中文名: 文件管理軟件
英文名: Directory Opus
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v10.2
發行時間: 2013年
制作發行: GPSoftware, Brisbane, Australia,
語言: 英文
應用平台:Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP,
Server 2012, 2008, 2003.
問題反饋: http://www.gpsoft.com.au/support/support.html
網站鏈接: http://www.gpsoft.com.au/
Directory Opus和大多數文件管理軟件一樣,支持多個文件視圖,這樣你就可以不用切換文件夾,方便的復制、移動文件了。
1)Directory Opus與Total Commander不同,後者建立了一個完全不同於Windows資源管理器的界面和系統,而前者則在看似建立在Windows資源管理器基礎上,讓你操作上很順手,很習慣,但其實也是自己的一套體系。
2)Directory Opus可以直接壓縮/解壓縮文件和文件夾,無需第三方工具如Winzip/WinRar/7-zip;
3)Directory Opus可直接分割、合並文件;
4)Directory Opus內置看圖工具和媒體播放器,可直接浏覽圖片、播放聲音;
5)Directory Opus支持同步文件夾;
6)Directory Opus支持查找搜索重復文件、節省你的磁盤空間;
7)Directory Opus可直接修改文件的創建時間、修改時間,可對同一目錄所有文件執行此操作;
8)Directory Opus支持多標簽窗口,支持類似Windows Vista/Windows 7的地址欄(帶菜單層迭顯示目錄功能);
9)Directory Opus裡面文件/目錄的鼠標右鍵菜單與Windows資源管理器的右鍵菜單一模一樣!
10)Directory Opus可直接顯示文件夾大小,無需第三方插件;
11)Directory Opus可直接顯示文件MD5值,和文件大小、文件修改時間等等列在一起,
12)Directory Opus支持第三方插件,可以無限擴充增強;
13)Directory Opus可鎖定當前文件夾防止更改;
Directory Opus is designed with four goals in mind:
Ease of use: As far as possible, Opus works just like Explorer does. You don't have to learn any complicated scripting or non-standard mouse techniques to use Opus. If you've ever used Explorer to copy a file, you already know exactly how to do it in Opus as well.
Configurability: We believe in the user's right to choose how their computer operates. You'll find that almost every aspect of Opus can be changed - from the buttons on the toolbar to the color used to draw the background of a compressed file. Of course you don't have to configure anything if you don't want to - "out of the box" Opus provides a comprehensive set of commands that will let you perform most file management tasks without ever going near the configuration.
Efficiency: Opus is designed to be as efficient as possible. The entire program makes use of multi-threading to ensure that you should never have to wait for one operation to complete before beginning another.
Compatibility: As an Explorer Replacement it's important that Opus appears (to the system) just like Explorer does. Within the limits set by Microsoft, Opus achieves this and most software written with only Explorer in mind will still work fine with Opus installed.
There are far too many features to list them all here, but to name a few:
Single or dual file displays, with single or dual trees, make navigating and manipulating files a breeze
Folder tabs let you keep multiple folders open and switch quickly between them
Integrated viewer pane lets you preview many common image and document file formats
View and edit file metadata (EXIF, MP3, PDF, etc)
Sorting, grouping, filtering and searching has never been easier
Color code or rate your files and folders to make them easier to find
Batch renaming including the option for a fully scripted rename using metadata
Support for FTP, Zip, 7-Zip, RAR and many other archive formats
Built-in tools including synchronize, duplicate file finder, image converter and uploader and more
Print or export folder listings, copy file listings to the clipboard, calculate folder sizes
Queue multiple file copies for improved performance
Support for CD/DVD burning
Support for the latest Windows 7 features including jumplists and indexed search
Fully configurable user interface - toolbars, keyboard hotkeys and much more can be tailored to suit your needs
Efficient, multi-threaded, modern design
Supports Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 in both 32 and 64 bit versions
What's New in Directory Opus 10
For users upgrading from Directory Opus 9, the following is a description of the significant changes in Directory Opus 10.
File Management: Changes affecting core file management tasks (appearance and behaviour of the file displays).
Archives: Changes relating to archive handling (improvements to Zip and support for additional formats like 7zip, etc).
Searching and Filtering: Changes relating to searching and filtering the file lists (including integrated Windows Search support).
File Copying: Changes relating to copying and moving files (including the addition of Copy Queue functionality).
Metadata: Changes relating to the display and editing of metadata (including the new Metadata Pane).
Libraries: Expanded support for Windows 7 Libraries, including making the Libraries system available to Windows XP and Vista users.
Navigation: Changes to folder navigation tasks.
Folder Tree: Changes to the Folder Tree (improved performance on networks, FTP integration and additional options controlling the appearance).
FTP: Changes to the FTP client including improved support for additional proxy types.
Windows 7 Features: Changes to take advantage of new Windows 7 functionality like Jump Lists.
Utility Panel: Changes relating to the Utility Panel.
Cosmetic Improvements: Changes that are largely cosmetic.
Preferences: Changes that affect the Preferences system.
Viewer and Preview Panel: Changes that affect the image viewers.
Image and Audio Formats: Support for additional image and audio formats in file displays and viewers.
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous changes and improvements.
Functions: Changes to Opus function scripting.
Raw Commands: Changes to the internal command set.
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Dead On Arrival
Presentz :
size 14 * 4,77MB
date 13/01/13
Advanced Windows File Manager
Registration : see registration.txt
Note : As usual, block app with fw when registering!
DEAD ON ARRIVAL : we sure acknowledge that what
we do may be questionnable, but considering a lot
of people seem to like our releases (no matter if
they expire or not), we shall keep on releasing
cause it seems our stuff is way more appreciated
than what is usually done scenewide. Now instead
of logging onto your coolest ftpd and grab last
update of some soft nobody gives a shit about, maybe
show your talent in removing the i-net checks of
our apps and/or keygening them. That will be really
useful for everybody!
Today, some apps can't be cracked/keygened the old
way, that's why we're here.
Contax : n/a
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