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《Visual C#2010從入門到精通》(Visual C# 2010 Step By
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《Visual C#2010從入門到精通》(Visual C# 2010 Step By 簡介:   導讀: 中文名: Visual C#2010從入門到精通原名: Visual C# 2010 Step By Step作者: John Sharp圖書分類: 軟件資源格式: PDF版本: 文字版出版社: Microsoft Press書號: 0735626707發行時間: 2010年地區: 美國語言: 英文簡 中文名: Visual
"《Visual C#2010從入門到精通》(Visual C# 2010 Step By"介紹
  導讀: 中文名: Visual C#2010從入門到精通原名: Visual C# 2010 Step By Step作者: John Sharp圖書分類: 軟件資源格式: PDF版本: 文字版出版社: Microsoft Press書號: 0735626707發行時間: 2010年地區: 美國語言: 英文簡 中文名: Visual C#2010從入門到精通原名: Visual C# 2010 Step By Step作者: John Sharp圖書分類: 軟件資源格式: PDF版本: 文字版出版社: Microsoft Press書號: 0735626707發行時間: 2010年地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:

c#作為微軟的旗艦編程語言,深受程序員喜愛,是他們編寫高效應用程序的首選語言。visual c# 2010新增了大量可圈可點的豐富特性,本書圍繞著基礎知識和這些新特性全面介紹了如何利用visual studio 2010和.net framework 4.0編寫應用程序。書中沿襲深受讀者歡迎的step by step風格,通過豐富的練習引導讀者逐步構建windows應用程序,訪問sql server數據庫,開發asp.net web應用程序,創建並使用web服務等。
全書共29章,結構清晰,敘述清楚。所有練習均在visual studio 2010簡體中文版上進行過全面演練。無論是剛開始接觸面向對象編程的新手,還是打算轉移到c#的具有c,c++或者java基礎的程序員,都可以從本書中吸取到新的知識。
Product Description
Teach yourself Visual C# 2010-one step at a time. Ideal for developers with fundamental programming skills, this practical tutorial features learn-by-doing exercises that demonstrate how, when, and why to use the features of the C# rapid application development environment. You'll learn how to use Microsoft Visual Studio® 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0; develop a solid, fundamental understanding of C# language features; and then get to work creating actual components and working applications for the Windows® operating system. You'll also delve into data management technologies and Web-based applications.
About the Author
John Sharp is the author of Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step and Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Step by Step. John is a principal technologist for Content Master Ltd., where he works on technology and training projects for a variety of international customers.
學習VC#2010(C#4.0)的好去處 .net視頻教程網
學習VC#2010(C#4.0)的好去處 .net視頻教程網


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