中文名: 科學美國人:美妙的大腦
原名: The Scientific American Brave New Brain
作者: Judith Horstman
資源格式: PDF
出版社: Jossey-Bass
書號: 0470376244
發行時間: 2010年5月5日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
# Hardcover: 208 pages
# Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 1 edition (April 5, 2010)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0470376244
# ISBN-13: 978-0470376249
# Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 7.3 x 0.9 inches
感謝jianling網友介紹本書給我版權所有,並非本人制作,請勿用於商業用途,下載後24小時內刪除。如發現沒有源了或者速度很低的話請聯系我:[email protected]This fascinating and highly accessible book presents fantastic but totally feasible projections of what your brain may be capable of in the near future. It shows how scientific breakthroughs and amazing research are turning science fiction into science fact. In this brave new book, you'll explore:
* How partnerships between biological sciences and technology are helping the deaf hear, the blind see, and the paralyzed communicate.
* How our brains can repair and improve themselves, erase traumatic memories
* How we can stay mentally alert longer—and how we may be able to halt or even reverse Alzheimers
* How we can control technology with brain waves, including prosthetic devices, machinery, computers—and even spaceships or clones.
* Insights into how science may cure fatal diseases, and improve our intellectual and physical productivity
Judith Horstman presents a highly informative and entertaining look at the future of your brain, based on articles from Scientific American and Scientific American Mind magazines, and the work of today’s visionary neuroscientists.
Top Seven Predictions for the Future of the Brain
Amazon-exclusive content from author Judith Horstman
1) Wi-Fi Everything
Microchips in or on your brain will enhance memory, store data, and connect wirelessly to the internet, eliminating your cell phone and allowing you to control machines or even clones via mental wi-fi. See Chapter 7: Your Bionic Brain.
2) Cures for Dementia
Advances in neuroscience and bioengineering will render Alzheimer's, some brain damage, depression and perhaps even mental retardation largely preventable, curable and possibly reversible for many. See Chapter 3: Manipulating Your Memory.
3) Better Brain Power
Neuroenhancers - from smart pills to implants and devices––will improve thinking, enhance creativity, relieve depression, erase traumatic memories and boost mental endurance. See Chapter 2: Boosting Your Brain Power.
4) Bionic Brain Parts
Merging humans and machines with bionic or biological spare parts that already restore hearing and give sight to the blind could restore movement and speech to the paralyzed––and give super powers to the healthy. See Chapter 7: Your Bionic Brain.
5) Mind-Reading Brain Scans
Neuroimaging that now "reads" brains to detect disease will be able to accurately detect deception, antisocial tendencies, dangerous inclinations, your preference in sexual partners--and possibly predict your behavior. See Chapter 5: Looking Inside Your Brain.
6) Less Brain Surgery
Nanotechnology – the science of small – will be used to float drugs, chemicals and minuscule surgical instruments into your brain to treat tumors, clots and other traumas, and defective genes and cells will be able to be replaced. See Chapter 8: The Possible Dreams.
7) An Ethical Avalanche
The moral, legal and economic fallout from this amazing new technology will keep lawyers, lawmakers and the courts busy for decades dealing with issues of privacy, fairness, civil rights and even what it means to be human. See Chapter 9: Neuroethics; Facing the Dark Side.
本書截圖 目錄:
Introduction 1
Your Changeable Brain: Neurogenesis, Neuroplasticity,
and Epigenetics 7
h e Birth of Brain Cells: Neurogenesis 10
Changes in Your Brain: Neuroplasticity 11
Changes in Your Genes: Epigenetics 13
Keeping Your New Brain Cells 14
No Pain, No Gain 16
Brain Training Programs: Help or Hype? 17
What’s Next? And What About My Brain? 19
Boosting Your Brain Power 21
h e Brave New Pharmacy 22
Juicing the Brain: h e “Smart Drugs” 24
h e Caveats: Are h ese Really “Smart Pills”—and Are
h ey Safe? 26
Six Drug-Free Ways to Boost Your Brain 29
Boosting Your Brain with Meditation 31
Meditation Means Changing Your Brain 33
What’s Next? And What About My Brain? 35
3 Manipulating Your Memory 37
Memories Are Made of h is—We Hope 38
How Memory Works—the Short Version 39
Alzheimer’s Disease: h e Memory Epidemic 41
What We Know Now About Dementia 43
Marijuana to Ward Of Alzheimer’s? Wow.
Like, Cool. 44
Making Memories Stick Around 45
Erasing Bad Memories: A Morning-At er Pill
for the Brain 48
h e Toll of Mental Illness—and Anxiety 50
What’s Next? And What About My Brain? 52
4 Digital You: What the Digital Explosion Is Doing
to Your iBrain 55
Are You Born Digital—or a Digital Immigrant? 56
h e Brains of Digital Natives 57
h e Bad, the Good, and the Unknown Ef ects of
Technology 59
h e Future Is Closer h an You h ink 61
Uses of the Digital You 63
What About My Body? Balancing the iBrain and Your
Sensory Self 64
Beyond Digital: h e Serious Need for Play 66
What’s Next? And What About My Brain? 67
5 Looking Inside Your Brain: The Magic of
Neuroimaging 71
Smile, Say Cheese? Not Exactly: How an MRI Works 74
Picture h is: Psychopath, Pedophile, Autistic Toddler 76
Scanning the Other Half of Your Brain: Why White
Matter Matters 77
h e Limits of Brain Scans 79
h e Five Flaws of Brain Scans 80
What’s Next? And What About My Brain? 83
6 Rewiring the Brain Electric 87
h e Electrical Revolution: A History of Hot-Wiring
Your Head 88
h e Current Brain Research: Magnets to
Implants 90
Discovering Depression’s Sweet Spot 95
Could Implants Help Alzheimer’s Patients? 96
What’s Next? And What About My Brain? 97
7 Your Bionic Brain: The Merging of Brain
with Machines 101
Spare Parts 102
Bionic Brain Research Today 104
h e Britannica in Your Brain—and More 106
Artii cial Retinas: Giving Sight to the Blind 107
An Artii cial Hippocampus? 108
Putting h oughts into Action 110
How and Why Your Brain Is Better h an a
Computer—for Now 112
What’s Next? And What About My Brain? 114
8 The Possible Dreams: Stem Cells, Gene Therapy, and
Nanotechnology 117
h e Future of Stem Cells 120
Retinal Stem Cells from Adults Show Promise 122
h e Promise of Gene h erapy 123
Nanomedicine 125
What’s Next? And What About My Brain? 127
9 Neuroethics: Facing the Dark Side 129
Stem Cells: Still Fighting At er All h ese Years 132
Liar, Liar: Can Brain Scans Reveal the Truth? 133
Responsibility: My Sick Brain Made Me Do It (h e Devil
Made Me Do It?) 134
Privacy, Bias, and Self-Incrimination 136
Psychotreatment: Should We Force Psychopharmacological
h erapies? 137
Mental Doping on the Rise: h ey Jail Athletes,
Don’t h ey? 137
Issues Yet to Come: A Future of Busy Lawyers 138
10 The Past Is Prologue: To the Future 141
Sources 143
Illustration Credits 153
Glossary 155
About the Author 161
Index 163