《幾位著名經濟思想家的生平、時代和思想》掃 簡介: 導讀: 簡介: 內容簡介:維基百科:The book was written in 1953 and has sold more than four million copies through seven editions. (The only other economics book to sell more copies is Paul Samuelson
導讀: 簡介: 內容簡介:維基百科:The book was written in 1953 and has sold more than four million copies through seven editions. (The only other economics book to sell more copies is Paul Samuelson
內容簡介: 維基百科:The book was written in 1953 and has sold more than four million copies through seven editions. (The only other economics book to sell more copies is Paul Samuelson's textbook Economics.) 本書著重介紹了斯密、李嘉圖,馬爾薩斯,熊彼特等經濟學家的生平、時代與思想,是經濟學說史方面的一本頗有參考價值的讀物。曾被譯成24種文字,既有思想解剖又有歷史陳述,頗值一讀。 內容截圖: