中文名: MAC磁盤管理優化工具
英文名: Drive Genius
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: v3.0.2/MAC OSX/含注冊碼
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: ProSoft
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
軟件類型:系統工具 - 磁盤工具
操作系統:Mac/ v3.0.MAC.OSX
Drive Genius 是 OSX 硬碟工具套件,可維護、管理、和最佳化硬碟,整合了磁碟最佳化、分析和修補工具,並有優秀的測試功能及資料完整性驗證功能。維護、管理和最佳化磁盤驅動器. Drive Genius 是 Mac 平台和上最好的硬碟工具,擁有磁盤碎片整理、目錄修復、磁碟最佳化等功能,透過 Drive Genius 對硬碟的管理與維護,可讓電腦運行起來更快。Drive Genius 已確立了其作為 Mac 平台磁盤工具業界標准的地位.
Drive.Genius.v3.0 特點
Drive Genius 3在速度和整體性能作出了改進 ,增強碎片整理,支持磁盤陣列,增強重新分區和電子郵件通知的新功能. Drive Genius 3是64位應用程序,主要利用了Mac OS X10.6“Snow Leopard”的優勢。
Drive Genius v3.0
Is your Mac running slower? Is your hard drive filling up and you don't know why? Are you seeing the beach ball more or having other issues with your hard drive? Try Drive Genius 3, the best hard drive utility on the Mac platform – DrivePulse®, Enhanced Defrag, DriveSlim™, Enhanced Repartition are only a few of the award-winning features of Drive Genius 3.
Drive Genius 3 now runs as a 64-bit application and includes new features such as; DrivePulse®, the best way to monitor the overall health of your drive, alerting you to possible issues before they become major problems. Drive Genius 3 also features RAID Support, Email Notifications and has enhanced previous features including Defrag, Repartition and Scan from version 2.
Drive Genius 3 is the best disk utility for the Mac platform. A new user interface, Drive Pulse®, 64-bit, Enhanced Defrag, RAID Support, Enhanced Repartition, Scan and Email Notifications are only a few of the award-winning features of Drive Genius 3. Optimize your drive with Drive Genius 3. Yes, this is the same product used by Apple at the Genius Bar to defrag your drive!*
*Part of ProCare Yearly TuneUp
Traditionally, hard drive maintenance and management has been difficult, time-consuming and confusing. In many cases people skip these critical activities – sometimes leading to disaster. Thankfully, Drive Genius 3 makes these tedious tasks painless, fast and easy.
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/______((- _________/ PRODULY PRESENTS:
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___Release Info______________________________________(
supplier.....: TEAM HOT
release date.: 09/29/2010
type.........: MAC
format.......: DMG
files........: 1DVD
website......: http://www.prosofteng.com/products/drive_genius.php
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__(_Release Notes______________________________________(
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__(_T E A M NEWS______________________________________(
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