬鍵盤來輸入用戶名和密碼
全新功能!* 開啟家長控制來保護兒童健康上網
全新功能!* 啟用游戲模式以暫停程序更新,掃描等任務
全新功能!* 在隱私信息保護區中保護重要文件和文件夾
功能強化!* 掃描操作系統和已安裝應用程序漏洞
* 實時監控應用程序活動並自定義運行規則
* 設置操作系統和浏覽器設置以提供更高的安全保護
* 刪除惡意軟件後可以將系統恢復到正常設置
* 刻錄應急磁盤來恢復受感染的系統
功能強化!* 刪除上網記錄(上網歷史、cookies等)
Get Protection From a Range of ThreatsAward-winning technologies in Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 protect you from cybercrime and a wide range of IT threats:
* Viruses, Trojans, worms and other malware, spyware and adware
* Rootkits, bootkits and other complex threats
* Identity theft by keyloggers, screen capture malware or phishing scams
* Botnets and various illegal methods of taking control of your PC or Netbook
* Zero-day attacks, new fast emerging and unknown threats
* Drive-by download infections, network attacks and intrusions
* Unwanted, offensive web content and spam
防御范圍屢獲大獎的安全技術保護您免受以下IT 威脅:
* 病毒、木馬、蠕蟲以及其它惡意軟件,間諜軟件和廣告軟件
* Rootkits, bootkits 以及其它復雜威脅
* 通過鍵盤記錄器,截屏惡意軟件和網絡等的隱私盜竊行為
* 通過僵屍網絡和非法方式來劫持您的計算機
* 零日攻擊,快速傳播的新型威脅
* 網頁掛馬,網絡攻擊和黑客入侵
* 成人網站,垃圾郵件
(Extract to C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab)
(After that, go to Setting | Appearance | Tick "Use alternative skin" | Browse | Choose the skin folder)設置 | 程序外觀 | 選使用可選皮膚 | 浏覽 | 選擇皮膚的文件夾有了這些皮膚,可以更方便的更改激活碼文件哦!可以直接插入激活碼文件哦!使用皮膚的請點擊授權許可管理器 > 激活新授權許可 > 選第二個選項 > 浏覽你所下載的授權即可。激活方法有兩個。
第一個方法是斷你的網絡,然後輸入這個過期的key : MPQ9T-EAZHX-9S3GF-X2Y3Z,然後你就可以輸入激活文件了。但是需要d斷你的網絡。
所以我還是支持第二個方法,下載這些皮膚就可以有更多的選項1. Gothic
2. Saturday
3. Friday-3
4. Heavens
5. Russia
6. Space
7. Katja
8. Pepelats
9. Micro
卡巴斯基全功能安全軟件2011 (英文版)[安全檢測]★已經過安全檢測