中文名: 系統恢復啟動光盤集成工具
英文名: Active@ BootDisk Suite
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v7.0
發行時間: 2013年02月
地區: 加拿大
語言: 英文
應用平台:√ Windows 8
√ Windows 7
√ Windows Vista (32 bit/64 bit)
√ Windows Server 2008
√ Windows XP
√ Windows XP Professional x64
√ Windows XP Home x64
√ Windows Server 2003
√ Windows Server 2000
√ Windows 98
√ Windows ME
√ Windows NT
問題反饋: http://lsoft.net/support.aspx
網站鏈接: http://lsoft.net/bootdisk.aspx
軟件介紹:Active@ Boot Disk (Win版)是一個用於系統恢復的Windows 啟動光盤,具有以下特色: 適用於不支持啟動的PC; 物理或邏輯硬盤備份恢復;丟失的文件夾和文件恢復;通過編輯分區表恢復刪除的分區;重新設定系統管理員密碼和用戶賬戶等等。
Active@ Boot Disk
Active@ Boot Disk is a complete and functioning computer operating system on CD/DVD/USB disk.
Active@ Boot Disk does not modify the operating system already installed on a computer's hard drive.
It includes many tools to boot up a computer and fix most startup, PC configuration, and system management problems.
Key Features:
new! Latest:
Active@ File Recovery 10.0.7 (UFS & Ext4 file systems support); Active@ Partition Recovery 8.0.2 (UFS & Ext4 file systems support); Active@ Disk Image 5.4.2 (SSD support); Active@ Password Changer 4.1.235 (drive lock issue resolved); Active@ Disk Monitor 1.4 (new device refresh issue resolved); Active@ KillDisk 7.0.4; Active@ Disk Editor 2.1.35 (Integration with File & Partition Recovery) new! New lightweight installer, more compact installations
File management — browse directories, search, copy and move files and folders
Data CD/DVD burning for data backup and recovery purposes
Additional driver loading on-the-fly, or from pre-configured directories
Full access to non-bootable PC
Network access via TCP/IP, network configurator is included
Dead On Arrival
Presentz :
Active@ Boot Disk v7.0
size 18x10mb
date 02/10/13
Registration : See key.txt