中文名: 磁盤碎片整理
英文名: UltimateDefrag
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 含破解文件
發行時間: 2010年8月2日
制作發行: DiskTrix Inc.
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
UltimateDefrag 可以根據匹配你的標准的文件屬性和訪問日期有選擇自動地找到這些文件。該軟件的界面提供了一個允許你形象化驅動器內容以及可以精確地觀看文件和文件夾在物理磁盤上處於哪個位置的顯示功能。UltimateDefrag 不需要你是一名專家,但是如果你是的話,你將會發現允許你在任何方面定制該磁盤整理處理過程的大量可配置選項。該軟件還包括一個用於自動化磁盤碎片整理操作的計劃安排器以及對於計算機啟動時磁盤碎片整理,後台磁盤碎片整理等功能的支持。
Let's look at some of the new things you can do with UltimateDefrag to further optimize your hard drive...
Defrag and optimize the placement of your MFT, page file and other system files that are not normally defraggable. Do it with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 - 32 bit and 64 bit! A unique fully customizable boot time defrag interface gives you full control over every single system file and where you want them to go. NO other defrag software, or any program for that matter on the planet allows you to do this.
Run a Defrag Simulation that lets you simulate a defrag in compressed time so you can see your drive layout before you actually defrag! Defrag simulation uses a proprietary virtual drive technology that enables you to simulate a defrag so you can see file placement on screen in accelerated mode while not actually making changes to your hard drive. If you're one of those users who like to setup complex defrag and hard drive optimization routines to squeeze every millisecond of performance from your hard drive, you can now see what your file system will look like when it is complete.
Here’s one you’ll really love! File Drag And Drop Specific Files And Directories. You now have the ability to select a file or folder from the Cluster Viewer or File Highlighter and then DRAG it to wherever on the disk display you want that file or complete directory to go. That’s right, you can drag and drop files onto wherever you want them to be placed on your drive. Perfect for optimizing performance of specific applications or even games where every millisecond saved counts!
True File Use Tracking. UltimateDefrag Version 3 will keep track of all your file usage in its own database and it will intelligently keep track of file use frequency, how often a file becomes fragmented and it then uses moving averages of such data to intelligently place files for optimum performance on your hard drive.
Minimize Rate Of Refragmentation with FragProtect™ file placement borrowed from our DefragExpress title that places files to ensure the lowest rate of refragmentation possible. In a nutshell, you've now defeated hard drive entropy!
Perform A One Click Auto Defrag For A Hard Drive Performance Increase Of More Than 500%. Our Auto Defrag method is now more intelligent than ever before and shows you a true estimate of your hard drive performance increase as you move a simple slider to optimize your hard drive layout!
Enjoy Full Compatibility with all versions of Windows 7, Vista and XP, 32 bit and 64 bit and that includes the boot time defragmentation for defragging those system files, MFT and page file.
Enjoy A New User Interface With A LOT MORE screen information and floating Windows to take advantage of your multi-monitor setup. This new user interface gives you much more one-click power to achieve defragmentation and optimization tasks than ever before.
Select Ways To Complete Defrags In Minutes While Maintaining Optimum Performance. A simple option to most defrag methods will only process 10 to 20% of the files on your drive and give you the maximum performance possible for your hard drive. That means maximum optimization in just a minute or two most of the time!
Experience The Fastest Defrag Engine On The Planet as UltimateDefrag Version 3 makes intelligent decisions as it encounters each fragmented file and chooses the algorithm that processes the file in minimum time possible. When certain conditions are met, it can defrag a 2 Gb file in a few seconds!
And There Is Still So Much More including all the features of UltimateDefrag that you've known in the past, if you're a previous user, or if you are a new user will soon discover and be amazed with!
We won't take all the fun away and describe it all here otherwise there'll be nothing left for you to discover. You'll see it all when you're using this amazing defragger and hard drive optimization software - UltimateDefrag Version 3!
? 鄄膊鄄圹跢reddyfre圹圹圮苘苘苘 苘苘苘苒圹圹Freddyfre圹鄄鄄膊??
圹? ? 卟圹圹鄄膊膊膊膊槽槽圹圹圹鄄鄄膊膊膊槽圹圹 圻膊膊膊膊膊咣?
捋? 苒哌?卟圹圹膊膊膊圹圹跢reddyfre圹圹膊膊槽圹圹00000000000000000F
槽 ? 哕 薏 薏圹圹膊槽圹圹圹圹圹槽圹圹圹圹鄄膊圹圹?000000000000000f
捋? 哕 槽圹鄄槽圹圹圹圹圹槽圹圹圹圹圹圹槽圹圹圯 捋? 苒圻哕圹F
咣圮苒哌 苻槽圹鄄圹圹圹坜圹?圹圹圹蒇圹圹?圹圹鄄?圹圹000000圹鄄f
圹圹圹圹圹00圹圹 0圹圹圹? 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?00!
? 圹圹圹圹圹000圹圹 圹圹00圹圹?? 圹圹圹圹圹圹Ff圹鄄 ?
? 苘圹苘圹槽圹圹圹?000圹? 0000圹圹00 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄草 ?
鄄? 捋? 薏圹圹000圹? 圹?000圹圹圹 圹圹圹圹ff圹圹圹膊
捋 舶 槽? 槽圹圹0000圹 圹0000圹圹 圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄?
