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《数据恢复软件》(Aidfile Recovery Professional Edition)v3.5.6专业版[压缩包]
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《数据恢复软件》(Aidfile Recovery Professional Edition)v3.5.6专业版[压缩包] 簡介:
"《数据恢复软件》(Aidfile Recovery Professional Edition)v3.5.6专业版[压缩包]"介紹


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操作系统:Support Windows 2000/2003/2008/2012,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows Vista.Both 32-bit & 64-bit.
问题反馈: http://www.aidfile.com/support.htm
网站链接: http://www.aidfile.com/

Aidfile Recovery software是一款功能强大的软件,恢复文件数据恢复删除/格式化/区分/隐藏的驱动/分区损坏等。它支持FAT32 / NTFS文件系统。可以恢复意外格式文件;恢复文件分割错误或硬盘崩溃;弥补失去的分区删除;从回收站恢复删除或丢失的文件;恢复办公格式化excel文件丢失、相片、形象、视频、音乐、电子邮件等;恢复硬盘驱动器、USB驱动器、记忆卡、记忆棒、照相机卡、邮编、软盘或其它的存储介质。

Aidfile Recovery software数据恢复软件:是一款功能强大的可以恢复已删除/格式化/重分区/有故障驱动器/损坏的分区表等数据。
支持EXFAT/ FAT32/ NTFS文件系统。英文版的,国产的一些恢复软件不行可以试试这个。

Aidfile data recovery能恢复软件发生意外错误而丢失的数据,例如分区写入错误;


·恢复FAT, NTFS分区文件系统丢失的,删除的或格式化的数据.
·恢复Windows 系统丢失的,删除的或格式化的音频或视频文件,包括rmvb, wav, wmv, mp3, mp4, mpeg等等.
·恢复回收站中已删除的文件,包括MS Word, Excel, Access, powerpoint, Zip和BKF文件等.



Aidfile recovery software is an easy-to-use and powerful hard disk data recovery tool specialized in recovering deleted / formatted files or lost files resulting from corrupted partition table, at an easy manner. It could recover files and data from FAT32 partition as well as from NTFS, exFAT.

Learn more:Why people choose the best professional data recovery software - Aidfile recovery software?

As for recovering the accidentally deleted files, Aidfile recovery software has absolute advantage over any other similar software on the market. Also, Aidfile data recovery software can help you recover all files from formatted partition, scanning the directory structure of FAT32/ NTFS/ ex-FAT partition, recovering all files with the original file name and directory structure no matter what is the type of the original partition. What’s more, if the Partition corruption is not very bad, it could scanning the files at lightning speed and directly lists all the data, shortening the recovering time as much as possible.

Professional and best file recovery software to do format-recovery, unformat and recover deleted files emptied from Recycle Bin or lost data due to partition loss or damage, software crash, virus infection, unexpected shutdown or any other unknown reasons.

For the mistakenly deleted files, Aidfile data recovery software has much better recovery effect than other softwares; for the mistakenly formatted partitions, it can scan the FAT32/NTFS/exFAT partitioned directory structure, and no matter what type the original partition is, it can recover the directory’s structure levels. In addition, if the partitions are not destroyed so badly, it can scan and list the data at a lightning speed, thus shortens the time for file recovery to the best of its ability; for the lost of partitions due to wrongly deleting the partitions or damage of the partition tables and the partitions that cannot be recovered by other partition tables, our software can also easily scan and recover them, not to mention that it supports rapid scanning and recovery of GPT hard disc partition of Vista, Win7 and Windows 8, etc.; for the damage of the big directories of partitions that cause many fragments, this software can restore them to the original directory structure and, the effect of recovery is the best of its kind.

Aidfile data recovery can recover the data while there is an error happens to your software, for example: partition error writing, unintentional formatting, accidentally deletion, false backup, MBR losing, bad sector of BOOT, virus attack, Hackers Attack, conversion error, partition logic error, logical bad sectors of hard drives, partition table lost, etc. The success rate is exclusively high.

Aidfile Recovery Software Keyfeature

Windows data recovery after accidental format, even if you have reinstalled Windows OS.

Get back files after a partitioning formatted, error or hard disk crash.

Recover data from lost deleted or formatted partitions.

Recover deleted or lost files emptied from the recycle bin.

Recover lost MS office word excel document, photo, image, video, music, email, etc.

Recover lost data from hard drive, USB drive, memory card, memory stick, camera card, Zip, floppy disk or other storage media.

Preview lost pictures, office files,etc.

Recover lost data with the reason as partition software failure.

Support Windows 2000/2003/2008/2012,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows Vista.Both 32-bit & 64-bit.

High quality of file recovery.

Easily use.

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