導讀: 簡介: 內容介紹:This is the first genuine etymological dictionary of Old Chinese written in any language. As such, it constitutes a milestone in research on the evolution of the Sinitic language group. Whe
This is the first genuine etymological dictionary of Old Chinese written in any language. As such, it constitutes a milestone in research on the evolution of the Sinitic language group. Whereas previous studies have emphasized the structure of the Chinese characters, this pathbreaking dictionary places primary emphasis on the sounds and meanings of Sinitic roots. Based on more than three decades of intensive investigation in primary and secondary sources, this completely new dictionary places Old Chinese squarely within the Sino-Tibetan language family (including close consideration of numerous Tiberto-Burman languages), while paying due regard to other language families such as Austroasiatic, Miao-Yao (Hmong-Mien), and Kam-Tai.
Designed for use by nonspecialists and specialists alike, the dictionary is highly accessible, being arranged in alphabetical order and possessed of numerous innovative lexicographical features. Each entry offers one or more possible etymologies as well as reconstructed pronunciations and other relevant data. Words that are morphologically related are grouped together into word families that attempt to make explicit the derivational or other etymological processes that relate them. The dictionary is preceded by a substantive and significant introduction that outlines the author’s views on the linguistic position of Chinese within Asia and details the phonological and morphological properties, to the degree they are known, of the earliest stages of the Chinese language and its ancestor. This introduction, because it both summaries and synthesizes earlier work and makes several original contributions, functions as a useful reference work all on its own.
The ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese is a monumental achievement in the history of Chinese linguistics, offering many new hypotheses and systematically evaluating and incorporating earlier scholarship. It will be warmly welcomed by scholars in a wide variety of China- and Asia-related fields, including early Chinese language, literature, culture, and thought as well as the broader cultural-linguistic landscape of prehistorical East and Southeast Asia.
國外漢學家許思萊(Axel Schuessler)的頂級著作《ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese》2007年由University of Haxai'i Press出版。 本書作者1987年就出版了《西周漢語詞典》,並一直在JCL,LTBA等期刊上發表討論漢語上古音構擬、辭匯構成、藏文等等關於東亞語言方面的論文,這本詞典既包括了漢語內部詞族的討論,也涵蓋了漢語與其他東亞語言的關係詞(同源詞和借詞)。筆者以為,這是第一本真正意義上的漢語語源詞典。 本書分以下幾個部分,在前言、致謝、辭典安排、符號和縮寫之後,第1-147葉的目錄見下面的翻譯。第149-638葉是正文部分,按拼音順序排列,每個詞條下的內容包括:後漢音、上古音的搆擬;相關語言;英語釋義和文獻出處;柯蔚南的申叔舟正俗音、西北方音構擬、蒙古字韻轉寫;羅傑瑞的原始閩語構擬;相關的研究及作者的看法。當然,以上舉出的是最全的情況,大多數詞條只包括這些內容中的幾項。有語源關係或者意義相近的詞條,用互見法聯係在一起。第639-656葉則是英文的索引。
Axel Schuessler is emeritus professor at Wartburg College, Iowa.
引用(依然下午 2012 03 07, 01 16 PM)
ps:附錄A:東亞的語言和語族 附錄B:常用語言的字母順序目錄 附錄C:最早用例的文獻出處 參考書目
順便提一下,本書是梅維恆(Victor H.Mair)先生主持的《ABC漢語詞典系列》中的一種,其他即將出版的幾種著作中還包括柯蔚南(W.South Coblin)先生的《八思巴漢語手冊》。(同樣出自沈瑞清老師之筆)
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