"《[BBservice] C/C++ 參考資料》([BBservice] C/C++ References)(SXN.NX. WorkGroup)2010-8-10 ed5 第五次更新完成"介紹
中文名: [BBservice] C/C++ 參考資料
原名: [BBservice] C/C++ References
作者: SXN.NX. WorkGroup
版本: 2010-8-10 ed5 第五次更新完成
發行時間: 2009年12月19日
地區: 大陸,香港,台灣,美國,英國
語言: 簡體中文,繁體中文,英文
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F 修正文件名:#188 A=B - Exercise in The Art of Computer Programming.MP-HW-DZ.[EN]
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[BBservice]205.Programming Microsoft Visual C++.5th Edition.[Code Files][示例源文件].7z
[throw]206.Efficient Algorithms for Sorting and Synchronization.AT.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]207.Practical C++ Programming.1st Edition.SO.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]208.Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge.軟件工程知識體系指南.2004.蔣遂平.[zh-cn].pdf
[BBservice]209.Introduction to Algorithms.2nd Edition.TC-CL-RR-CS.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]210.Programing in C and C++ - Module 4.2.CEDTI.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]211.Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering.SK.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]212.Core C++ - A Software Engineering Approach.VS.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]213.Thinking in C++,Volume 1.C++編程思想.China-Pub..[zh-cn].pdf
[掃描]214.The Art of C++.C++編程藝術.[zh-cn].pdf
[same]215.A=B - Exercise in The Art of Computer Programming.MP-HW-DZ.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]216.C++ XML.FA.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]217.C++ Builder 6 Developers Guide.SK.[EN].pdf
[Throw]218.Workshop C++.AW.[DE].pdf
[BBservice]219.Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving With C++.MW.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]220.A Method for Component-Based and Service-Oriented Software Systems Engineering.ZS.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]221.C++ from the Ground Up.HS.[EN].pdf
[掃描]223.Data Structures with C++ Using STL.數據結構 C++語言描述.陳君.[EN].pdf
[Throw]224.Essential C++.SL.[EN].pdf
[Throw]225.C++ Coding Standards - 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices.HS-AA.[EN].pdf
[掃描]226.C++ Primer Plus 中文版.5th Edition.孫建春-韋強.[zh-cn].pdf
[throw]227.C++ Primer.3rd Edition.SL-JL.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]228.C++ Unleashed.JL-VA.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]229.C++ Strategies and Tactics.RM.[EN].pdf
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[BBservice]169.Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide.高級Bash腳本編程指南.楊春敏-黃毅.[zh-cn].pdf
[BBservice]171.Thinking in C++.Volume 1.2nd Edition-TICA15.BE.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]174.Modern C++ Design.C++ 設計新思維.侯捷-於春景.[zh-tw].pdf
[BBservice]176.Effective C++.2nd Edition.and.More Effective C++.[EN].chm
[BBservice]179.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 3A.v11.DK.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]182.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 2A.v14.DK.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]183.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 2B.v12.DK.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]185.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 3B.v14.DK.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]186.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 4A.v12.DK.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]187.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 4B.v4.DK.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]188.The Art of Computer Programming.Volume 1.Exercise.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]191.The Art of Computer Programming.Volume 4 Pre-Fascicle 1A.v6.DK.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]192.The Art of Computer Programming.Volume 4 Pre-Fascicle 1B.v6.DK.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]193.The Art of Computer Programming.Fascicle 1 - MMIX.v15.DK.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]197.The C++ Standard Library.C++ 標准程序庫.侯捷-孟巖.[zh-tw].pdf
