2017.08.08 HyperSnap 8.13.03 Fix: on Edit Stamp dialog box, “Options” tab, the “Blend stamp” slider did not work.
2017.08.08 HyperSnap 8.13.03 * Fix: on Edit Stamp dialog box, “Options” tab, the “Blend stamp” slider did not work.
2017.07.08 HyperSnap 8.13.02 Small fix for “avoid the jump” from the selection by the original offset: the “avoiding” now works only if a rectangle smaller than the entire image is selected. Otherwise paste works as before release 8.13.01 Replace colors for non-rectangular selection now does not change colors of pixels that are not inside the selection, if the “apply alpha” box is checked-off.
by 烈火、大眼仔 1、基用于官方原始英文版语言资源汉化为简体中文 2、不含任何注册破解及其它涉及版权的文件或内容