"《Cisco BGP-4命令與配置手冊(中文)》(Cisco BGP-4 Command and Configuration Ha)(Parkhurst)掃描版[PDF]"介紹
中文名: Cisco BGP-4命令與配置手冊(中文)
原名: Cisco BGP-4 Command and Configuration Ha
作者: Parkhurst
譯者: 盧青雲
資源格式: PDF
版本: 掃描版
出版社: 中國電力出版社
書號: 9787508311159
發行時間: 2002年
地區: 大陸
語言: 簡體中文,英文
作者簡介 · · · · · ·
William R.Parkhurst,PH.D.,CCIE#2969,是Cisco系統中CCIE開發小組的經理。CCIE開發小組負責所有新版CCIE書籍的寫作審定和實驗室測試。在加入到CCIE小組以前,Bill是支持Sprint公司業務的咨詢系統工程師。Bill在作為Wichita州立大學電子和計算機工程系的教授時,首次與Cisco系統取得了聯系。Wichita州立大學與Cisco系統合並時,建立了第一個CCIE預備實驗室。
今天,BGP-4(邊界網關協議,版本4)已成為Internet上域間路由選擇事實上的標准,理解該協議需要大量豐富的互聯網絡知識,而熟練掌握BGP-4命令能幫你做到這一點。《Cisco BGP-4命令與配置手冊》是一本清晰、簡潔與完整的BGP-4命令文檔。如果你正在准備Cisco CCIE筆試與機試,那麼這本書有助於你掌握每一條BGP命令的目的與用法;如果你是一位網絡設計師,那麼這本書可以當作BGP命令的一本優秀的參考手冊。
前 言
第1章 路由聚合 1
1.1 aggregate-address address mask 1
1.2 aggregate-address address mask as-set 9
1.3 aggregate-address address mask as-set advertise-map route-map-name 13
1.4 aggregate-address address mask attribute-map route-map-name 19
1.5 aggregate-address address mask route-map route-map-name 19
1.6 aggregate-address address mask summary-only 23
1.7 aggregate-address address mask suppress-map route-map-name 26
第2章 Auto-Summary 29
2.1 auto-summary 29
第3章 特定的BGP命令 33
3.1 bgp always-compare-med 33
3.2 bgp bestpath as-path ignore 38
3.3 bgp bestpath med confed 42
3.4 bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst 45
3.5 bgp client-to-client reflection 48
3.6 bgp cluster-id 32-bit_id 51
3.7 bgp confederation identifier AS-number 54
3.8 bgp confederation Peers 1_or_more_AS-number 54
3.9 bgp dampening 59
3.10 bgp dampening half-life 59
3.11 bgp dampening half-life reuse suppress max-suppress-time 59
3.12 bgp dampening route-map route-map-name 59
3.13 bgp default local-preference local-preference 66
3.14 bgp deterministic-med 68
3.15 bgp fast-external-fallover 68
3.16 bgp log-neighbor-changes 70
3.17 bgp router-id ip-address 72
第4章 默認信息 74
4.1 default-information originate 74
4.2 default-metric metric 76
第5章 BGP管理的距離 79
5.1 distance admin-distance ip-source-address ip-address-mask 79
5.2 distance admin-distance ip-source-address ip-address-
mask ip-access-list-number 79
5.3 distance bgp external internal local 82
第6章 BGP路由過濾器 85
6.1 distribute-list 85
第7章 BGP的最大路徑 86
7.1 maximum-paths number-of-paths 86
第8章 配置鄰居 90
8.1 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} advertise-map
{route-map-name1} non-exist-map {route-map-name2} 90
8.2 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} advertisement-interval seconds 95
8.3 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} default-originate 97
8.4 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} default-originate
route-map route-map-name 101
8.5 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} description text 103
8.6 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} distribute-list
{ip-access-list-number-or-name | prefix-list-name} in 105
8.7 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} distribute-list
{ip-access-list-number-or-name | prefix-list-name} out 110
8.8 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} ebgp-multihop 115
8.9 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} ebgp-multihop maximum-
hop-count 115
8.10 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} filter-list as-path-list-number in 117
8.11 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} filter-list as-path-list-number out 125
8.12 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} filter-list
as-path-list-number weight weight 133
8.13 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} maximum-prefix prefix-limit 136
8.14 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} maximum
-prefix prefix-limit warning-only 136
8.15 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} maximum
-prefix prefix-limit threshold-value 137
8.16 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} maximum-prefix
prefix-limit threshold-value warning-only 137
8.17 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} next-hop-self 141
8.18 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} password password 143
8.19 neighbor peer-group-name peer-group 144
8.20 neighbor ip-address peer-group peer-group-name 144
8.21 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} prefix-list prefix-list-name in 146
8.22 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} prefix-list
prefix-list-name out 151
8.23 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} remote-as number 156
8.24 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} remove-private-as 159
8.25 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} route-map route-map-name in 161
8.26 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} route-map route-map-name out 167
8.27 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} route-reflector-client 173
8.28 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} send-community 177
8.29 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} shutdown 180
8.30 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} soft-reconfiguration inbound 181
8.31 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} timers keepalive holdtime 182
8.32 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} unsuppress-map route-map-name 183
8.33 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} update-source interface-name 186
8.34 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} version version-number 189
8.35 neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} weight default-weight 190
第9章 路由廣播 192
9.1 network ip-addresss 192
9.2 network ip-addresss mask network-mask 192
9.3 network ip-addresss backdoor 195
9.4 network ip-addresss mask network-mask backdoor 195
9.5 network ip-addresss route-map route-map-name 198
9.6 network ip-addresss mask network-mask
route-map route-map-name 198
9.7 network ip-addresss weight weight 198
9.8 network ip-addresss mask network-mask weight weight 198
第10章 重新分配路由 199
10.1 redistribute protocol 199
10.2 redistribute protocol metric metric 203
10.3 redistribute protocol route-map route-map-name 208
10.4 redistribute protocol route-map route-map-name metric metric 208
10.5 redistribute protocol weight weight 212
第11章 地址總結 213
11.1 summary-address 213
第12章 同步 214
12.1 synchronization 214
第13章 BGP計時器 218
13.1 timers bgp keepalive holdtime 218
第14章 BGP的show命令 221
14.1 show ip bgp 221
14.2 show ip bgp | begin line 221
14.3 show ip bgp | exclude line 221
14.4 show ip bgp | include line 221
14.5 show ip bgp prefix 223
14.6 show ip bgp prefix mask 223
14.7 show ip bgp prefix/mask-length 223
14.8 show ip bgp prefix mask longer-prefixes 224
14.9 show ip bgp prefix/mask-length longer-prefixes 224
14.10 show ip bgp prefix | begin line 225
14.11 show ip bgp prefix | exclude line 225
14.12 show ip bgp prefix | include line 225
14.13 show ip bgp prefix mask | begin line 225
14.14 show ip bgp prefix mask | exclude line 225
14.15 show ip bgp prefix mask | include line 226
14.16 show ip bgp prefix/mask-length | begin line 226
14.17 show ip bgp prefix/mask-length | exclude line 226
14.18 show ip bgp prefix/mask-length | include line 226
14.19 show ip bgp prefix mask longer-prefixes | begin line 226
14.20 show ip bgp prefix mask longer-prefixes | exclude line 226
14.21 show ip bgp prefix mask longer-prefixes | include line 226
14.22 show ip bgp prefix/mask-length longer-prefixes | begin line 226
14.23 show ip bgp prefix/mask-length longer-prefixes | exclude line 226
14.24 show ip bgp prefix/mask-length longer-prefixes | include line 226
14.25 show ip bgp cidr-only 227
14.26 show ip bgp cidr-only | begin line 227
14.27 show ip bgp cidr-only | exclude line 227
14.28 show ip bgp cidr-only | include line 228
14.29 show ip bgp community community-number(s) 228
14.30 show ip bgp community community-number(s) exact-match 228
14.31 show ip bgp community community-number(s) | begin line 228
14.32 show ip bgp community community-number(s) | exclude line 229
