中文名: The Internet Of Things
作者: Daniel Giusto
Luigi Atzori
Giacomo Morabito
Antonio Iera
圖書分類: 網絡
資源格式: PDF
版本: 英文版
出版社: Springer-Verlag New
書號: 9781441916730
發行時間: 2010年02月
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
內容簡介:This book presents a selection of papers submitted to the 20th Tyrrhenian Workshop, which took place in September 2009 in Sardinia, Italy. The workshop focused on the "Internet of Things." This subject is quickly emerging in the wireless technology arena. It describes the pervasive presence of a variety of devices—such as sensors, actuators, and mobile phones—which, through unique addressing schemes, are able to interact and cooperate with each other to reach common goals. This novel paradigm, which originated from the idea of "smart" environments, will be sure to impact the future of logistics, Intelligent Transportation Systems, business and process management, assisted living, E-health, and other applications.
The Internet of Things covers a wide array of essential topics related to this emerging paradigm, including infrastructures and applications, communication systems and network architectures, embedded systems, and location and tracking through navigation sensors. It also addresses the technological and social implications of this technology, as well as challenges that may arise.
內容截圖: 目錄:
Part I Networking Issues
Objects Communication Behavior on Multihomed Hybrid Ad Hoc Networks Bernardo Leal Luigi Atzori 3
Classification of Emerging Protocols in the Presence of Asymmetric Routing Manuel Crotti Francesco Gringoli Luca Salgarelli 13
Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in WSNs Arranged in Linear Topologies Luca Bergesio Mirko Franceschinis Maurizio Spirito Riccardo Tomasi 27
A Distributed Procedure for IEEE 802.15.4 PAN Coordinator Election in Emergency Scenarios Emanuele Cipollone Francesca Cuomo Anna Abbagnale 39
A Mobile Platform for Measurements in Dynamic Topology Wireless Networks Emanuele Scuderi Rocco Emilio Parrinello David Izal Gian Paolo Perrucci Frank H. P. Fitzek Sergio Palazzo Antonella Molinaro 49
Cluster-Based Irresponsible Forwarding Stefano Busanelli Gianluigi Ferrari Sooksan Panichpapiboon 59
Dynamic Spectrum Access Communications: Wavelet Modulation with Unequal Power Allocation Marco Lixia Maurizio Murroni 69
Optimal Cross-Layer Flow-Control for Wireless Maximum-Throughput Delivery of VBR Media Contents Enzo Baccarelli Mauro Biagi Nicola Cordeschi Tatiana Patriarca Valentina Polli 79
A Secure MPLS VPN Infrastructure for Complex Geodata Sensor Network Mirko Luca Lobina Tatiana Onali 89
Part II The Role of the Middleware
Making the Internet of Things a Reality: The WhereX Solution Antonio Puliafito Angelo Cucinotta Antonino Longo Minnolo Angelo Zaia 99
A Scalable Grid and Service-Oriented Middleware for Distributed Heterogeneous Data and System Integration in Context-Awareness-Oriented Domains David Parlanti Federica Paganelli Dino Giuli Agostino Longo 109
InterDataNet: A Scalable Middleware Infrastructure for Smart Data Integration Franco Pirri Maria Chiara Pettenati Samuele Innocenti Davide Chini Lucia Ciofi 119
Convergence: Extending the Media Concept to Include Representations of Real World Objects Nicola Blefari Melazzi 129
Service Oriented Middleware Solutions for Emergency Communication Networks Fabrizio Ronci Marco Listanti 141
Part III Localization and Applications
Localization Issues in a ZigBee Based Internet of Things Scenario Ugo Biader Ceipidor Massimiliano Dibitonto Luca D'Ascenzo Carlo Maria Medaglia 157
Low-Complexity Audio Signal Processing for Localization in Indoor Scenarios Marco Martalò Gianluigi Ferrari 167
Integrated GPS-Denied Localization, Tracking, and Personal Identification Stefano Tennina Luigi Pomante Fabio Graziosi Marco Di Renzo Roberto Alesii Fortunato Santucci 177
Design and Implementation of Smartphone Applications for Speaker Count and Gender Recognition Alessio Agneessens Igor Bisio Fabio Lavagetto Mario Marchese 187
Video Coding with Motion Estimation at the Decoder Claudia Tonoli Pierangelo Migliorati Riccardo Leonardi 195
Inter-Vehicle Communication QoS Management for Disaster Recovery P. Orefice L. Paura A. Scarpiello 205
Part IV RFID and Sensor Networks Technologies
Beyond the ID in RFID Christian Floerkemeier Rahul Bhattacharyya Sanjay Sarma 219
Performance Characterization of Passive UHF RFID Tags Leena Ukkonen Lauri Sydänheimo 229
Chipless Tags, the Next RFID Frontier S. Tedjini E. Perret V. Deepu M. Bernier 239
Backscatter Communication Using Ultrawide Bandwidth Signals for RFID Applications F. Guidi D. Dardari C. Roblin A. Sibille 251
Passive RFID Integrated Transponders for Automotive Applications Alberto Toccafondi Cristian Della Giovampaola Paolo Braconi Alessio Cucini 263
Sensor-Oriented Passive RFID Gaetano Marrocco Cecilia Occhiuzzi Francesco Amato 273
Performance Evaluation of UHF RFID Tags in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain M. De Blasi V. Mighali L. Patrono M.L. Stefanizzi 283
The Benefits of RFID and EPC in the Supply Chain: Lessons from an Italian Pilot Study Massimo Bertolini Eleonora Bottani Antonio Rizzi Andrea Volpi 293
RFID Data Analytics in Apparel Retail Frédéric Thiesse Jasser Al-Kassab 303
Towards the Future Internet of Sensors Olivier Alphand Andrzej Duda Martin Heusse Benoît Ponsard Franck Rousseau Fabrice Theoleyre 309
Energy and Distortion Minimization in “Refining” and “Expanding” Sensor Networks Franco Davoli Mario Marchese Maurizio Mongelli 319
An IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network for Energy Efficient Buildings Chiara Buratti Alberto Ferri Roberto Verdone 329
A Real Implementation and Deployment for Wine Production Management Based on Wireless Sensor Network Technology Luca Bencini Giovanni Collodi Davide Di Palma Antonio Manes Gianfranco Manes 339
Performance Evaluation of an IEEE802.15.4 Standard Based Wireless Sensor Network in Mars Exploration Scenario R. Pucci E. Dei Re D. Boschetti L. Ronga 349
The PECES Project: Ubiquous Transport Information Systems Antonio Marqués Manuel Serrano 359
HYDRA: A Development Platform for Integrating Wireless Devices and Sensors into Ambient Intelligence Systems Markus Eisenhauer Peter Rosengren Pablo Antolin 367
Probabilistic Information Dissemination for MANETs: The IPAC Approach Odysseas Sekkas Damien Piguet Christos Anagnostopoulos Dimitrios Kotsakos George Alyfantis Corinne Kassapoglou-Faist Stathes Hadjiethymiades 375
Part V Security and Privacy Issues
An Overview of Privacy and Security Issues in the Internet of Things Carlo Maria Medaglia Alexandru Serbanati 389
Privacy Challenges in RFID Systems Yong Ki Lee Lejla Batina Ingrid Verbauwhede 397
Security and Privacy Protection of Contactless Devices Olivier Savry François Vacherand 409
Private Location-Based Information Retrieval via k-Anonymous Clustering David Rebollo-Monedero Jordi Forné Miguel Soriano 421
Index 431