中文名: 磁盤碎片整理工具
英文名: Raxco.PerfectDisk.Professional
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v.12.5
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Raxco Software, Inc.
語言: 英文
Raxco PerfectDisk是一款經過微軟Windows 2000/2003認證和Windows XP徽標認證的磁盤碎片整理軟件,安全性上毋庸置疑。並且Raxco PerfectDisk不僅面向家庭,同時也面向小型商務用戶和大型企業用戶,其功能強大可見一斑。Raxco PerfectDisk的界面非常緊湊和專業,對於每個磁盤的詳細情況都有圖標進行顯示,並且軟件整體以“調度任務”為主體,對於善於合理規劃的用戶來說非常適用。
通過Microsoft's Active Directory組策略帶來前所未有的功能強大的管理組合,完全碎片整理,驅動器優化,經過微軟認證。PerfectDisk符合一系列企業級碎片整理部署標准。對於企業級系統及海量硬盤來說,PerfectDisk提供了綜合磁盤碎片整理解決方案,包括優化系統文件(包括MFT),所有Meta數據,頁面交換文件以及文件夾等。PerfectDisk標志性的SMART磁盤文件替換技術在管理磁盤文件時保證了空閒空間的整合,最大程度上減少將來磁盤整理的需要。
Perfect Disk是Raxco公司的產品,它擁有磁盤碎片整理軟件最常見的操作界面和功能,即先分析磁盤,再進行整理,不論是FAT或NTFS格式的硬盤分區都可以精密地進行分析,並能保持硬盤連續性。
PerfectDisk為當前具有前瞻眼光的的現代企業提供新一級的強大而易用的磁盤碎片整理方案。通過Microsoft's Active Directory組策略帶來前所未有的功能強大的管理組合,完全碎片整理,驅動器優化,經過微軟認證。PerfectDisk符合一系列企業級碎片整理部署標准。對於企業級系統及海量硬盤來說,PerfectDisk提供了綜合磁盤碎片整理解決方案,包括優化系統文件(包括MFT),所有Meta數據,頁面交換文件以及文件夾等。PerfectDisk標志性的SMART磁盤文件替換技術在管理磁盤文件時保證了空閒空間的整合,最大程度上減少將來磁盤整理的需要。
PerfectDisk 是跟NT專用的PerfectDisk NT同樣功能,是一套安全和強大的磁盤重整工具。不過,PerfectDisk 2000支持Windows 95/98和NT Server及Workstation 4.0操作系統。除了操作平台不同,功能上則跟PerfectDisk NT相同,最大的差別在於PerfectDisk 2000可透過網絡連線對遠端電腦做硬盤或軟盤重整功能。無論磁盤文件是FAT或是NTFS格式皆可以聰明地分析磁盤文件格式,安全、快速地將硬盤或軟盤不同磁區的文件和目錄作重整,保持硬盤或軟盤文件的連續,存取文件更有效率。這個是對應工作站的單機版本! 一套安全和強大的磁盤整理工具。可通過網絡對遠程計算機進行磁盤整理。無論磁盤的文件系統是是 FAT、FAT32 或是 NTFS 格式皆可以聰明地分析分析磁盤文件格式,安全、快速地將磁盤不同位置的文檔和目錄進行整理,保持磁盤文件的連續,存取文檔更有效率。此版本只支持 Windows 2000 或Windows XP 操作系統!
