《磁盤碎片整理工具》(O&O Defrag Professional ) v16.0.135 x86|x64[壓縮包] | |
下載分級 | 软件资源 |
資源類別 | 系統工具 |
發布時間 | 2017/7/15 |
大 小 | - |
操作系統:Windows ™
應用平台: Windows® 8, 7, Vista® und XP
O&O Defrag 是一款專為 NT/2000/XP/Vista 開發的磁盤工具,可以適用於工作站、服務器和高級服務器等各種版本,支持幾乎所有的文件系統,包含FAT16、FAT32、NTFS、NTFS5、FS(加密文件系統) 等,是一款不可多得的好工具。可設定時間自動重整硬盤,支持中文長文件名。
O&O Defrag是新一代的磁盤整理工具軟件。簡單,快捷,安全,僅需要少量時間即可完成任務!新的O&O Defrag專業版本適用於Windows-based工作站。此外,它還擁有許多傑出的可用性,以及眾多其它現今市場沒有發現的磁盤碎片整理程序的重要 功能而著稱。
※ 全面的碎片整理工具,可以整理單個和/或多個驅動器、文件夾、文件的碎片,其離線整理特性(BootExecute 整合)可處理當系統運行時被獨占式鎖定的對象,如虛擬內存頁面文件;
※ Set and Forget (一勞永逸)型軟件,其一鍵整理特性將為所有可用的驅動器測定最佳的碎片整理方法、計劃及其它詳細設定;
※ 高效低耗的碎片整理工具,使用其獨有的 ActivityGuard Pro / O&O AutoSense 技術限制系統負載,可減輕您的系統負擔,同時其電池模式可為筆記本電腦用戶節省電池電量;
※ 人性化的碎片整理工具,可以自動將計算機從待機狀態喚醒並執行您預定義的碎片整理任務,也支持在完成任務後自動關閉計算機,您可排除特定的文件於碎片整理之外以防止其被移動,也可選擇必須進行碎片整理的文件。;
※ 華麗的碎片整理工具,自帶仿 Office 2007 的 Ribbon 主題以及酷酷的屏保整理特性;
※ 兼顧高級用戶需求的碎片整理工具,提供單獨的命令行版,本漢化版已漢化命令行語法幫助;
※ O&O Defrag Professional Edition 與系統緊密集成,可通過多種方式啟動:右鍵菜單、系統[管理工具]中的[計算機管理]、驅動器[屬性]中[工具]選項卡下的[碎片整理]、屏幕保護程序等,甚至可以脫離圖形用戶界面進行整理 - 獨立於用戶賬戶外運行任務。O&O Defrag Professional Edition 還可為計算機管理員提供事件日志(EventLog 整合),同時也可提供詳盡的碎片整理報告;
※ 最重要的是O&O Defrag Professional Edition 具備實時整理能力 - 可有效杜絕磁盤碎片的產生 - 當然了,前提是您沒有將此特性關閉(安裝時默認開啟);
O&O Defrag Professional 16 新版采用了Win8風格,界面非常美觀。O&O Defrag 簡單,快捷,安全,僅需要少量時間即可完成碎片整理!幾乎支持所有的文件系統,包含 FAT16、FAT32、NTFS、NTFS5、FS(Encrypted File System) 等!
Do not wait too long! If you work on computers a lot, then slow system and program starts, endless rendering and memory processes, or even system crashes when playing can quickly ruin your enjoyment. Defragmenting your PC can hugely accelerate the speed you can work on your PC. When you defragment, those files fragmented across the hard disk are logically rearranged so that files can be quickly recognized and processed by the hardware. Performance gains of up to 100% are not uncommon!
In the new version of O&O Defrag, you can now see what the program does for your system thanks to graphics and statistics, which give you a before-and-after Defrag contrast!
New and enhanced functions
The revised and improved algorithms for defragmentation mean that O&O Defrag 16 packs stored file fragments even faster together, and support for defragmentation of blocked files under O&O Defrag 16 is better than ever before. The SSD Optimization by TRIM has also been enhanced and now supports even more manufacturers.
Performance increases of up to 100%
A continuous sorting of files on hard disks means they can be read quicker by Windows, which in turn accelerates all the read and write accesses by up to 100%.
Shorter defragmentation times and faster system and program starts
With O&O Defrag 16, several drives can be defragmented simultaneously. In addition, the algorithms have been substantially accelerated, reducing the time required for a defragmentation by up to 40%. By using O&O Defrag, files can be read and written much more quickly. What at first seems to be lost performance can easily be rediscovered and realized again with O&O Defrag, giving you the peace of mind that your hardware is in good health and operating optimally.
Automatic defragmentation in the background
O&O Defrag works quietly in the background so that the defragmentation process does not disturb other tasks and has no negative performance impact on your systems.
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