中文名: 科摩多系統時光機
英文名: Comodo Time Machine
別名: 時間機器
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: V2.8.155286.178
發行時間: 2010年7月26日
制作發行: Comodo
地區: 大陸,美國
語言: 簡體中文,英文
Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit)
Windows XP with service pack 2
or higher (32 and 64 bit)
Windows Server 2003
(32 and 64 bit)
Windows Server 2008
(32 and 64 bit. Except Windows Server 2008 Core)
[email protected]網站鏈接: http://www.comodo.com
Comodo Time Machine (系統時光機) 是一款非常好用的系統備份恢復軟件,它和“雨過天晴”軟件基本類似,可以在系統出問題後恢復到之前的一個時間點。不過它是完全免費的,甚至,在很多地方比前者做得更加細致。
這個時光機的前身其實就是影子系統,現在重新設計開發,並改名為Comodo Time Machine 。這款“時光機”還提供了英文和簡體中文,完美支持 Windows7 和64位系統,並且有傻瓜模式和高級模式,界面很漂亮。用戶隨時可以快速恢復到之前保存的快照(時間點),或者可以提取之前快照裡的指定文件。你不妨也給電腦裝上一個能回到過去的“時光機”吧……
為何使用Time Machime?-使用簡單,界面美觀,就算是超級菜鳥也隻是點點鼠標就能創建系統快照(時間點)
2.8更新了什麼?Release Notes for Comodo Time Machine v2.8:
FIXED! System occasionally fails to start up if operating system is installed on 2nd hard disk.
FIXED! Solved all problems of Windows Hibernation.
FIXED! Failed to install CTM when system partition is NTFS format.
FIXED! Failed to Reset Baseline when write much data in some special environments.
FIXED! "Delayed write failed." prompted when free space is very low.
FIXED! Failed to startup after update.
FIXED! Disable Windows defrag feature. CTM is incompatible with Windows 7's Defrag.
FIXED! More than 30 GUI bugs.
IMPROVED! Added automatic checking for updates feature.
IMPROVED! Compatibility of installation.
IMPROVED! Pass driver verifier verification.
Known problem:
In mutli-OS environment, which means the computer is installed with multiple OS and each OS has its own partitions. The computer will not start if the CTM driver is moved and only part of all partitions is protected.
The only way to avoid such issue is to protect all the partitions across multiple OS.最小系統配置:
Intel Pentium III Processor 或以上
128 MB 內存
最少4 GB磁盤空間(推薦10GB)
本資源在WIN 7 環境下測試通過
安全檢測軟件:COMODO Internet Security Premium 5.0
病毒庫發布時間:2010/11/04 17:30:00