14.33 show ip bgp community community-number(s) | include line 229
14.34 show ip bgp community community-number(s) | begin line exact-match 229
14.35 show ip bgp community community-number(s) | exclude line exact-match 229
14.36 show ip bgp community community-number(s) | include line exact-match 229
14.37 show ip bgp community-list community-list-number 230
14.38 show ip bgp community-list community-list-number | begin line 230
14.39 show ip bgp community-list community-list-number | exclude line 230
14.40 show ip bgp community-list community-list-number | include line 230
14.41 show ip bgp community-list community-list-number exact-match 230
14.42 show ip bgp community-list community-list-number
exact-match | begin line 230
14.43 show ip bgp community-list community-list-number
exact-match | exclude line 230
14.44 show ip bgp community-list community-list-number
exact-match | include line 230
14.45 show ip bgp dampened-paths 231
14.46 show ip bgp dampened-paths | begin line 231
14.47 show ip bgp dampened-paths | exclude line 231
14.48 show ip bgp dampened-paths | include line 231
14.49 show ip bgp filter-list as-path-access-list 231
14.50 show ip bgp filter-list as-path-access-list | begin line 231
14.51 show ip bgp filter-list as-path-access-list | exclude line 231
14.52 show ip bgp filter-list as-path-access-list | include line 232
14.53 show ip bgp flap-statistics 232
14.54 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix/mask-length 232
14.55 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix/mask-length longer-prefixes 232
14.56 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix/mask-length
longer-prefixes | begin regular-expression 232
14.57 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix/mask-length
longer-prefixes | exclude regular-expression 232
14.58 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix/mask-length
longer-prefixes | include regular-expression 233
14.59 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix/mask-length |
begin regular-expression 233
14.60 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix/mask-length |
exclude regular-expression 233
14.61 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix/mask-length |
include regular-expression 233
14.62 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix 233
14.63 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix | begin regular-expression 233
14.64 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix | exclude regular-expression 233
14.65 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix | include regular-expression 233
14.66 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix mask 233
14.67 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix mask | begin regular-expression 233
14.68 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix mask | exclude regular-expression 233
14.69 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix mask | include regular-expression 234
14.70 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix mask longer-prefixes 234
14.71 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix mask longer-prefixes |
begin regular-expression 234
14.72 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix mask longer-prefixes |
exclude regular-expression 234
14.73 show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix mask longer-prefixes |
include regular-expression 234
14.74 show ip bgp flap-statistics filter-list list-number 234
14.75 show ip bgp flap-statistics filter-list list-number |
begin regular-expression 234
14.76 show ip bgp flap-statistics filter-list list-number |
exclude regular-expression 234
14.77 show ip bgp flap-statistics filter-list list-number |
include regular-expression 234
14.78 show ip bgp flap-statistics quote-regexp quoted-line 234
14.79 show ip bgp flap-statistics quote-regexp
quoted-line | begin regular-expression 234
14.80 show ip bgp flap-statistics quote-regexp