一套安全和強大的磁盤整理工具。可通過網絡對遠程計算機進行磁盤整理。無論磁盤的文件系統是是 FAT、FAT32 或是 NTFS 格式皆可以聰明地分析分析磁盤文件格式,安全、快速地將磁盤不同位置的文檔和目錄進行整理,保持磁盤文件的連續,存取文檔更有效率。
還可透過網絡連線對遠端電腦做硬盤或軟盤重整功能。無論磁盤文件是 FAT 或是 NTFS 格式皆可以聰明地分析磁盤文件格式,安全、快速地將硬盤或軟盤不同磁區的文件和目錄作重整,保持硬盤或軟盤文件的連續,存取文件更有效率。
Raxco軟件公司推出的的PerfectDisk 12產品線是真正革命性的磁盤碎片整理工具套件PC,筆記本電腦,服務器,虛擬化環境,包括虛擬的意識到碎片整理支持VMware的ESX服務器和微軟的Hyper - V,加上業界第一款提供全方位的解決方案支持Windows 7和新的家庭版。 Raxco軟件,磁盤碎片整理的領導者,提供企業碎片整理與台式機和筆記本電腦用戶的PerfectDisk的電源。 的PerfectDisk的易於使用的界面和強大的碎片整理引擎,用戶不需要網絡碎片整理和先進的功能,為企業的能力而設計的。 如果你想優化您的計算機運行速度更快,更好的表現所以你可以做更多 - 無論工作或進行網上沖浪 - 並沒有像許多公司的網絡環境中運行,然後的PerfectDisk是你。
的PerfectDisk提供新的和增強的功能和更方便的導航,為家庭用戶,SMB(中小型企業)和企業用戶。 有非常大的驅動器,調度和自動碎片整理的增強,減少系統資源的使用,改進的報告和管理,全面支持64位,和許多令人振奮的新功能和增強功能更好的性能。
•保持計算機像新的一樣運行。 SMARTPlacement™專利技術,家庭版的PerfectDisk使得更多的自由空間,在您的驅動器和加快你所做的一切。 浏覽網頁,下載音樂和編輯圖片 - 更快。
•工作速度更快,並獲得最自由的空間。 專業的PerfectDisk結合SMARTPlacement™專屬空間恢復技術™的力量。 你會看到更快的啟動時間,更少的崩潰和最佳的台式機和筆記本電腦的性能。
•優化整個Windows Home Server的環境,讓您可以快速訪問您的照片,音樂和視頻。 有了它的Windows Home Server控制台集成了Windows家庭服務器的處理時間,使您的Windows Home Server和連接的家用電腦工作更有效地速度的PerfectDisk。
提供了一套獨特的的易於使用的功能和好處,沒有發現任何其他的解決方案的PerfectDisk ®會使您的計算機像新的一樣運行。 工作和娛樂更快 - 更聰明。 的PerfectDisk讓您在計算機上做更快的一切 - 這樣你就可以在您的工作或發揮更有效的。 其獨有的單傳的碎片整理和空間修復技術™,以最大限度地提高PC和筆記本電腦的性能的PerfectDisk專利SMARTPlacement™優化配對。 根據您的獨特需求,通過自動檔案助理調度™或StealthPatrol™無人值守後台處理所有的控制和自動化。
•支持為的Windows ® 7
•改進的性能 - 高達30%更快的碎片整理和自由空間整合
•VMware Workstation和VMware Server的虛擬客戶機的新的調度能力
專利SMARTPlacement™ -一個更聰明的碎片整理過程 。 專業的PerfectDisk的專利SMARTPlacement功能是最先進的碎片整理解決方案。 它確定您使用的文件,然後組織他們根據自己的獨特的使用模式。 這一綜合性的過程中得到更快的後續碎片整理傳遞,更快的計算機在啟動時,碎裂的速度,減少資源消耗和提高性能的台式機和筆記本電腦。
完全自由的空間整合 。 盡可能獲取最大的一塊綜合,連續的自由空間。 專屬空間的PerfectDisk專業的修復技術,確保連續創建新文件。 這與業界領先的SMARTPlacement碎片整理功能合並的方式,台式機和筆記本電腦的最佳性能。
自動檔案助理調度 。 根據自己的獨特的業務和需求,您的系統進行碎片整理。 每天,每周,或當屏幕保護程序上。 自動檔案助理調度讓您整理您的PC和筆記本電腦,根據您的獨特需求。
碎片整理在系統空閒時間自動StealthPatrol™。 不間斷工作。 你的辦公室工作,協助在最佳效率的PerfectDisk Professional的新StealthPatrol的功能,您可以只在計算機空閒時間安排進行整理。
單通碎片整理 。 不同於典型defraggers,專業的PerfectDisk完全碎片整理您的虛擬驅動器(所有文件和元數據),並鞏固在短短的一通免費空間 - 無論多麼大或零散的系統。 用革命的最小自由空間的要求,可以進行碎片整理低至1%的自由空間的整個驅動器。
選定的文件碎片整理 。 的PerfectDisk專業創新選定的文件碎片整理功能,讓您完全控制在文件碎片整理 - 從一個單一的文件,選定文件,整個驅動器。
滿刻度的中央管理選項 。 無縫地在整個企業管理的碎片整理。 加強部署,調度,報告和虛擬化功能的PerfectDisk企業控制台(單獨出售) - 通過一個簡單的管理界面訪問。
最新的PerfectDisk ® 12:
* OptiWrite ®,以防止碎片
* StealthPatrol™自動優化
*驅動器類型檢測(USB /閃光燈/ SSD /火線)
增強的PerfectDisk 12
* SMARTPlacement™
* SSD的優化方法
Raxco Software Introduces the PerfectDisk 12 Product Line that is Truly Revolutionary Suite of disk defragmentation tools provides all-encompassing solution for PCs, laptops, servers, and virtualization environments including Virtual-Aware Defragmentation supporting VMware ESX Server and Microsoft’s Hyper-V, plus industry’s first support for Windows 7, and new Home Edition. Raxco Software, the leader in disk defragmentation, now provides the power of enterprise defragmentation for desktop and laptop users with PerfectDisk. PerfectDisk's easy to use interface and powerful defrag engine were designed for users who do not require the capabilities of network defragmentation and advanced features for the enterprise. If you want to optimize your computer to run faster and perform better so you can do more – whether work or surfing the Web – and don't run in a networked environment like many companies, then PerfectDisk is for you.