Ff 捋脖 苒圹圹圹圹?圹 圹000圹圹圹圹 圹圹FF圹圹圹圹圹圹草
舶 苘圹圹圹圹跢FFFF圹 圹00苒? 0圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
捋鄄苘?哌膊? 苘懿槽圹膊 ?presents 廁薏圯 薏圹荼膊苘? 卟策?
苒策槽圻哌 懿? 卟曹 哌? 懿圹? 懿? 哌咣鄄卟圮
膊圯 膊? 懿? ? 哌咣苘苘苘苘苘鄄哌? ? 懿? 輩?捋膊
卟槽?鞍 ?? ??鞍 苒膊?
卟圮苒? 捋苘鄄?
卟苓哕? UltimateDefrag 苘哌懿?
哕?捋? 圯 捋 捋?苘?
捋膊哕懿? Release Date : 2010-08-03 卟苘卟槽?
苘苒膊哌? 哌卟槽苘?
鄄?? ?膊?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? Packer : Freddyfre OS : WINALL ?槽?
圹?? Supplier : Freddyfre Language : English ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? Publisher URL : http://disktrix.com/ ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? (-) Keyfile / License (-) Emulator ?槽?
圹?? (-) Patch (-) Serial ?槽?
圹?? (*) Cracked .EXE / .DLL (-) Retail ?槽?
圹?? (-) Keygen (-) Trainer ?槽?
圹??懿? (-) Loader (-) Other 懿??槽?
圹?曹 ? ?懿 槽?
咣鄄草 苓 ? ?哕 薏槽圻
咣鄄草 ?? ?? 薏槽圻
卟圮苒?懿曹 苘苘? 苘苘? 懿曹 捋苘鄄?
卟苓哕??懿卟? 哌? 鞍? 鞍? 苓? 卟卟??苘哌懿?
哕?捋? 圹膊圯草 懿?薏 氨? 苘懿哌哌哌卟苘? 北?草 懿?薏捋膊圹 捋?苘?
捋膊哕懿咣 哌圮? ?懿?輩槽哌 哌鄄脖 薏?? 哕圻?圻曹苓膊圯
苘苒膊哌圻 ? ? 膊圹懿鄄? I N S T A L L +薏圹苒鄄? ? ? 咣哌膊圮苘
鄄?草 ? 哌卟膊槽? 苒圹鄄哌? ? 薏 膊?
圹?圻 咣 槽?
圹?? Install app ?槽?
圹?? Copy Cracked .EXE in directory ?槽?
圹?? Enjoy! ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?曹 ? ?懿 槽?
咣鄄草 ?? ?? 薏槽圻
卟圮苒?懿曹 苘苘? 苘苘? 懿曹 捋苘鄄?
卟苓哕??懿卟? 哌? 鞍? 鞍? 苓? 卟卟??苘哌懿?
哕?捋? 圹膊圯草 懿?薏 氨? 苘懿哌哌哌卟苘? 北?草 懿?薏捋膊圹 捋?苘?
捋膊哕懿咣 哌圮? ?懿?輩槽哌 哌鄄脖 薏?? 哕圻?圻曹苓膊圯
捋膊哕懿咣 哌圮? ?懿?輩槽哌 哌鄄脖 薏?? 哕圻?圻曹苓膊圯
苘苒膊哌圻 ? ? 膊圹懿鄄葺 + L E G A L + 廁槽圮圹膊 ? ? 咣哌膊圮苘
鄄?草 ? 哌卟膊槽? 苒圹鄄哌? ? 薏 膊?
圹?圻 咣 槽?
? ?
Freddyfre is not responsible for the bad usage of this product.
if you like it, u MUST buy it, Software Authors deserve support!.
? ?
捋膊哕懿咣 哌圮? ?懿?輩槽哌 哌鄄脖 薏?? 哕圻?圻曹苓膊圯
苘苒膊哌圻 ? ? 膊圹懿鄄? C O N T A C T +薏圹苒鄄? ? ? 咣哌膊圮苘
鄄?草 ? 哌卟膊槽? 苒圹鄄哌? ? 薏 膊?
圹?圻 咣 槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? ? ? ?槽?
圹?曹 咣? 咣?苒 槽?
咣鄄草 ?? ?? 薏槽圻
卟圮苒? ?? ?? 捋苘鄄?
卟苓哕圯 ?懿? ? 懿?? 捋苓哕策
捋? 圹?苘懿? ?哕?? 懿苘?苒? 捋?
懿?懿哌策策 哌? 鞍? 苘?哕??哕?哕? 鞍? 圻? 卟卟哌曹 卟?
圯草 懿?薏 氨? 膊? 哕? 薏? 北?草 懿?薏捋
咣苓 ?懿?輩槽? 哌? 苓? 咣膊?薏?? 哕圻
? 膊膊懿槽? ? ? 捋膊懿膊? ?
哌膊槽? ascii proudly done 圹膊膊?
卟槽? by Freddyfre 苒膊?
薏草 ? ? 薏草
?咣懿 ? ? 曹圻 ?
膊?草 ?? ?? 薏 薏?
哌懿曹草 懿? 薏懿曹哌
哌卟苘 ?苘策哌