中文名: 光學相干性的量子理論
原名: Quantum Theory of Optical Coherence
作者: Glauber
圖書分類: 科技
資源格式: PDF
版本: 文字版
出版社: Wiley
書號: 978-3-527-40687-6
發行時間: 2007年
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
這是一部 Roy Glauber 的論文和講座稿集,收錄了他從1963年至1999年發表的代表性的論文和講座的講稿。
Roy.J.Glauber教授生於美國紐約,24歲獲得哈佛大學物理學博士學位,現任哈佛大學物理系教授。作為2005 年諾貝爾獎物理學獎獲得者之一,Roy.J.Glauber教授奠定了量子光學理論的基礎,他揭示出在光學裡,量子理論同樣適用,因此對光粒子運動的描述成為可能。Roy.J.Glauber教授因為對“光學相干量子理論的貢獻”而獲獎。早在1963年Roy.J.Glauber教授就通過自己的先驅性工作,成功應用量子理論來解釋一些光學觀測結果,他的研究奠定了新興的量子光學理論基礎。
1 The Quantum Theory of Optical Coherenc
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Elements of Field Theory 2
1.3 Field Correlations 7
1.4 Coherence 10
1.5 Coherence and Polarization 15
Appendix 18
References 20
2 Optical Coherence and Photon Statistics
2.1 Introduction 23
2.1.1 Classical Theory 27
2.2 Interference Experiments 30
2.3 Introduction of Quantum Theory 35
2.4 The One-Atom Photon Detector 38
2.5 The n-Atom Photon Detector 46
2.6 Properties of the Correlation Functions 51
2.6.1 Space and Time Dependence of the Correlatio
2.7 Diffraction and Interference 56
2.7.1 Some General Remarks on Interference 58
2.7.2 First-Order Coherence 59
2.7.3 Fringe Contrast and Factorization 64
2.8 Interpretation of Intensity Interferometer Exp
2.8.1 Higher Order Coherence and Photon Coincid
2.8.2 Further Discussion of Higher Order Coherenc
2.8.3 Treatment of Arbitrary Polarizations 71
2.9 Coherent and Incoherent States of the Radiati
2.9.1 Introduction 75
2.9.2 Field-Theoretical Background 77
2.9.3 Coherent States of a Single Mode 80
16 Density Operators for Fermions 595
16.1 Introduction 595
16.2 Notation 597
16.3 Coherent States for Fermions 597
16.3.1 Displacement Operators 597
16.3.2 Coherent States 599
16.3.3 Intrinsic Descriptions of Fermionic States 600
16.4 Grassmann Calculus 601
16.4.1 Differentiation 601
16.4.2 Even and Odd Functions 601
16.4.3 Product Rule 602
16.4.4 Integration 602
16.4.5 Integration by Parts 603
16.4.6 Completeness of the Coherent States 604
16.4.7 Completeness of the Displacement Operators 604
16.5 Operators 605
16.5.1 The Identity Operator 605
16.5.2 The Trace 606
16.5.3 Physical States and Operators 606
16.5.4 Physical Density Operators 607
16.6 δ Functions and Fourier Transforms 608
16.7 Operator Expansions 610
16.8 Characteristic Functions 612
16.8.1 The s-Ordered Characteristic Function 613
16.9 s-Ordered Expansions for Operators 614
16.10 Quasiprobability Distributions 616
16.11 Mean Values of Operators 618
16.12 P Representation 619
16.13 Correlation Functions for Fermions 620
16.14 Chaotic States of the Fermion Field 621
16.15 Correlation Functions for Chaotic Field Excitations 624
16.16 Fermion-Counting Experiments 626
16.17 Some Elementary Examples 628
16.17.1 The Vacuum State 628
16.17.2 A Physical Two-Mode Density Operator 629
References 631
Index 632