quoted-line | exclude regular-expression 235
14.81 show ip bgp flap-statistics quote-regexp
quoted-line | include regular-expression 235
14.82 show ip bgp flap-statistics regexp regular-expression 235
14.83 show ip bgp flap-statistics | begin regular-expression 235
14.84 show ip bgp flap-statistics | exclude regular-expression 235
14.85 show ip bgp flap-statistics | include regular-expression 235
14.86 show ip bgp inconsistent-as 236
14.87 show ip bgp inconsistent-as | begin line 236
14.88 show ip bgp inconsistent-as | exclude line 236
14.89 show ip bgp inconsistent-as | include line 236
14.90 show ip bgp neighbors 237
14.91 show ip bgp neighbors | begin line 237
14.92 show ip bgp neighbors | exclude line 237
14.93 show ip bgp neighbors | include line 237
14.94 show ip bgp neighbors ip-address advertised- routes 237
14.95 show ip bgp neighbors ip-address dampened- routes 237
14.96 show ip bgp neighbors ip-address flap-statistics 237
14.97 show ip bgp neighbors ip-address paths 237
14.98 show ip bgp neighbors ip-address paths line 237
14.99 show ip bgp neighbors ip-address received- routes 238
14.100 show ip bgp neighbors ip-address routes 238
14.101 show ip bgp paths 241
14.102 show ip bgp paths line 241
14.103 show ip bgp paths line 241
14.104 show ip bgp paths line 241
14.105 show ip bgp paths | begin line 241
14.106 show ip bgp paths | exclude line 241
14.107 show ip bgp paths | include line 241
14.108 show ip bgp peer-group 242
14.109 show ip bgp peer-group peer-group-name 242
14.110 show ip bgp peer-group peer-group-name summary 242
14.111 show ip bgp summary 243
14.112 show ip bgp summary | begin line 243
14.113 show ip bgp summary | exclude line 243
14.114 show ip bgp summary | include line 243
第15章 BGP的clear命令 245
15.1 clear ip bgp * 245
15.2 clear ip bgp * soft 245
15.3 clear ip bgp * soft in 245
15.4 clear ip bgp * soft out 245
15.5 clear ip bgp * soft in out 245
15.6 clear ip bgp AS-number 245
15.7 clear ip bgp AS-number soft 245
15.8 clear ip bgp AS-number soft in 245
15.9 clear ip bgp AS-number soft out 245
15.10 clear ip bgp AS-number soft in out 245
15.11 clear ip bgp neighbor-ip-address 246
15.12 clear ip bgp neighbor-ip-address soft 246
15.13 clear ip bgp neighbor-ip-address soft in 246
15.14 clear ip bgp neighbor-ip-address soft out 246
15.15 clear ip bgp neighbor-ip-address soft in out 246
15.16 clear ip bgp peer-group peer-group-name 246
15.17 clear ip bgp peer-group peer-group-name soft 246
15.18 clear ip bgp peer-group peer-group-name soft in 246
15.19 clear ip bgp peer-group peer-group-name soft out 246
15.20 clear ip bgp peer-group peer-group-name soft in out 246
15.21 clear ip bgp dampening 247
15.22 clear ip bgp dampening prefix mask 247
15.23 clear ip bgp flap-statistics 247
15.24 clear ip bgp flap-statistics prefix mask 247
15.25 clear ip bgp flap-statistics filter-list list-number 247
15.26 clear ip bgp flap-statistics regexp regular-expression 247
15.27 clear ip bgp neighbor-ip-address flap-statistics 247
第16章 BGP的debug命令 248
16.1 debug ip bgp 248
16.2 debug ip bgp neighbor-ip-address updates 249
16.3 debug ip bgp neighbor-ip-address updates access-list-number 249
16.4 debug ip bgp dampening 252
16.5 debug ip bgp dampening access-list-number 252
16.6 debug ip bgp events 253
16.7 debug ip bgp keepalives 254
16.8 debug ip bgp in neighbor-ip-address updates 254
16.9 debug ip bgp in neighbor-ip-address updates access-list-number 254
16.10 debug ip bgp out neighbor-ip-address updates 254
16.11 debug ip bgp out neighbor-ip-address updates access-list-number 254
16.12 debug ip bgp updates 255
16.13 debug ip bgp updates in 255
16.14 debug ip bgp updates out 255
16.15 debug ip bgp updates access-list-number 255
16.16 debug ip bgp updates access-list-number in 255
16.17 debug ip bgp updates access-list-number out 255
附錄A RFC 1771:邊界網關協議4(BGP-4) 258
BGP屬性 259
BGP路徑選擇 265
形成一個BGP連接 266
附錄B 正則表達式 268
附錄C 路由映射邏輯 271
格式1:permit/permit 275
格式2:permit/deny 276
格式3:deny/permit 276
格式4:deny/deny 277