軟件介紹:IObit Smart Defrag 是一款免費的碎片整理程序,能夠最有效的幫助你輕松整理碎片。它擁有獨特的“安裝後自動運行”以及碎片智能診斷技術,無需任何設置和人為操作,就能夠全自動運行。軟件界面它采用業界最先進的ExpressDefrag技術,不僅整理碎片速度非常快,而且還能夠對磁盤的文件系統進行優化。IObit Smart Defrag還借助領先的靜默整理技術,在後台利用計算機的空閒時刻自動進行碎片整理,讓你的硬盤一直保持最高的運行效率。 IObit Smart Defrag能夠最有效的幫助你輕松整理碎片,不僅速度快,還能同時對磁盤進行化化操作,更強的是,它還借助了靜默整理技術,可以在後台利用計算機的空閒時刻進行自動整理,而且它還在各大下載站點屢獲殊榮,相信實力應該不俗。最吸引人的是,它還是一款免費軟件哦。是不是有點躍躍欲試的感覺啦?那還等什麼,快來下載一個試試吧,相信有了它之後一定會讓你的硬盤一直保持最高的運行效率。
官網英文介紹Key Benefits
Extremely Easy to Use
Its intuitive interface makes Smart Defrag the ideal utility for complete computer novice.
Exceptionally Efficient Defragmentation
Smart Defrag has the world’s fastest defragmenting engine. It’s been specially designed for modern, large hard drives, so it eliminates long waiting time.
Optimize Disk Performance
Smart Defrag doesn’t just use simple defragmentation. It also streamlines your file system, places the frequently used files and directories into the fastest area of the disk, enabling your computer to run at top speed with the most stability.
Always-on to Work Automatically
Smart Defrag works automatically and quietly in the background, so it continually and constantly keeps your computer fragment-free.
Data Safe and Reliability Guaranteed
Besides, unlike other "Automated" Defragmenters, Smart Defrag does NOT constantly perform analysis and defrag, which does damage your hard drive and shorten its life. Smart Defrag has a "Safe Intelligence" technology that can assure the health of your disk by deciding When and How to execute defragmentation.
Free Defragmenter Forever
Smart Defrag is 100% freeware. Download, use, and update it absolutely free for your personal computers, business or enterprise servers –– it won’t cost you a penny.
1.5版重要更新+ Improved support for solid-state disk
* Fixed cpu usage dispaly bug in x64 system
* Fixed USB Driver removal bug
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