PerfectDisk provides new and enhanced features and easier navigation for home users, SMB (Small and Medium Business), and enterprise users. There is better performance on very large drives, scheduling and automatic defragmentation enhancements, reduction in system resources used, improved reporting and manageability, full 64-bit support, and many more exciting new features and enhancements.
• Keep your computer running like new. With patented SMARTPlacement™ technology, PerfectDisk Home Edition makes more free space available on your drive and speeds up everything you do. Browse the web, download music and edit pictures – faster.
• Work faster and get the most free space possible. PerfectDisk Professional combines the power of SMARTPlacement™ with exclusive Space Restoration Technology™. You'll see faster boot times, fewer crashes and optimum desktop and laptop performance.
• Optimize your entire Windows Home Server environment so that you can access your photos, music and videos quickly. With it's Windows Home Server console integration, PerfectDisk for Windows Home Server speeds up processing times so that your Windows Home Server and attached home computers works more efficiently.
Delivering a unique set of easy-to-use features and benefits not found in any other solution, PerfectDisk® will make your computer run like new. Work and play faster - and smarter. PerfectDisk makes everything you do on your computer faster - so you can be more efficient at your work or play. PerfectDisk patented SMARTPlacement™ optimization is paired with its exclusive single-pass defragmentation and Space Restoration Technology™ to maximize PC and laptop performance. All controlled and automated according to your unique requirements through AutoPilot Scheduling™ or StealthPatrol™ unattended background processing.
New feature highlights of the existing PerfectDisk product line include:• Support for Windows® 7
• An improved user interface to enhance usability and the user experience
• New StealthPatrol™ automatic background defragmentation with intelligent self-adjustment to conserver resources
• Improved performance – up to 30% faster defragmentation and free space consolidation
• Exclusive new Space Management reports that provide graphical views of disk drive file and folder information
• New unlimited Pause capability
• New scheduling capabilities for VMware Workstation and VMware Server virtual guest machines
Patented SMARTPlacement™ – A Smarter Defragmenting Process. PerfectDisk Professional's patented SMARTPlacement feature is the most sophisticated defragging solution available. It identifies the files you use most and then organizes them according to your unique usage patterns. This comprehensive process yields faster subsequent defrag passes, quicker computer boots, slower rates of fragmentation, reduced resource consumption and improved performance of desktops and laptops.
