《OReilly Pocket Guide: 袖珍參考手冊 合集》(O 簡介: 導讀: 簡介: 內容介紹:O 簡介: 內容介紹: O'Reilly's Pocket References and Pocket Guides are comprehensive, inexpensive, compact, and easy to u
內容介紹: O'Reilly's Pocket References and Pocket Guides are comprehensive, inexpensive, compact, and easy to use. Our Pocket References provide you with quick lookup of the hard-to-remember details of programming and web syntax, while our Pocket Guides are short, focused tutorials that explain the basics of new technology, as well as valuable power user tips. 這是O'Reilly的‘袖珍參考手冊’系列,頁數不多,可以當做工具書來查閱。以後此系列有新書出來會同步更新。 希望大家各取所需 不要盲目下載 內容截圖: