中文名: 英語詞匯基礎
作者: R.Kent Smith
Beth Johnson
Carole Mohr
圖書分類: 外語
資源格式: PDF
版本: 第1版
出版社: 上海外語教育出版社
書號: 7810954571
發行時間: 2006年10月
地區: 大陸
語言: 英文
內容介紹: “英語詞匯學習叢書”由美國著名的教材教輔出版社townsend press出版,是美國大學生使用最為廣泛的擴大詞匯的教學輔導圖書之一。在美國,一個學生的前途在某種程度上取決於他的詞匯量的大小。對於我國廣大英語學習者來說,詞匯學習當然是英語學習的一個重要方面。
英語詞匯學習叢書 適用於我國學生對應階段水平
第1冊《英語詞匯入門》 高中階段和大學非英語專業初級階段
第2冊《英語詞匯基礎》 大學非英語專業四級(cet4)
第3冊《英語詞匯提高》 大學非英語專業六級(cet6)
第4冊《英語詞匯擴展》 高校英語專業二年級(tem4)
第5冊《英語詞匯突破》 高校英語專業高年級(tem8)
第6冊《英語詞匯飛躍》 高校英語專業高年級(tem8)
pretest of the whole book
unit one
unit one pretest
chapter 1 johnny appleseed / the lovable leech?
chapter 2 finding fault / what do your hobbies reveal about you?
chapter 3 fixing up fumiture / barbara"s date with her cousin
chapter 4 the vacuum-cleaner salesman / peace at last
chapter 5 study skills to the rescue! / how to control children
unit one review (crossword puzzle)
unit one tests
unit two
unit two pretest
chapter 6 toasters / a mean man
chapter 7 a special memory / watch your manners!
chapter 8 big brothers and sisters / kevin"s first date
chapter 9 differences in a gym program / teaching a lesson
chapter 10 knowing how to argue / a change of school, a change of heart
unit two review (crossword puzzle)
. unit two tests
unit three
unit three pretest
chapter 11 coming out of a coma / the office doughnut contest
chapter 12 the people"s choice / the christmas wars
chapter 13 what"s your type? / what a circus!
chapter 14 practicing kindness / the stinking rose
chapter 15 a modem fairy tale / wolf children
unit three review (crossword puzzle)
unit three tests
unit four
unit four pretest
chapter 16 a mismatched couple / a campaign to become class president
chapter 17 the famous detective / why so quiet?
chapter 18 fear of speaking / do you believe in magic?
chapter 19 the miracle runner / one of those days
chapter 20 pregnancy and alcohol / a criminal with a tail
unit four review (crossword puzzle)
unit four tests
unit five
unit five pretest
chapter 21 traveling with children / saving earth"s natural supplies
chapter 22 more fat, anyone? / is prison effective?
chapter 23 she changed my mind / so sue me
chapter 24 fear of public speaking / mrs.thornton"s condition
chapter 25 wacky weddings / the cost of hatred
unit five review (crossword puzzle)
unit five tests
posttest of the whole book
a answer key
1.answers to the pretest of the whole book
2.answers to the unit pretests
3.answers to the chapter activities
4.answers to the posttest of the whole book
b word list