導讀: 資源介紹 語言: 英文 地區: 英國 圖書fenlei: 外語 中文名: 朗文英語口語和筆語語法(語言學文庫) 發行時間: 2009年5月1日 資源格式: PDF 版本: 掃描版 簡介: 引用引用白盤的童鞋下載地址:朗
語言: 英文
地區: 英國
圖書fenlei: 外語
中文名: 朗文英語口語和筆語語法(語言學文庫)
發行時間: 2009年5月1日
資源格式: PDF
版本: 掃描版
The Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English is an entirely new grammar of American and British English-from the language of conversation to the language of academic textbooks. There are no made-up examples in this groundbreaking new-gramar. The authors began. not with preconceived notions of the grmmar of English. but with a huge bank of language data,the Longman Corpus Network. A six-year research project brought together the linguistic expertise of an intenational author team-all acknowledged experts in the field of corp
目錄: SECTION A Introductory
1 Introduction:a corpus-based approach to English grammar
1.1 introduction
1.2 Structure and use in English grammar
1.3 Varieties of English
1.4 Representation of varieties in the LSWE Corpus
1.5 Description of the register categories in the LSWE Corpus
1.6 Grammatical analysis of the LSWE Corpus
1.7 Quantitative findings in the grammar
1.8 Functional interpretation of quantitative findings
1.9 Overview of the grammar
1.10 Potential users and uses of the LGSWE
SECTION B Basic grammar:description and distribution
2 Word and phrase grammar
2.1 The nature of grammatical units
2.2 Words and their characteristics
2.3 Survey of lexical words
2.3 Survey of function words
2.5 Survey of inserts
2.6 Phrases and their characteristics
2.7 Types of phrase
2.8 Embedding of phrases
2.9 Coordination of phrases
2.10 Simple v.complex phrases
3 aause grammar
3.1 Clause v.non-clausal material
3.2 Major clause elements
3.3 Clause links
3.4 Peripheral elements
3.5 Major clause patterns
3.6 Variations on clause patterns
3.7 Ellipsis
3.8 Negation
3.9 Subject-verb concord
3.10 Types of dependent clauses
3.11 Finite dependent clauses
3.12 Non-finite clauses
3.13 Major types of independent clauses
3.14 Unembedded dependent clauses
3.15 Non-clausal material
SECTION C Key word classes and their phrases
4 Nouns,pronouns,and the simple noun phrase
4.1 Overview of nominals in discourse
4.2 The basic structure of noun-headed phrases
4.3 Types of nouns
4.4 Determiners
4.5 Number
4.6 Case
4.7 Gender
4.8 Noun formation
4.9 The role of pronouns in discourse
4.10 Personal pronouns
4.11 Possessive pronouns
4.12 Reflexive pronouns
4.13 Reciprocal pronouns
4.14 Demonstrative pronouns
4.15 Indefinite pronouns
4.16 Other pronouns
5 Verbs
5.1 Major verb functions and classes
5.2 Single-word lexical verbs
5.3 Multi-word lexical verbs
5.4 Main and auxiliary functions of primary verbs
5.5 Copular verbs
6 Variation in the verb phrase:tense,aspect,voice,and modality
6.1 Structure and meaning distinctions in the verb phrase
6.2 Tense
6.3 Aspect
6.4 Active and passive voice
6.5 Complex combinations of aspect and voice
6.6 Modals and semi-modals
6.7 Combinations of modal verbs with marked aspect or voice
6.8 Sequences of modals and semi-modals
7 Adjectives and adverbs
7.1 Overview
7.2 Defining characteristics of adjectives
7.3 Semantic grouping of adjectives
7.4 Attributive adjectives
7.5 Predicative adjectives
7.6 Adjectives in other syntactic roles
7.7 Comparative and superlative degree
7.8 Comparative clauses and other degree complements
7.9 Formation of adjectives
7.10 Adjectives in combination
7.11 Overview of adverbs
7.12 The form of adverbs
7.13 Syntactic roles of adverbs
7.14 Semantic categories of adverbs
7.15 Discourse choices for degree adverbs as modifiers
SECTION D More complex structures
8 Complex noun phrases
8.1 Overview
8.2 Structural types of premodification
8.3 Meaning relations expressed by noun + noun sequences
8.4 Noun phrases with multiple premodifiers
8.5 Restrictive v.non-restrictive postmodifiers
8.6 Major structural types of postmodification
8.7 Postmodification by finite relative clause
8.8 Postmodification by non-finite clause
8.9 Postmodification by prepositional phrase
8.10 Postmodification by appositive noun phrase
8.11 Noun phrases with multiple postmodiflers
8.12 Noun complement clauses v.nominal postmodifiers
8.13 Structural types of noun complement clause
8.14 Head nouns taking noun complement clauses
9 The form and function of complement clauses
9.1 Overview
9.2 That-clauses
9.3 Wh-clauses
9.4 Infinitive clauses
9.5 Ing-clauses
9.6 Ellipsis and pro-form substitution in post-predicate
complement clauses
9.7 Choice of complement clause type
10 Adverbials
10.1 Overview
10.2 Circumstance adverbials
10.3 Stance adverbials
10.4 Linking adverbials
SECTION Grammar in a wider perspective
11 Word order and related syntactic choices
11.1 Overview
11.2 Word order
11.3 The passive
11.4 Existential there
11.5 Dislocation
11.6 Clefting
11.7 Syntactic choices in conversation v.academic prose
12 The grammatical marking of stance
12.1 Overview
12.2 Major grammatical devices used to express stance
12.3 Major semantic distinctions conveyed by stance markers
12.4 Attribution of stance to the speaker or writer
12.5 Register differences in the marking of stance
13 Lexical expressions in speech and writing
13.1 Overview
13.2 Lexical bundles
13.3 Idiomatic phrases
13.4 Free combinations of verb + particle
13.5 Coordinated binomial phrases
14 The grammar of conversation
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Performance phenomena:dysfluency and error
14.3 The constructional principles of spoken grammar
14.4 Selected topics in conversational grammar
Conceptual index
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