[BBservice]199.IEEE Standards Collection - Software Engineering.1994 Edition.IEEE.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]200.Embedded Visual C++ Programmer's Guide.v7.0.9.Microsoft Corporation.[EN].chm
[BBservice]201.Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple, and MATLAB.HL-WS.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]202.Professional C++.NS-SK.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]204.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 2C.v1.DK.[EN].pdf
[same]173.Modern C++ Design- Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied[EN].pdf
[same]177.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 2A-2B-2C.DK.[EN].pdf
[same]189.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 2A-2B-2C.DK.[EN].pdf
[same]190.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 2A-2B-2C.DK.[EN].pdf
[Throw]198.Effective C++.2nd Edition.and.More Effective C++.[EN].chm
[throw]170.Portable Inheritance and Polymorphism in C.MS.[EN].pdf
[throw]172.More Effective C++.[zh-cn].pdf
[Throw]178.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 2A-2B-2C.DK.[EN].pdf
[Throw]180.The Art of Computer Programming.計算機程序設計藝術.Volumn 1.3rd Edition.[zh-cn].pdf
[throw]184.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 3A.v10.DK.[EN].pdf
[throw]195.The Art of Computer Programming.Pre-Fascicle 2A-2B-2C.DK.[EN].pdf
[throw]196.The Art of Computer Programming.Fascicle 1 - MMIX.v14.DK.[EN].pdf
[掃描]181.The Art of Computer Programming.計算機程序設計藝術(影印版).Volumn 1.3rd Edition.DK.[EN].pdf
[掃描]194.C++ Primer Answer Book.3rd Edition.題解.侯捷.[zh-cn].pdf
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[BBservice]157.Beautiful Code.代碼之美.精選版.BC Group.[zh-cn].pdf
[BBservice]159.Windows 用戶態程序高效排錯.熊力.[zh-cn].pdf
[BBservice]160.Windows 用戶態程序高效排錯.熊力.[zh-cn].pdf
[BBservice]161.Linux 操作系統 C 語言編程入門.AureoLEO-007xiong.[zh-cn].pdf
[same]162.ISO.IEC.14882.Programming languages - C++.1998.1st Edition.ASC X3-ANSI.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]163.ISO.IEC.14882.Programming languages - C++.1998.1st Edition.ASC X3-ANSI.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]165.C++ Primer.4th Edition.[Code_Files][代碼源文件].zip
[same]166.ISO.IEC.14882.Programming languages - C++.1998.1st Edition.ASC X3-ANSI.[EN].pdf
[BBservice]167.Linux 內核 0.11 完全注釋.A Heavily Commented Linux Kernel Source Code.v3.0.趙迥.[zh-cn].pdf
[BBservice]168.Expert C Programming - Deep C Secrets.PL.[EN].pdf
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完整的更新日志請見:BBservice/776287鳴謝引用(BB9z @ 2010-1-30, 15:30 PM)
感謝《計算機科學經典著作》(Computer Science)的發布者星月夜引用的資源:
[計算機科學經典著作].Addison.Wesley.Stephen.C.Dewhurst.C...Gotchas-.Avoiding.Common.Problems.in.Coding.and.Design.pdf感謝《計算機程序設計藝術》(Donald E.KNUTH - The Art of Computer Programming)的發布者Kuphrer引用的資源:
計算機程序設計藝術(第三卷).pdf感謝《C程序設計語言》(The C Programming Language)的發布者shuliangqing引用的資源:
非官方題解.CHM部分書目簡介按字母順序排列The Art of Computer Programmingby
Donald Ervin Knuth盒裝原版
《計算機程序設計藝術》(The Art of Computer Programming),簡稱TAOCP,是高德納(Donald Ervin Knuth)編著的關於計算機程序設計的七卷本著作。作者並因此獲得美國計算機協會1974年圖靈獎。
引用(維基百科 @ 2010-1-30, 15:00 PM)
1962年,Knuth還是個研究生的時候就開始了程式設計的工作。高德納在攻讀博士其間,Addison-Wesley 公司的顧問 Richard Varga 找他出書,因課業繁忙,一時沒時間草稿,1963年高德納獲得加州理工學院數學博士學位。1968年,31歲開始出版他的歷史性經典巨著: The Art of Computer Programming,一口氣寫了三千多頁,自此他計劃寫7卷。1999年底被美國科學家期刊(American Scientist)列為20世紀最佳12部學術專著之一,與狄拉克的“量子力學”、愛因斯坦的“相對論”、曼德布羅特的“分形論”、鮑林的“化學鍵”、羅素和懷特海德的“數學基礎”、馮諾依曼和摩根斯坦的“博弈論”、維納的“控制論”、伍德沃和霍夫曼的“軌道對稱性”、費曼的“量子電動力學”等科學史上的重要著作並列必讀經典。1976年為止,已賣出超過一百萬冊。