Complete Free Space Consolidation. Get the largest piece of consolidated, contiguous free space possible. PerfectDisk Professional's exclusive Space Restoration Technology ensures that new files are created contiguously. This combined with industry-leading SMARTPlacement defrag features means optimal performance of desktops and laptops.
AutoPilot Scheduling. Defragment your systems according to your unique operations and needs. Daily, weekly, or when the screensaver is on. AutoPilot Scheduling let you defragment your PCs and laptops according to your unique needs.
Defrag During System Idle Times with Automatic StealthPatrol™. Work uninterrupted. Helping your office work at optimum efficiency, PerfectDisk Professional's new StealthPatrol feature lets you schedule defrags only during computer idle times.
Single-pass Defrag. Unlike typical defraggers, PerfectDisk Professional completely defrags your virtual drives (all files and metadata) and consolidates free space in just one pass – no matter how large or fragmented the system. With revolutionary minimal-free-space requirement, you can defrag an entire drive with as little as 1% free space.
Selected Files Defrag. PerfectDisk Professional innovative Selected Files Defrag feature gives you complete control over the files you defrag – from a single file, to selected files, to the entire drive.
Full-Scale Central Management Options. Manage defragmentation seamlessly across your entire enterprise. Add the PerfectDisk Enterprise Console (sold separately) for enhanced deployment, scheduling, reporting and virtualization capabilities – all accessed through a simple administrative interface.
What's New in PerfectDisk® 12:* OptiWrite® to Prevent Fragmentation
* StealthPatrol™ Auto-Optimization
* New Dynamic Zone Engine
* Short Stroke Method for Thin-Provisioned Environments
* Zero-Fill Free Space Saves Storage Space
* Interactive Scheduling Calendar
* Pre / Post Optimization Tasks
* S.M.A.R.T. Monitoring Capabilities
* Global and Per Drive Settings
* Language Settings
* Drive Type Detection (USB / Flash / SSD / Firewire)
Enhanced in PerfectDisk 12
* SMARTPlacement™
* SSD Optimization Method
* Advanced Boot Time Defrag
* Engine Statistics
* Enhanced Capabilities for Virtualized Environments
What's new in PerfectDisk 12 (Build 285):1. S.M.A.R.T. tab incorrectly displayed some drives (SSDs) which were not supported as well as incorrectly reporting temperature for several drives which should have displayed correctly. These issues were fixed.
2. Default defragmentation methods were changed for drives in a virtual environment. PerfectDisk disabled all defragmentation methods if it could not determine the drive type in a virtual environment. This has been changed.
3. The tray icon incorrectly allowed control of hidden drives. This has been fixed.
4. The S.M.A.R.T. graphs did not follow the user settings for time (24 hour vs 12 hour with am, pm).
5. The Global Setting dialog threw an error on opening when the Nvidia video driver was installed. This is due to a bug with the nvidia dll (nvsvc64.dll, v7.15.11.7923). PerfectDisk has worked around this issue.
6. Corrected an installation bug. When installing PerfectDisk Server edition, on a computer running the PerfectDisk Enterprise Console, it indicated the installation needed to be to the same folder. This is a hold over from PerfectDisk v11 and is no longer required.
7. After a selected file defragmentation pass from the Most Fragmented files list the list was not refreshed to show the file had been defragged. This has been fixed.
8. File exclusion was not working properly when performing a Defrag Only pass. This has been fixed.
Homepage - http://www.perfectdisk.com
1. Install PerfectDisk,
2. Unlock the application using the keygen