中文名: 文檔搜索工具
英文名: Likasoft Archivarius 3000
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v4.56
發行時間: 2013年
制作發行: Likasoft.
語言: 英文
應用平台:Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 8.
Archivarius 3000可以幫助你更有條理地整理PC上的數據,或者可以把它當作資源管理器的搜索引擎,但是效率就明顯高很多了。Archivarius 3000可以搜索計算機,局域網和可移動驅動器(包括CD,DVD和其它)上的全能應用程序。文檔可以通過關鍵字或使用查詢語言搜索。
軟件運行之後,會提示你指定需要整理的目錄或磁盤,然後可能需要花上幾分鐘為你指定的目錄或磁盤制作索引。之後,Archivarius 3000就變成一部強大的搜索機,可以快速幫你搜索文件或文件夾,體驗之後,確實感覺這個過程比Windows的搜索功能要快了很多。
If you like this software, consider to buy it #############
Archivarius 3000
Instant full-text search of documents and e-mail in 18 languages
Archivarius 3000 is the system which understands natural language queries (English, German, Spanish, French for example). Documents can be searched by keyword or using query language, the same like in Internet search engines. While searching, the program automatically generates all forms of words, which provide full-text documents search in 18 languages.
Support for LAN (local network) and removable drives (CD, DVD and others)
While indexing documents and e-mail, Archivarius 3000 will extract and save full information about them. During search, even if document is not physically accessible, Archivarius 3000 will find it by keywords and determine on which disk the required file is located.
Handling large volumes of documents and e-mail
Archivarius 3000 is built to handle rapidly growing document and e-mail flow with no hassle. You can index thousands of documents and messages daily and still you won't see any significant slowdown while searching and accessing them; there is no need for constant reducing number of documents and messages in your folders in order to make it running faster.
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Dead On Arrival
Presentz :
size 03 * 4,77MB
date 18/01/13
Archivarius 3000 is a full-featured application to search
documents and e-mail on the desktop computer, your local
network and removable drives (CD, DVD). The documents can
be searched by content, the same as with Internet search
Registration : see key.txt
Note : As usual, block app with fw when registering!
DEAD ON ARRIVAL : we sure acknowledge that what
we do may be questionnable, but considering a lot
of people seem to like our releases (no matter if
they expire or not), we shall keep on releasing
cause it seems our stuff is way more appreciated
than what is usually done scenewide. Now instead
of logging onto your coolest ftpd and grab last
update of some soft nobody gives a shit about, maybe
show your talent in removing the i-net checks of
our apps and/or keygening them. That will be really
useful for everybody!
Today, some apps can't be cracked/keygened the old
way, that's why we're here.
Contax : n/a
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