"《Fedora 11 和 Red Hat Enterprise Linux寶典》(Fedora 11 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible)(Christopher Negus)第1版[PDF]"介紹
中文名: Fedora 11 和 Red Hat Enterprise Linux寶典
原名: Fedora 11 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible
別名: Fedora,Linux,RHEL,Bible
作者: Christopher Negus
資源格式: PDF
版本: 第1版
出版社: Wiley
書號: 978-0-470-48504-0
發行時間: 2009年
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
24小時不間斷供源! Fedora 是一個開放的、創新的、前瞻性的操作系統和平台,基於 Linux。它允許任何人自由地使用、修改和重發布,無論現在還是將來。它由一個強大的社群開發,這個社群的成員以自己的不懈努力,提供並維護自由、開放源碼的軟件和開放的標准。Fedora 項目由 Fedora 基金會管理和控制,得到了 Red Hat, Inc. 的支持。
Fedora 是一個獨立的操作系統,是Linux的一個發行版,可運行的體系結構包括 x86(即i386-i686), x86_64 和 PowerPC。
Fedora Core(自第七版直接更名為Fedora)是眾多 Linux 發行套件之一。它是一套從Red Hat Linux發展出來的免費Linux系統。現時Fedora最新的版本是Fedora 12,Fedora是linux發行版中更新最快的之一,通常每6個月發布一個正式的新版本。
Fedora和Redhat這兩個Linux的發行版放聯系很密切。Redhat 自9.0以後,不再發布桌面版的,而是把這個項目與開源社區合作,於是就有了Fedora 這個 Linux 發行版。Fedora 可以說是Redhat 桌面版本的延續,只不過是與開源社區合作。
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The leading Fedora book-over a quarter of a million copies sold of previous editions!
What better way to learn Fedora 11 than with the leading Fedora book from the best-selling Linux author, Christopher Negus with Eric Foster Johnson? Whether you're new to Linux or an advanced user, this power-packed guide is loaded with what you need. Install, run, and manage the latest version of Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux-then polish your system administration skills and get up to speed on the very latest in networking, desktop, and server enhancements.
Master the Linux shell, file system, and text editor; how to set up users and automate system tasks; and much more in over a thousand pages of step-by-step instruction. Boot the full DVD of Fedora 11, including almost all binary code packages, or do a Live Install of the CD for rescuing, troubleshooting, or installing Fedora.
Fedora is a free, open source Linux operating system sponsored by Red Hat as an open source community project; the technological innovations from the Fedora Project are then implemented in Red Hat\'s commercial offering, Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Covers step-by-step instructions for making Linux installation simple and painless;
how to take advantage of the desktop interface (including coverage of AIGLX); and how to use the Linux shell, file system, and text editor
Also covers setting up users; automating system tasks; backing up and restoring files; dealing with the latest security issues and threats; using and customizing the desktop menus, icons, window manager, and xterm; and how to create and publish formatted documents with Linux applications
The DVD and CD that come with the book include Fedora Linux 11 and an official Fedora 11 LiveCD (bootable and installable)
This is the book you need to succeed with Fedora 11 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Part I: Getting Started in Fedora and RHEL.
Chapter 1: An Overview of Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Chapter 2: Installing Fedora.
Chapter 3: Getting Started with the Desktop.
Chapter 4: Using Linux Commands.
Part II: Using Fedora and RHEL.
Chapter 5: Accessing and Running Applications.
Chapter 6: Publishing with Fedora and RHEL.
Chapter 7: Gaming in Fedora and RHEL.
Chapter 8: Music, Video, and Images in Linux.
Chapter 9: Using the Internet and the Web.
Part III: Administering Fedora and RHEL.
Chapter 10: Understanding System Administration.
Chapter 11: Setting Up and Supporting Users.
Chapter 12: Automating System Tasks.
Chapter 13: Backing Up and Restoring Files.
Chapter 14: Computer Security Issues.
Part IV: Fedora and RHEL Network and Server Setup.
Chapter 15: Setting Up a Local Area Network.
Chapter 16: Connecting to the Internet.
Chapter 17: Setting Up a Print Server.
Chapter 18: Setting Up a File Server.
Chapter 19: Setting Up a Mail Server.
Chapter 20: Setting Up an FTP Server.
Chapter 21: Setting Up a Web Server.
Chapter 22: Setting Up an LDAP Address Book Server.
Chapter 23: Setting Up a DHCP Boot Server.
Chapter 24: Setting Up a MySQL Database Server.
Chapter 25: Making Servers Public with DNS.
Chapter 26: Integrating Fedora with Apple Macs.
Appendix A: About the Media.
Appendix B: Running Network Services.
Appendix C: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Features.