中文名: 卸載工具
英文名: Total.Uninstall
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v5.1.0.102
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Gavrila Martau.
語言: 英文
應用平台:Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003
Total Uninstall - Uninstall any program with the most advanced uninstaller software.
Total Uninstall accurate analyzes installed programs to uninstall them completely.
With "Installed Programs" module Total Uninstall analyze the installed program and create the installation log. This is used to do a complete uninstall even without the help of the provided standard uninstaller from Add Remove Programs.
Total Uninstall is a Windows uninstaller that can monitor new installations.
With "Monitored Programs" module it helps to monitor any changes made to your system during the installation of a new program. It allows you to perform a complete uninstall without having to rely on the supplied Add Remove program, which can leave files or changes behind.
Total Uninstall能幫你監視軟件安裝的所有過程,記錄下它對系統所做的任何改變,比如:添加的文件、對注冊表和系統文件的修改,並制作成安裝前和安裝後的快照。卸載軟件時,不需要使用卸載程序,直接通過Total Uninstall便可將其完全地清除出系統,不留下任何痕跡。從而保證了系統的清潔。
Total Uninstall首先是一款卸載工具,其中的Installed Programs Module就可對系統已安裝程序分析並卸載, Total Uninstall的監控模塊Monitored Programs Module更為強大,對綠色軟件制作有直接的輔助作用。
Total Uninstall的監控模塊(Monitored Programs Module)會監視軟件安裝過程,並會生成軟件安裝前後的系統快照,通過對比系統快照而記錄下安裝程序對系統所做的重要改變,主要包括文件系統、注冊表、系統服務等方面,然後生成清晰條理的更新報告,並且監測到的注冊表更改可以直接刪除或導出注冊表文件。