任何人發現書上的錯誤,都可以向他舉發,並領取 $2.56美金,因為“256美分剛好是十六進制的一美元”(256 pennies is one hexadecimal dollar.)。比爾·蓋茨在1995年說,“如果你認為你是一名真正優秀的程序員,就去讀第一卷,確定可以解決其中所有的問題。”“如果你能讀懂整套書的話,請給我發一份你的簡歷。”《計算機程序設計藝術》是Knuth一生中最重要的事業,他寫這本書的目的是“組織和總結所知道的計算機方法的相關知識,並打下堅實的數學、歷史基礎”。
同時他在進行第二卷的校樣時,發覺書商把他書中的數學式子排得太難看了,因此發明數學排版軟件TEX,和字形設計系統METAFONT。等到他再回來要寫第四冊的時候,發現他想討論的東西,現在都寫成API了。1992年Knuth自大學退休,處於隱居的生活,退休的原因是為了完成 TAOCP 這部巨著,他估計大約要花 20 年來完成。目前此書出版至第三冊,第四冊預計2005年2月出版,他期望第四卷的篇幅約為2000頁,並分為三個獨立的章節。
The C Programming Languageby
Brian W. Kernighan,
Dennis M. RitchiePrentice Hall PTR,April 1, 1988
ISBN-10: 0131103628
ISBN-13: 978-0131103627
《C 程序設計語言》(The C Programming Language ,國外常簡稱“K&R”、“白皮聖經”)是由Brian Kernighan和Dennis Ritchie編著的著名編程書籍,後者參與了C語言的最初設計和實現(同時還合作設計了與C語言發展關聯緊密的Unix操作系統)。
引用(Wikipedia @ 2009-12-19, 06:00 PM)
The C Programming Language (sometimes referred to as K&R, or the white bible, or K&R2 for the second edition) is a well-known programming book written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, the latter of whom originally designed and implemented the language (as well as co-designed the Unix operating system with which development of the language was closely intertwined). The book was central to the development and popularization of the C programming language and is still widely read and used today. Because the book was co-authored by the original language designer, and because the first edition of the book served for many years as the de facto standard for the language, the book is regarded by many to be the authoritative reference on C.
The C++ Programming Language
Bjarne Stroustrup第三版封面
Addison-Wesley Professional,February 11, 2000
ISBN-10: 0201700735
ISBN-13: 978-0201700732
《C++ 程序設計語言》(The C++ Programming Language)是由C++計算機的語言的創建者——Bjarne Stroustrup編著的 。 其第一個版寫在第一次的ISO C++標准公布之前,但後續各版進行了更新以考慮到發展的C++中的標准化。 這與《The C Programming Language》的版本情形類似。
截至2009年2月,共發布三個版本。 第一版發布於1986年,第二版發布於1991年,第三版發布於1997年(第三版精裝版也稱為特別版)。
引用(Wikipedia @ 2009-12-19, 06:00 PM)
The C++ Programming Language is a book about the C++ computer programming language by the language's creator, Bjarne Stroustrup. Its first edition was written before the first ISO C++ standards were published, but later editions were updated to account for the evolution of C++ during standardisation. This is similar to the editions of The C Programming Language.
As of February 2009 it is in its third edition (published in 1997); the hardcover version of the third edition is also called the special edition. The first edition was released in 1986 and the second in 1991.
The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.中文翻譯 by
Adams WangAddison-Wesley Professional,August 12, 1995
ISBN-10: 0201835959
ISBN-13: 978-0201835953
《人月神話:軟件項目管理之道》(The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering)是由“IBM 360系統之父”佛瑞德·布魯克斯(Fred Brooks)所著的經典文集,談論有關計算機軟件項目管理的相關課題。
引用(Wikipedia @ 2009-12-19, 06:00 PM)
The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering is a book on software engineering and project management by Fred Brooks, whose central theme is that "adding manpower to a late software project makes it later". This idea is known as Brooks' law, and is presented along with the second-system effect and advocacy of prototyping.
Brooks's observations are based on his experiences at IBM while managing the development of OS/360. He had mistakenly added more workers to a project falling behind schedule. He also made the mistake of asserting that one project — writing an Algol compiler — would require six months, regardless of the number of workers involved. (It required longer.) The tendency for managers to repeat such errors in project development led Brooks to quip that his book is called "The Bible of Software Engineering", because, "everybody reads it, but nobody does anything about it!"
