操作系統:Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7
3DMark 11 是最新版本的全球最流行基准。3DMark 11 設計用於測試計算機的游戲性能,它廣泛使用 DirectX 11 中的所有新功能,包括嵌片、計算著色器 (compute shader) 和多線程。3DMark 11 能夠提供准確而公正的結果,這一點已為全球游戲玩家所相信,它是持續可靠地測試類似於游戲的負載下的 DirectX 11 的最佳方法。
New version of world's most popular test suite to measure performance of three-dimensional graphics computer. 3DMark 11 is designed to work exclusively with DirectX 11 features heavily using newfangled tessellation and various shading effects.
Additional Information:
As before testing produced impressive demo scenes, for which calculated the final score. Total Test six: two graphic detail in two modes, a test of physical calculations and combined test charts with the physical effects.
Limitations of the free version:
- The result shall be issued only when connected to the Internet.
- Available only speed profile «Performance»
- Unable to change default screen resolution
- Demonstration of advertising.
Service ability checked on W7x64 Ultimate
Name of Program: 3DMark 1911 Basic Edition
Software version: 1.0.0
Latest version: 1.0.0
Official site: 3DMark 11
Language: Eng. / German / Chinese / Fin.
引用Minimum system requirements:
OS: Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: 1.8GHz dual-core Intel or AMD CPU
Memory: 1 GB of system memory
Graphics: DirectX 11 compatible graphics card (Radeon HD 5xxx, GeForce 4xx/5xx or newer)
Hard drive space: 1.5 GB
Audio: Windows Vista / Windows 7 compatible sound card
3DMark 11 需要 DirectX 11、DirectX 11 兼容顯卡以及 Windows Vista 或 Windows 7。
建議使用 3DMark Vantage 作為 DirectX 10 的基准,使用 3DMark06 作為 DirectX 9 的基准。
Microsoft Windows Vista 或 Windows 7
1.8GHz 雙核 Intel 或 AMD CPU
1 GB 系統內存
DirectX 11 兼容顯卡
1.5 GB 可用空間
Windows Vista 或 Windows 7 兼容聲卡
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