The work was first published in 1975 (0-201-00650-2), reprinted with corrections in 1982, and republished as an anniversary edition with four extra chapters in 1995 (ISBN 0-201-83595-9) with the essay No Silver Bullet and commentary by the author.
Thinking In C++
Bruce Eckel第一版封面
Vol 1
Prentice Hall,March 25, 2000
ISBN-10: 0139798099
ISBN-13: 978-0139798092
Vol 2
Prentice Hall,December 27, 2003
ISBN-10: 0130353132
ISBN-13: 978-0130353139
對於熟悉C語言的人來說,《C++ 編程思想》(Thinking in C++)是他們學習C++的理想選擇。作者埃克爾(Eckel)將自己多年的教學與編程經驗匯集成組織良好的課程,其中對C++的內容給提供了分步指導。對於像虛函數等一些眾人了解不足的,但可以提高效率的C++特性,埃克爾進行了強調。
高質量C++/C 編程指南
林銳Ver1.0,July 24, 2001
林銳END 目錄:
A Genetic Algorithm Tutorial
A Method for Component-Based and Service-Oriented Software Systems Engineering
A=B : Exercise in The Art of Computer Programming
Accelerated C++ - Practical Programming by Example
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
Algorithms in C++.Parts 1-4:Fundamentals, Data Structure, Sorting, Searching
Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving With C++
ANSI-ISO C++ Professional Programmer's Handbook
Beautiful Code: Leading Programmers Explain How They Think
Borland C++ Builder Unleashed
C - in a Nutshell
C - The Complete Reference
C Primer Plus
C Programming - Just the FAQs
C Programming FAQs
C++ - in a Nutshell
C++ : The Complete Reference
C++ Builder 6 Developers Guide
C++ by Example
C++ Coding Standards : 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices
C++ Common Knowledge - Essential Intermediate Programming
C++ Cookbook
C++ FAQs
C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization
C++ from the Ground Up
C++ Gotchas - Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design
C++ in Action - Industrial strength Programming Techniques
C++ Plus Data Structures
C++ Primer
C++ Primer Plus
C++ Programming How-To
C++ Strategies and Tactics
C++ Template Metaprogramming - Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond
C++ Templates - The Complete Guide
C++ Unleashed
Computing for Numerical Methods Using Visual C++
Core C++ : A Software Engineering Approach
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C
Data Structures and Algorithms in C++
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++
Designing Components with the C++ STL
Effective C++
Effective STL : 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of Standard Template Library
Efficient C++ : Performance Programming Techniques
Embedded Visual C++ Programmer's Guide
Essential C++
Excel Add-in Development in C and C++ Applications in Finance
Exceptional C++ : 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions
Exceptional C++ Style : 40 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions
Expert C Programming - Deep C Secrets
Extended STL.Volume 1 - Collections and Iterators
Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge
IEEE Standards Collection - Software Engineering
Imperfect C++ - Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming
Inside the C++ Object Model
Introduction to Algorithms
Introduction to Computers and Programming using C++ and MATLAB
ISO/IEC 14882.Programming languages - C++
ISO/IEC 9899.Programming languages - C
Linux 內核 0.11 完全注釋
MATLAB C++ Math Library Reference
Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering
Modern C++ : Design Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied
More Effective C++ : 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
More Exceptional C++ : 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions
Multi-Paradigm Design
Object-oriented Programming with ANSI-C
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple, and MATLAB
Practical C++ Programming
Professional C++
Programing in C and C++ - Module 4.2
Programming DirectX 9.0 whit C++
Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++
Programming Microsoft Visual C++
Programming Pearls
Programming The Windows Driver Model
Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++ - Recipes for Cryptography, Authentication, Input Validation & More
Teach Yourself ANSI C++ in 21 Days
Teach Yourself Borland C++ Builder in 21 Days
The Algorithm Design Manual
The Art of C++
The Art of Computer Programming
The Art of UNIX Programming
The C Programming Language
The C++ Programming Language
The C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference
The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
The Mythical Man-Month - Essays on Software Engineering
The Standards and Implementations of the C Programming Language
Thinking in C++
Windows 用戶態程序高效排錯
Working Effectively With Legacy Code
Working Paper for Draft Proposed International Standard for Information Systems - Programming Language C++
You Can Program in C++ - A Programmer's Introduction